Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Is It All Really Lost? Or, Should You Prepare To Face Disaster? 1

In previous posts I have made available the SSRF's predictions concerning WW3. They say that its a light vs darkness battle. In a recent post, the SSRF has laid out a WW3 aftermath scenario. Key predictions for 2018 are that half the world's population will die from war and its aftermath or from natural disasters. They claim that 70% of the world's infrastructure will be destroyed. Most of the cities will be completely destroyed. Everything will be contaminated by nuclear fallout. Food will be scarce for 10 years, as will be gasoline and electricity. There will be a breakdown of law and order. Crime, looting and fighting for survival will be prevalent. There will be all kinds of sicknesses and disease. Emergency services and Government will not be able to cope, if they exist at all. The impact of the war will be felt for 30 years and the rebuilding will take 100 years. They have predicted that Pakistan will have a devastating earthquake in 2016. They also predicted that in 2017 the countries of the Middle East will be destroyed by bombs. They had predicted that WW3 would begin in 2015. There was a definite trend to war in 2015. Many commentators agree that WW3 has already begun.. See here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Others predict that war is definitely very close. See here, here, here, and here. War is definitely on the horizonThis site ( and this) gives you an idea of the political build up to WW3. Both Russia and America are preparing for war. The USA is preparing for a cyber strike on Russia. The US has claimed to have done it. Russia is building fallout shelters. Russia has told its citizens to find out where the closest bunkers are. President Obama has threatened Russia with war while NATO and the UK is bolstering it's forces on the Russian border. In fact, NATO has put 300,000 troops on high alert. The Russian mood is that there will be war. Russia is deploying it's entire Northern Fleet to Syria. Sooner or later, the South China Sea situation might deteriorate, leading to war. US Army bases form an arc on the Russia border from Scandinavia all the way to Japan. This juxtaposition of Russian and US forces will lead to war provocations sooner or later. Who wins the US Presidential Elections in 2016 might be a factor in this though Mike Adams sees the coming collapse of Western Civilization.

Anyway Donald Trump has won the US Presidential Elections garnering the most Electoral Votes (306 to Hillary's 232). Some sites award Hillary the popular vote while others cite the latest numbers and give the popular vote to Trump. Soon after he won, calls for his assassination, protests and riots erupted. It is believed that George Soros is sponsoring this Purple Revolution. Putin congratulated him and expressed his desire to work with Trump for peace. President-elect Trump has to be officially elected by the Electoral College, then sworn in on January 20, 2017. That means Barack Obama is in office for another 2 months. It is, therefore, too early to say if there is a likelihood of WW3 erupting or escalating in 2017 or thereafter. Some have claimed that Trump's victory has pre-empted it! Also see here. Others predict a market crash in 2017 calculated to destroy Trump. Some say that ELECTIONS are a war between rival masonic factions! See here and here. Other bloggers are sceptical about Trump. He seems to have a lot of baggage! Here is a historical background to his clan. Make of it what you will! Some say that he is there as President-elect because the elites want it so! Trump's ties to Evangelicals is being questioned! His confidence is being traced to one of his mentors: Norman Vincent Peale! Others are saying that Trump is a zionist puppet! A Russian spokeswoman alleged that it was Jewish money which caused Trump's win. Another blog asks "Have Americans been Neo-conned"? Another blogger questions whether Trump is an 'anti-globalist' or a 'con man'. Trump's past sexual exploits has received much attention and speculation. For the American voters, however, Trump represents hope! Good Trump or bad Trump, time will tell, though John Kaminski thinks that the NEW BOSS is the same as the OLD BOSS. Others question Trump's sincerity, noting his stance on 9/11 and his friendship with Rudy Giuliani. Henry Makow opines that Trump is about 'making Israel great again'. Paul Craig Roberts is quite correct, though, that Trump should be given a chance because there are no people other than insiders to appoint to his Cabinet! The USA is divided over Trump's victory: some protest and riot while others celebrate. News-sites like www.whatreallyhappened.com and www.rense.com share the good news about President-elect Donald Trump. Considering Trump's background, his election promises, his Cabinet appointees and his burgeoning popularity, bloggers are cautiously optimistic. Trump seems to be the ultimate foil to the NWO and the answer to what's wrong with the USA, and perhaps the western world. Western Europe, however, is in dire distress with an influx of Moslem and African refugees. The gates of hell seems to have been opened there. God help the earth if the SSRF's predictions come true, or if civilisation collapses!


"While the world seems getting to the point of making its last gasps, the Elites and darkside masses are doing business as usual. You still have to face toxicities in practically every material thing you use or interact with. You still have to face the system of the darkside masses, with its sex school and their stranglehold over the societies and communities. The systems in place are not going to evaporate because the world seems to be coming to an end. It is understandable that Armageddon-frenzy can confine one's research to escape or survival. One still has to pay attention to the present life, and examine the matrix with a view to changing it to resemble something moral and good: something which will give your life what it does not currently have. Anxiety must not be allowed to reign. If death comes, it comes. If you lack the wherewithal to remove yourself from the rapidly closing jaws of destruction, it will not be that you didn't try. Maybe you don't believe the signs and portents which convey the sad ending, and believe that something will happen to stop all this. Fine! Hope is an ally. But do not classify those signs and portents as the negativity of people who should know better. Continue to trust the systems you live under, if that grants you relief. Some people research to get convenient truths. Some want to know what the current reality is, so that they can accept the things they can't change, while changing the things that they can. Those who have discovered purpose do not live willy-nilly: they become the change that they want! You have to know what to fight back against as you live from day to day. You also have to prepare to face the onset of war and the dislocations that it will entail. During war, there is societal breakdown. Your judgement of people will be your next best skill. Study people and see what they are, in order to be able assess their future potentials. Movies with zombies, robots, drones, UFOs etc give us added dimensions to our prognostications. What will you eat? How will you live? What will you do between now and the 'then' that will unfold? More importantly, if you survive Armageddon, will you be part of re-creating the world as you knew it, with all its plots and unhappiness? You must see how things work in the present in order to know what to change, and what to keep. Any world that operates as badly as this one, will end the same way: another Armageddon in the making!

Confidence in God doing personal salvage and rescue is at an all-time low. We are told that God is using Armageddon to destroy evil, and restore goodness throughout the Earth. He is probably acting in the interests of  the whole rather than on a person to person basis. So looking for help or rescue for yourself from the Divine Hierarchy, is probably going to end in disappointment. There is no good team to fight for, or to expect help from, if one considers the spiritual leaning of the masses. The majority are darksiders, living and doing things the darkside way. satan has installed himself in most human bodies, and manages the bounties of Earth for his own ongoing benefit, and continued rulership. So, there is no help in your personal lives, coming from any source. The Divine hierarchy is sending good energy to us. This is cancelling out satan's energy. But, the physical infrastructure on Earth is still in the hands of the darksiders. You can get some knowledge and guidance if you develop a partnership with God. But, it seems that that is all the help you can get. It is an awakening when you discover that nobody really cares. Your life is up to your efforts despite the knock-downs from the darksiders. Good people hardly ever reap the fruits of their efforts. The Bhagavad Gita urges you to do the action but do not be attached to the fruits thereof. This means that the fruits of action can be denied. You don't want to be hurt when such denial is experienced. In a world where there is a preponderance of bodies ruled by the dark side, physical fightback is to court a quick death. It is plain suicide. One must fight back against the invisible dark side entities. One has to ignore the innumerable bodies and see that it is all one invisible darkside force that governs them. You have to defend yourself from the spiritual warfare that this force levies on you. It tries to suppress you, the soul, and feed the darkness within you so it can assume control of your body. The body is yours, but you have to fight to retain ownership and use of it. That you try to do so, draws the ire of the darkside society. The system of the darkside masses is a device used to convert you into a darksider. They call the whole process a 'game'. Don't play the game. Use techniques which render the force and coercion they use to 'catch' you, ineffectual. Turn life into a defense against the war being made against your spirit.This is the soul's fightback to survive. Physical survival must also be crafted.

You have to examine the system of the darkside masses to understand how they use it to install the dark side as ruler of the body. In the process you will see that every move is scripted towards the satanic way of living. Goodness, morality and commonsense is outlawed while darkside natures, powers and ego reign supreme. The individual is turned into a cog in the darkside god-machine, and all goodness and freedom is stripped away. People are converted into sexual objects using coercion, darkside collusion, and powers. Darksiders ensure that everyone is on the same page: theirs! There is no room for free will and individual choice. There is no room for righteousness. There is no room for God or for following Christ. I have been included against my will into several sex-school and allied 'games' as a 'stooge. I was told that I followed Christ too closely. The darksiders, especially female, used all their schemes and powers against me. I didn't die, as they hoped. But, I was pauperised and ruined. I have nothing, and I am nothing. I have gotten old by starting afresh everytime they knocked me down. This world is darkside territory, and no different consciousness is tolerated. If you have no major game-playing color or darkside tribe to back you up as you live, you will end up dead or ruined. Even worse, your life becomes sheer torture as you suffer in the crossfire created by the major colors. The people engaged in the sex-school and allied games are all 'eyeball-readers'. They are all on the same page, and with the same intent, as those who deliver instructions and corrupt data to their 'eyeballs'. They do not take no for an answer, and do not stop their war on you, in leniency or defeat. They keep insisting on denying you a material life, and in 'cleaning' and 'cooking' you. These are the techniques that they use cause your death, kill your soul, and convert your body to darkside rule. Presently, the darksiders have lost most of their satanic powers. They have, however, learnt to substitute with EMFs."
(Extracted from my post SEX AS A TOOL OF CONTROL. 2)

"If you want to prevent the occurrence of a survival scenario, who or what will you fight in the external world? Consider this: it is the contents of the earthly matrix that creates 'what is'. It is the 'contents' of the matrix that makes the world more and more evil. You have to look there for answers as to why the earth is experiencing ruination and destruction. God has no 'keep-it-as-kali-age' device or plan that prevents this evil world from becoming good. There are no planetary configurations that are working to produce death, destruction and Armageddon. Evil or darkside people are just not being fought back against. They are completely hijacking the world for their own ends and purposes. You have to point your finger at the real causes of evil things happening on earth: the darkside forces. One has to fight back against the darksiders, both elites and masses, to ensure that they cannot hijack and use your body for their agenda. You have to fight evil people not planetary configurations or other imaginary causes of earth's continuous descent into evil and ruination. You can't readily fight the elites who do not share your neigborhoods, while having armies to call on. You can't fight the darkside masses physically because they are more numerous. You have to fight their attacking strategies, their poisons, their propaganda and their psychic weapons. You fight by getting the knowledge, and by living that knowledge in your daily schedule. You have to save yourself. Hoping that some saviour appears whether it is God, aliens or some earth-based power is to accept your powerlessness. One thing is sure: you have to fight your own dark side which lusts after, and grieves for, the contents of the world. Your dark side within is the traitor that sells you out, and makes you accessible to the darksiders. If you have to run and hide, your own darkside implant will reveal your location and movements. No need for micro-chipping really! Only your immediate and eventual survival matters in these end-times. Your accumulations will be a hindrance to your plans for escape. If you are well-to-do, it's easy to skip town. The poorer classes will have to stand and fight or make a run for it when the time comes. Did you reduce your possessions so as to be able to exit quickly? Did you stock up on must-haves for the survival environment? Can you navigate amidst sub-human people? Can you live off the land? Can you survive the cold? Can you dissolve the decades of greed, craving and desires implanted in your head/darkside? These will either slow you down or send you off course. Can you face a world which will give you grief when it destroys the things, people, places and events you appreciate or like? Prepping for the coming destruction is more complicated than others make it out to be. Becoming soul, and  living out its qualities while utilising its potentials, is crucial. It is the only way to make yourself ready for the guidance that will help your chances of survival."
(Extracted from my post: Fighting Back With Nutrition.....Why Nutrition? 2)

Is all really lost? ALL IS LOST is a movie starring Robert Redford. View the trailer here. Read the Wikipedia entry here. It is one of the truly symbolic yet relevant films. When someone tries all he can possibly try to handle his circumstances in life and cannot stem the onslaught of a an environment 'determined' to configure his demise, the tendency is to conclude at some point that 'All Is Lost'. In the film, Redford practically sees the writing on the wall as he sinks into the water in the closing stages of the movie. He had tried his best to help himself , and to attract help. The approaching flashlight, which signals the possibility of help, keeps coming closer, and does not veer away. With unexpected strength, he surfaces to meet a proffered hand, extended to rescue him. The message of the film probably is: Having done all you can, and though you know it's time to quit, don't give up! In real life, the challenge is to educate yourself and make winning moves based on truth. All other kinds of moves lose eventually. There is not much you can do in the event of nuclear war, economic meltdown or disease pandemics, though you can prepare for a worst case scenario. There is much information and advice, available online, about preparing or 'prepping' for disaster, and its aftermath. Here is something for new preppers. This site tells you why and how to prepare. The SSRF has issued a Survival Guide for the aftermath of WW3This site gives you an idea of conventional prepping but adds financial prepping to the list. The Natural News site gives good tips on prepping and for survival in the social chaos that is expected to erupt in America because of the 2016 Elections. Even the 1% is prepping for a calamitous future scenarioThis writer has even given instructions for home defense when social chaos erupts. Here is a site that deals with prepping for economic collapse. This site (see here also) gives you the foods to include in prepping. Here are instructions for building an emergency medical kit. Here are ideas on dealing with being shot! This site gives you info on skills necessary to survive disaster. Relocating out of the 'hot' zones and principal target areas may give you survival, depending on the degree of escalation. Why wait? In fact, the greatest threat might be the rampaging 'zombie' masses searching for food or other commodities. Being out of the urban areas then becomes necessary. Preppers who have stores of survival goods will be sure targets for marauders. Potential sites of mass destruction from things like natural disasters, viruses (whether real or concocted) and mass poisonings must be avoided if one wants to survive. The Georgia Guidestones and others tout a reduced population. Eugenics seems to be the method chosen by the elites to obtain this reduction. Human populations are controlled by both elites and the darkside masses everywhere.The control of the masses by the elites is probably effected by the agency of secret societies or freemasons. The darkside masses were created by the elites, and are used both for system-building and for it's preservation. The masses thus govern local societies in the mode designed by the elites. Keeping the masses busy with distractions seems to be the modus operandi of the elites. This is why untrammeled desire and consumerism shapes the lives of the masses. This is why having sex is the basis of the system of the masses.  Few can manage to free their attentions enough to discover the ruling elites and their methods of control. One outcome of the focus on sex and the sex school is accelerated population growth. For the darkside/bacteria combo this means more bodies to use in their cause of ruling the earth. Since the elites put that system in train, why would they want to destroy the masses by war and eugenics? Maybe it's because they can!

You must judge if you can survive or not, after evaluating the moves necessary for escape from whatever disaster scenarios you foresee. Keep preparing and changing yourself for whatever comes your way. The Health Ranger has set up information sites on pandemic preparedness, and on taking care of your brain. Make use of articles like these and resources like these. Your aim is to avoid dying, though it is inevitable. You have to accept your mortality but keep fighting against the enemies of life. You have to find out who or what those enemies are. Research is necessary. Those enemies you can see will be easier to defend against. Those you can't see like the dark side, bacteria and EMFs are more difficult to fight. You have to find out what those threats are that you do not already know. There are threats that you do not know because of the blind spots or gaps in your knowledge that prevent you from seeing them. Did you know that microwave energy can possibly be used to generate earthquakes? How can you prepare for natural disasters if you do not know where they will strike? You cannot see bacteria, dark side entities or dirty electricity. Does that mean that they do not exist? Or, if you know they exist, that they cannot hurt you? You have to do the research because that kind of information will not come and meet you. It will not be broadcasted on the mainstream media. There are significant threats to health which you need to become aware of. Do you drink unfiltered tap water because you figure that there's nothing wrong with it? Well, tap water is not safe! It contains too many contaminants. Even the air you breathe is very contaminated. Do you use toothpaste with fluoride because you feel that its manufacturers will never put anything in there that will hurt anybody? Do you believe that anybody who says fluoride is not good for your health is a conspiracy 'nut'? When doctors and researchers say that fluoride is a health risk, you have to become cautious. Fluoride causes hypothyroidism, weight gain and worse. When they say that GMO foods are a health risk, you have to become cautious. Do you still have faith in the silver amalgam in your teeth despite ongoing health concerns? You may not believe it but silver amalgam contains mercury which is a poison. What about your carpets and rugs? Well, they poison you too! Read more here. In real life, all is not lost if you research the health risks of things in your life and avoid anything with risks. You also have to undo the damage done so far. You have to dodge the bullets from the methods of slow-kill by avoidance. Escaping from the consequences of nuclear war is an almost impossible challenge! Avoidance of war is just as difficult as escape from it. The systems of the elites and of the darkside masses consume your time in ways acceptable to them. Deviation is frowned upon. Living as a soul and defending against all those things that shorten your life are roads less traveled. Yet, these are the roads that give you spiritual evolution and meaningful purpose while alive!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Fighting Back Against The Darkside/Bacteria Combo In A Nutshell. 2

I have not posted for 6 months. I thank the readers for keeping this blog alive. The truth is that this blog is being written from the battlefield. I can post only when I am able to. For the last 10 years, I have been under attack by EMFs from the apartment below me. 2 years ago, the darksider upgraded to a microwave weapon. These weapons are illegal. Microwaves are distinctive because it heats up the flesh, which burns awful bad. I have no help in this town: not family (who refuse to move), not Police (who say they are not trained for this), not even the EPA (which claims to deal only with ionizing radiation). Even the landlord wants me out of this country, so he allied with the Afro-american culprit. The townsfolk know but they are pretending that it is a good thing, or they question my integrity. No-one is doing anything about it. 'People-cooking' is what is being done on me by the darksiders in this area. This site gives you an insight into the brutal torture that is involved. Not unsurprisingly, I developed medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, palpitations, rashes and insomnia. And the pain and burning gets really excruciating, especially in the heat of summer! There are other medical issues like leaky gut, sundry abdominal lumps, thinning hair, gaunt features, varicose veins and other symptoms of  accelerated aging, and of a body falling to pieces. Nothing works to block it. Nutritional therapies cannot deal with the consequences of this 24/7 microwave radiation which goes as high as 44 milli-Gauss. Palpitations can lead to stroke, heart attack and death. Even the attending physicians dispute the existence of such a weapon, and the reality of my experiences. Maybe, this is how it will end. I have been tweaking my entries to try to give you the nitty-gritty of this blog. I am not short of material but there is great difficulty in accessing the mental tranquility necessary for this kind of writing. Keep reading and keep experimenting. Change cannot be had except if you try. No magical methods of salvation exists. If you don't try, how will you know...or grow! I will keep trying to find an answer to my problem. If anyone has a solution please let me know. Evil rules, and they are showing me who is boss in a world where God seems to be an absentee landlord! Then they say "Hard luck", as if they are innocent bystanders!

Without alkalising the body, any fightback against the darkside/bacteria combo will fail. To destroy the bacteria, viruses and fungi that make up 90% of the body's cells, one can temporarily take the alkalinity of the body up to just above 8.0. Stay there for a couple days then come back down to 7.4 and always remain slightly alkaline. Here is how a cancer cure was achieved. Dr Mark Sircus has exposed the connections between pH and cell voltages. Alkaline cells have millivolts of current to give but in the acidic mode accept electricity from the outside. Cells change from electron donors to electron stealers, as alkalinity changes to acidity. This change can be experienced if one lives in an environment of geopathic radiation or weak EMFs. Instead of giving off energy, the body accepts energy. Strong EMFs cannot be fought back against by pH adjustment. Acid cells become congested because the calcium that is brought in from the bones and teeth, to restore alkalinity, cannot return to the bones and teeth unless vitamins K2, A, and D3 are there to conduct the process. This clogging of the cells and the interference with cellular processes makes bacteria more welcome. Both oxygen and antioxidant levels stay at low levels because they are used up in fighting free radicals generated under acid conditions. In alkaline conditions, both oxygen and anti-oxidants are in abundant supply. Bad bacteria act like receptors in the body for the energies and influences of the external darkside. This is why the darkness outside is able to affect you. This is why they focus on activities, pleasures and enjoyments which facilitate bacterial growth, the enlargement of bacterial colonies, and the transmission of bacteria. Increased bacterial numbers results in greater collective power, within and outside. Acidic pH thus creates the conditions within the body for a heightened level of external energy influence. Darkside attacks (energy, voices etc) are initially very troublesome. The soul is confronted by a threat which it cannot understand, or disable, or fight back against. There are no pointers existing to mark the way out of this dilemma with no name. This darkside modus operandi has come to be considered part of normal human existence. One adapts by putting on a behavioral mask which would hopefully deceive the darkside spies and the all-seeing eye. All the darksiders' ability to impinge on you with their powers and abilities depends on the alkalinity of the body, the nature of the bacteria within you, and the strength of the darkside entity found within. Bacteria is a term used here to generally mean bacteria, viruses, fungi and any other microscopic life-forms which inhabit the body. Reducing the bacterial load is do-able. But earth is replete with bacteria and they will re-inhabit the body. Aerobic bacteria are our allies. Use these good bacteria to keep the bad anerobic bacteria under control. Being bacteria-free is possible too, if one uses anti-bacterial therapies regularly. You do feel very harmonious when the bad bacterial load is gone. The consciousness interferences, like the constant mental chatter, thirsts and emotions (eg hate, passion, desire etc) stop, and are replaced by a cool and serene head. Destroy the bad bacteria, install good bacterial allies within, and feed the cells. Then, the darksiders have nothing but physical force and managerial control of the economy and society as weapons.

Feeding the cell what it needs must be self-done because no other agency puts this as the goal of food and drink. Chefs in restaurants and delis do not do this for you. 'What the cells need' was not a factor in the creation of foods that are market-oriented, customary, traditional or ethnic. Taste, tradition, appearance of foods and exoticity are the prime considerations of those who create meals for you, whether it is vendors or family. You have to break away from that kind of nutrition and utilise the findings of nutritional science to create new menus which get the job of feeding the cells done. You have to source your materials, supplements, your tools and equipment. You have to plan your meals ahead of time, and source your ingredients. You have to prepare your meals knowing fully that the ingredients and raw materials you have zealously sourced will have no deleterious effects on your body. You have to research the nutritional knowledge. You have to research the foods available by visiting the shops. After creating your menus of food and supplements, and using them, you can guage if your body responds in the direction of greater health and harmony. Your body will respond with change. If it does not change as much as expected,  adjust your ingredients and supplements accordingly. Self-created nutritional menus are an ongoing experiment which is enhanced as you acquire more information from research and experimentation. So, you cannot afford to go blindly into your nutritional experimentation. You have to question the usefulness of everything involved in meal preparation. You cannot use microwave ovens as your heat source for those foods that need cooking. It destroys the nutrients. Wood is one of the best heat sources but it is impractical in the modern urban world. Natural gas and electricity are the more popular heat sources. You cannot use aluminum utensils because it leaches out into the food. Even iron pots seem to be hazardous. Glass, stainless steel and enameled pots are the best. Non-stick surfaces or teflon-coated pots are hazardous to your health. Wooden or stainless steel spoons are okay. Aluminum foil is not suitable for wrapping food, while plastic containers contain BPH. One cannot kill the foods by overcooking. This is what happens when you bake foodstuffs. Light sauteing or stir fry is the better method. If the food has to be cooked, like meat or potatoes, then you can't help it. One usually uses oils to cook with. Coconut oil is the best. Olive oil is not good for high heat frying. Other oils like canola oil, soybean oil and vegetable oils have problems associated with them. Even butter or ghee is good for cooking with. Table salt is not good. Try sea salt instead. Curry is excellent for cooking with. The turmeric in curry works synergistically with black pepper and ginger. One has to use seasonings to cook with. Most of the culinary herbs help the digestive process and the body as a whole eg onions, garlic, cayenne, basil, thyme, etc. The problem is that while onion and ginger remains the same when cooked, herbs with volatile components get degraded by excessive heat. So one has to add the herbs when the food is almost done. The problem with other people's cooking is that they often use tap water, aluminum utensils and bad oils, while putting in seasonings/condiments/additives etc that contain things not good for health eg msg, food dyes and preservatives. Only when you do it yourself can you control what goes into your body.

You have to unlearn, and shelve, much of what you understand about food in order to embrace any new kind of feeding. You cannot keep saying you need meat, rice, eggs, milk, etc. You cannot keep eating what's on the menu eg rice and beans, cheese sandwiches, fried rice and fried chicken, pizza etc. You need nutrients not food! You cannot keep believing that you eat 'better' or more healthy when you go out to lunch or dinner at your favorite restaurant. You cannot continue to believe that commercial fare, ethnic or traditional foods adequately takes care of your nutritional needs. You cannot take your dietary tips from radio, TV or other mainstream media. You have start from scratch and devise a new feeding plan based on what the cells in your body need. You do not need meat, you need amino acids. There are a lot of problems associated with meat consumption, so you would want to get into safer alternatives that supply amino acids. Grass-fed whey protein that is cold-processed seems to be the best alternative. Yet, meat supplies essential, conditionally essential and non-essential amino acids. In addition, non-muscular meat supplies specific amino acids, gelatin and substances that build and repair joints and ligaments. Other sources of complete proteins are hempseed, milk and cottage cheese. One has to research in order to choose the least troublesome sources! You need carbs but not in the excessive amounts often used. They are not nutrient-dense foods, and have almost nothing to contribute to the cells except sugar. Wheat is a bad choice because of it being usually refined, because of its gluten content, because wheat crops are probably sprayed with glyphosate to facilitate uniform drying, because it is bleached with alloxan which is linked to the destruction of the beta cells in the pancreas, and because it is an acidic food. Complex carbs are recommended because the sugar production is staggered unlike in the case of simple or refined carbs. Wheat, white potatoes and rice are equally damaging to health. There are substitutes like spelt, teff, amaranth, buckwheat and wild rice. Tubers, squash, plantains, green bananas and fruits supply carbs too. One has to use nutrient-dense foods otherwise one is consuming food that fills but does not feed the cells. One has to look at the nutrients in the food items one consumes and choose those with the maximum range of nutrients. This takes research. The food menus one usually consumes were not created with this requirement in mind. Dr Josh Axe has an excellent website in which he gives the nutritional benefits of various foods. In preparing meals based on nutrient necessity, nutrient complementarity and nutrient density, one is eliminating fillers and useless foods, while feeding the cells with what they need for optimum functioning. Cooking may not be necessary if you want the maximum nutrition from foods. Raw-fooders have this argument in their favor. Of course, they admit the need for meat-eaters to cook meat, and the need for stir-frying or sauteing certain veggies. Making smoothies and juicing are sure ways of getting the best nutrition from plants and fruits. Smoothies, however, gives you too much indigestible fiber. Digestive enzymes could remedy this. Blenders and vertical juicers do produce excessive heat which degrades the nutrients. An augur-type juicer is your best bet for getting the maximum nutrition from plants, veggies and fruits. Plant juices supply amino acids, fatty acids, minerals, carbs, enzymes, essential oils and vitamins. They are fresh, potent and easily absorbable. The problem is that the amounts are small compared to the minimum daily requirement, and the full range of nutrients will not be present in any single plant source. Watercress, kale and collard greens are the most nutrient-dense plants used in smoothies or in juicing, Supplements are therefore necessary.

The human body needs good fats and oils, vitamins, macro and trace minerals, enzymes and other substances that enhance the wellness of the body eg oxygen, detoxifiers, decalcifiers, specific herbal compounds (eg quercitin from onions, allicin from garlic, curcumin from turmeric etc), anti-bacterials, anti-oxidants, bioflavonoids, collagen etc etc. Research will fill in the blind spots in your nutritional knowledge, Dr Axe, Dr Mercola, Greenmedinfo and Dr Mark Sircus are excellent sites for acquiring knowledge. There are many books on the subjects of nutrition and herbs, juicing and healing therapies by leading researchers. Phyllis A Balch is one of the leading authors in nutritional and herbal healing. The internet, however, is a goldmine of information. We have been lied to about cholesterol. Writers have debunked the Cholesterol Fraud or the Cholesterol Hoax.  Some claim that the problem is homocysteine. The Pauling Therapy site reveals the following:
"Many investigators contributed to demonstrating that it is lipoprotein(a) that is deposited in plaques, not merely LDL, but lipoprotein(a), or Lp(a) for short. If you have more than 20 mg/dl in the blood it begins to deposit plaques and causes atherosclerosis. The question then is: What causes Lp(a) to stick to the wall of the artery and form these plaques?

"Countless biochemists and chemists discovered what in the wall of the artery causes Lp(a) to adhere and form atherosclerotic plaques and ultimately lead to heart disease, strokes, and peripheral arterial disease. The answer is that there is a particular amino acid in a protein in the wall of the artery - lysine - which is one of the twenty amino acids that binds the Lp(a) and causes atherosclerotic plaques to develop. I THINK IT IS A VERY IMPORTANT DISCOVERY"

"Knowing that lysyl residues are what causes Lp(a) to stick to the wall of the artery and form atherosclerotic plaques, any physical chemist would say at once that to prevent that put the amino acid lysine in the blood to a greater extent than it is normally. You need lysine, it is essential, you have to get about 1 gram a day to keep in protein balance, but we can take lysine, pure lysine, a perfectly non toxic substance as supplements, which puts extra lysine molecules in the blood. They enter into competition with the lysyl residues on the wall of arteries and accordingly count to prevent Lp(a) from being deposited, or even will work to pull it loose and destroy atherosclerotic plaques."

- Linus Pauling (From the Linus Pauling Video on Heart Disease, 1992)
Dr Pauling used high doses of Vitamin C and Lysine to reverse coronary heart disease in as little as 30 days. Proline and Vitamin K2 have been added to the regimen. Read Dr Mercola's take on the subject here. It seems that the powers-that-be do not want Dr Pauling's Therapy in their collection of recommended treatments. There are other substances which dissolve plaque like EDTA and serrapeptidase (or serrapeptase). Heavy metals are removed by EDTA, chorella and liquid zeolite. So, one must include good oils (eg flaxseed oil, fish or krill oil) olive oil, coconut oil) and fats in one's nutritional menus. These provide cell nutrients, energy and the raw materials for cellular construction. One should also stay away from questionable oils and fats eg hydrogenated oils, vegetable oils, transfats and animal fats. Canola oil, touted as the best for high heat frying, is not a good oil. Read more here, here and here. Here's a listing of essential minerals that you need. You do need mineral supplements. Two of the most complete sources of minerals are shilajit and seaweeds. Sea salt also contains minerals. A multi-vitamin supplement may not supply enough of each vitamin for your needs. Neither will your diet, even if you do juicing and smoothies. Individual vitamins from organic sources must be purchased. Vitamins are either water soluble or fat soluble. They include A, B, C, D, E and K. Vitamin K2 is important in plaque reduction since it sends the calcium to the bones and teeth. It must be used with Vitamins A and D. Vitamin K2 Mk 4 seems to be the more effective version compared to Vitamin K2 Mk 7. There is an abundance of literature online about anti-oxidants, detoxifiers, and other therapeutic substances from plants or other sources. Dr Edward Shook has written some very educational books giving you a look at the useful compounds in herbs and common food items. He had great things to say about Almonds. Worth the expense! Basically, nutrition is your responsibility. It is up to you to educate yourself and take care of your nutritional life. Taste, tradition and the market system will leave you mal-nourished! There are doctors who specialise in nutritional research. Use their knowledge!

Souls must get back to their own conciousness. This can only be done by elimination of any competing consciousness within the body. The darkside and its bacterial workers are the competing consciousness within. Civilisation has under-estimated the consciousness power of this team. The soul is the size of a thumb according to Swami Sivananda. The bacteria in the body weigh up to 4 pounds and they have consciousness. The soul is smaller in size. Soul's natural state is one of attention being perfectly internalised yet aware of the external environment, and the tasks that need to be accomplished there. The presence of a powerful darkside/bacteria combo within the body means that this perfect balance is hijacked into externalised consciousness only. It was discovered that meditation is the activity which obstructs this runaway externalisation of attention by temporarily blocking out the objects and preoccupations that fuel this externalisation. But one always backslides because the colonisers within have not been dealt with. They do re-assert. Some have achieved great peace by including breathing exercises (pranayam), physical culture (hatha yoga) and fasting or rigid diet control to the menu. Desire for food grows weak with breathing, meditation, exercises and fasting. This is a blow to the darkside/bacteria combo which depends on food to multiply, and for pleasure. But, ill-health steps in at some point in time because the cells are not being fed what they need. The backsliding or move back to an external-mostly consciousness is the work of the darkside/bacteria combo reinstating its old habits. The soul is naturally meditative, and won't relate unnecessarily with the outside world, and not without good and proper cause. The excessive externalisation into the world is always caused by the darkside within and the 90% of cells in the body that are bacterial. The human body (and other bodies) seems to be the best possible tool for the attainment of the goals of darksides and bacterial colonies. The predatory darkside/bacterial nature can be seen in human behavior. We live amongst bacteria in the world, and in the body. Bacteria are the most populous living thing. They eat and degrade much of what is on earth, including our bodies. Bacterial colonies in the body are very powerful. The consciousnesses that exist within do not belong to the original cells of the body but to the soul living in the head, and to the colonising darkside/bacteria combo living amidst the original body-cells. The darkside society's pre-occupation with "action" and "speed" is simply the darkside/bacteria consortia implementing their external-only lifestyle to pre-empt the soul from using its body for its purposes. The soul's poise is one of internal focus even while dealing with worldly tasks. The darksiders like to pretend they understand this by calling mental preoccupations as being "up" and physical action as being "down". What they cannot understand is that the soul can shuttle between knowledge (up) and action (down) in milliseconds! The soul produces knowedge-infused action not cunning action or pleasure-driven action. The darkside/bacteria combo is the force to be fought and defeated, in order to be free within. Meditation helps the battle, but conscious indulgence in this is made necessary only because of the foreign presence within the body. The unafflicted soul is naturally meditative. Meditation is not the major tool in the spiritual battle, and it is spiritual practice only because of its help in weakening the darkside/bacteria combo by cutting off the external stimuli that fuel the activity of that combo. Meditation also re-energises the consciousness but this energy flows as bliss naturally once the colonisers/blockers are dealt with. Knowledge meditation, such as in reading and mentation/introspection, is what the real meditation is about: it is this which the soul uses to understand and chart it's earthly journey. The other re-centering kind of meditation is necessary only because of the exigencies created by the intrusive colonisation of the darkside/bacteria consciousness in the body. Breathing exercises, physical culture, feeding the cells, destroying bad bacteria and alkalising the body are core practices in defeating the darkside/bacteria combo within. These are the practices which save the spirit....not prayer, not worship, not rituals, not temples and places of worship, not bearded Gurus, not any other Kriyas or or secret techniques.

So-called spiritual teachers have missed the key spiritual practice in the search for salvation or liberation for the soul. Without it, there will be no salvation in this life. And to make up for this knowledge deficiency, they say that their techniques will give you salvation after death or it will attract the grace of God who is the one who gives salvation. They postponed the achievement of salvation from while you are alive, to after you're dead just to hide the wrongness of their formulas. The chief task everyone has is to cut down the enemy within while enhancing the power of the soul. This way, souls can govern and use their bodies without competition from within. This way, souls can unfold their potential without millstones to weigh them down. This way souls grow and unfold their qualities and potentials while alive. The body is not wasted in accumulating, desire-gratifications and in other darkside-directed life activities. One accepts mortality and the transience of the body. The soul evolves and acquires knowledge of earth. This knowledge and higher evolutionary level travels onwards after death! The darkside/bacteria combo is the enemy within. Bacteria are the foot soldiers of the darkside. The task becomes that of not feeding the bacterial cells that make up 90% of the body's cells. Though one can destroy all the bacteria, it is convenient to use good bacterial allies to destroy the bad bacteria. The alkaline state is inimical to the existence of bad bacteria. The body's cells are to be fed with what is needed. Without doing these things, the soul will have no salvation while alive, no matter what the other techniques used are! The darkside's ego easily fakes spiritual achievement. The intrusions of the darkside/bacteria combo into the consciousness, and into the functioning of the body,  leads to a derailment of the souls methodology for living in freedom. To have their way, the darkside/bacteria combo pre-empts the way of the soul. The poor soul is born into this state of affairs and does not know how it is really supposed to be. Almost all the teachings available can be labeled 'disinfo'. Life is spent being on the roads most traveled. Life is spent in trying this or that while being caught in the system's chains of earn and spend, of acquiring basic needs using banknotes, and of cavorting to whatever rhythms required by the laws and the State. The soul must become conscious of its experiences of derailment, before it can seek out and detect the problem that needs to be solved. While the material dance is a happy one, no problem will be known to exist except of how to dance 'better'. Often, one has to be shocked out of materialism by calamity. Avid students do not need the calamities thrust on them by the darksiders. Avid students are already awake and darkside evil is meant to retard them. If enlightenment from intuition or from external sources is not forthcoming, then the soul has to self-enlighten or stay asleep. In a world mostly populated by darksiders, such enlightenment is not to be found easily. Without the knowledge of the problem and of how to fix it, solutions for coping eg meditation, worship, asanas etc become standard spiritual practice. But these practices create the situation of living with the problem by adjusting to it. The darkside/bacteria combo must be removed because their very presence causes everything to go awry!

The vast majority of the people on earth are darkside. Of course, the darksiders employ strategies to effect this result. Civilisation is a soul-derailment experience made to look like it is the normal mode for 'human beings' in the world. Thank the elites for that! Good or soul people are shut out completely. That mis-direction assures a total ignorance of the existence of the darkside/bacteria combo in the body, and that it should be known and fought. This calamitous condition is presented as the way things are supposed to be. It is like everyone is limping and walking because of thorns in their feet. But they never consider an investigation of what is causing the limp because they are searching for that special style of limping that will take away the limping.....let the thorns stay. Almost everyone is living a derailed life because they have no idea of what real soul living is like, or of how to get there. The presence of the darkside/bacteria combo has derailed lives because people are not taught that they must be fought or how to go about that fight. Not fighting them within has caused them to assume the reins of command in the body. In the outside world few are fighting the darksiders because they do not know how to stop the snake-power which darksiders use to attack. It is your bacterial cells and the resident darkside which is the energy transmission link! The bacteria/darkside combo is fed by this elite-created civilisation while souls are starved or misdirected. Religion is mis-direction created by past elites. The elites are evil and have converted everyone to their nature. The challenge of the soul over the centuries has been physical survival, in addition to the challenge of fighting back against the external  darkside. One reason why the ranks of the good have declined is that no-one recognised the key roles of the possessions within (bacteria and darksides) in blocking the salvation of the soul while it's body is alive. The good have been caught in cul-de-sacs created by lies, without a methodology for creating more good people. Darksiders have their systems of force and cunning with which to increase their ranks. If you fight the darkside/bacteria combo within directly, victory is assured. Victory within automatically means victory outside.....but then the darksiders will fight you to reverse this victory!

Unless you clear out the bad bacteria, the battle with the darkside within will go on and on. No matter what psychological or mental or intellectual techniques you use against your darkside, it will just keep bouncing back up to bother your life. Willpower must be used if one does not have the knowledge of how the internal world operates, and of how to weaken the darkside. No matter how many times you tell the dark side to 'begone satan', it does not listen to your commands. It plays hide and seek with the soul! Only dietary and alkaline-inducing methods silences it for good. Only bacteria-destroying moves gives you freedom from its tyranny. To conquer your disharmony-creating darkside, you have to give it what it does not want...ie harmony. There is nothing like lilting music of the 20th century for use here. But, you must give up the music too. The darkside can take anything that you have dropped your barriers for, in order to accomodate it, and use it to grab hold of your attention. There are two attentions in the body: yours and the darkside's, and they are welded together unless you deliberately separate them. By keeping you focused exclusively on the world and its shenanigans, one's ability to think, analyse and introspect becomes stultified. Going within is boredom for darksiders. For soul people, within is home! To reduce the power of the darkside's attention, one must limit one's focus on the outside world and avoid its grabbing snares. If you keep seeking untrammeled interactions with the external world, the darkside gets life and will find ways to secure greater involvement and self-expression. Each expression boosts the power of the darkside to manifest more of other kinds of expression. The attention must be redirected inwards by searching for knowledge ie reading and introspection. The best weapon against the darkside is knowledge. When you occupy yourself with that, the darkside has no choice but to go along for the ride. Its attention is of no use here, and it gets bored and suppressed. It goes to sleep while soul pursues its own nature's development. Give the darkside what it does not want or like, and starve it from what it likes or wants. This is how you conquer that coloniser. Materialistic living is done by the darkside, and that is the entity which enjoys that...not the soul. Pleasures are enjoyed by the darkside not the soul. The greatest pleasure is sex for the darksiders. The darkside/bacterial combo loves sex because of the transmission of orgasmic energy throughout the darkside and the bacterial colonies within. All the darksiders in a color or tribe can experience it. Sexual pleasure is not felt individually, hence the reason for basing the world on sex and sexual games involving almost everyone on earth. More importantly, sex means contact with, and absorption of bacteria from others' bodies. There's nothing more pleasing to bacterial cells than to have larger colonies.This enhances their power and capabilities. If souls decimate the darkside/bacteria combo within, and feed the body's cells adequately, the bliss that is happiness flows automatically. This is something that regular doses of sexual pleasure mixed with interims of nothing or misery cannot ever beat!