Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Darkside law runs the world, not the law of karma. 4

You have to serve God, not religion. One is real and one is fake. One grabs you in a prison. The other guides you to freedom. God does not clutter your head with holy books, prayers, rituals, devotion etc. This is the doing of religion. In fact he requires that you empty yourself of all that crap so that you can be quiet enough to detect every bit of guidance he sends to you. He prefers to speak to you directly via intuition not through middlemen and their concoctions in holy books. In the God-Man relationship, only God and Man are the necessary parties. Middlemen and their religions are out of place. The middlemen should be busy attending to their own relationships with God. Priestcraft and sundry Gurus are not required to find God first, then lead others to him. They are only trained in the holy books, lineage teachings and religious ideology. They are teaching you about a God whom they don't know! Religion and their creators have lied to you! They give you Holy Books about God(s) who spoke in the primitive past, but have nothing from him in the present. God has never stopped inspiring and talking to man over the millenia. God is always guiding those who are attuned to him, in every era. Religions pretend to be God's spokesmen but they do not know him or serve him! Religion absorbs the focus that belongs to God alone. Religion has set us up by their deception. They told us that we are suffering because of original sin, because of Maya, and by being in the cycle of births and deaths. They said that we need a kind of salvation which comes only after death. They lied. We really need freedom from oppression by darkside rulers. We need basic needs for survival. These things we need while we are alive.  Religion diverts our quest from one of solving our problems while alive to gaining salvation after death. Death removes suffering anyway! There is no salvation after death from suffering we experience while alive. Religion just does not want you to solve the problem of your suffering because then you will go up against them and their allies: the rulers. We need freedom from evil rulers, and religion too. (Pandava)

Hinduism does not have a founder. It is a collection of beliefs and practices from various cults and belief systems, from different times and places in India. Some of these beliefs and practices came in with migrant groups eg the Aryans. WIKIPEDIA has a comprehensive account of the History of Hinduism. This is a timeline for some of the important Hindu scriptures.Here is an excellent bit of research on early Hinduism that questions popular notions about Hinduism. For example, there is a claim that many of the Gods of Hinduism were, in fact, historical figures e.g Shiva and Krishna. The 'law of karma' was simple enough for those who heard it to understand and accept. The Brahmin priests and upper class scholars were often the only ones to be familiar with the Hindu teachings as derived from the various holy books. Those priests and scholars deliberately propagated their religious slant to the pre-literate tribal masses, and to the conquered losers of war. It was not until the spread of the printing press and the advent of education for the masses, that Brahmins, Gurus and hindu scholars upped their level of influence. India is a land of many religious beliefs, cults and practices. The country was invaded and taken over several times in the past, notably by the Aryans, by the Moslems, and by the British. The diversity was greater when India consisted principally of tribal areas. Urbanisation, increasing education levels, greater literacy, and modernisation has brought previously marginal areas under urban influence. The expansion of capitalism has brought increasing corruption, along with increased opportunities. Religion has become lip service: a celebration of culture rather than an experiment in salvation. The early caste system was simple: There were 4 castes: 1) The Brahmin class of priests, 2) The warrior class which included the rulers, 3) The merchant class, and 4) the Sudras or lowest class. The Harijans or Dalits formed a separate group of 'untouchables' whose ability to spiritually pollute the accepted castes was actually feared! The Aryans who lived in the north were in the two topmost castes. The Dravidians who were the dark-skinned, more southerly, conquered natives were in the lowest caste. The Brahmins  told the other classes that there was a justice system implemented by God, in operation. The claimed to be the 'purest' among men, and so occupied the topmost caste in the Indian system of things. They basically told people to blame or praise your past karma and current action for the life you have, depending on which end of the spectrum you found yourself. We must remember that the Aryan invaders gained the right to rule, and lecture to others about God, by virtue of being successful invaders. To the victors went the spoils. The Brahmins set themselves up as the holy middlemen between God and man, and you had to approach God through them, and according to their methodology. Their literacy, caste designation and their kinship with the rulers assured them of no powerful critics or opposition.The Brahmin class remained in charge of religion through the centuries, and still governs religion today. There are now several schools of thought or philosophy, many religious/spiritual institutions, each touting their specialty or preferred philosophical or practical variation. These Ashrams, temples and schools can be seen all over India, especially in holy places like Rishikesh!

Ancient rulers used religion as a tool for governing their own people, and for securing loyalty by the conversion/programming of conquered peoples. To the victors went the spoils. The victors took the physical things: lands, wealth, women and of course the men and children, as the spoils of conquest. Governance by martial rule was cumbersome. Religion was used to control the minds of the people by making them preoccupied with it, and when they were under control, the armies were freed for other tasks and deployments. Creating a new stratified society, loyal to the rulers was necessary so that they could easily transition into, and hold on to, power. Bringing the 'conquered' under control ensured the availability of the human resources with which to solidify the conquest, and to protect it. Rulers worldwide often claimed 'kingship by divine right' or tried to make it appear that they were spiritually superior, spiritually connected or spiritually chosen. This is very true in the western and middle-eastern world. There are many readings online which confirm religion to be a tool of rule dressed up as God-worship or as a path to salvation. People were kept busy in 'behaving' themselves by working their way to God, and not in contemplation of rebellion or sedition. Religious ritual, culture and celebrations were injected into the daily lives of people to buttress religious teaching. These keep the faithful active in buttressing the religion, and assures loyalty throughout the year. This is very evident today with so many national religious holidays and traditional religious celebrations.You can safely dispel the notion that the rulers cared about the people's relationship with God or their spiritual salvation. Priestcraft and rulers were mutually supportive, to the point of collusion. Online writings support the thesis that rulers used religion for their purposes e.g. this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this. Religion was never about telling the truth because you had a truth to share, or because you cared about the people.

In India, the Aryan invaders used the existing Vedas to create and validate a Caste system that has perpetuated itself to this day. Aryan priestcraft (the Brahmins or Brahmans) used a dubious analysis of creation's nature derived from the Vedas (the theory of the gunas) to justify the caste stratification of society, with them at the top. Isn't it strange that the 'Gunas' interpenetrate all of creation in differing amounts, but when you look at matter all you find are atoms, molecules, electrons, protons, neutrons, spaces and energy? How can something exist which evades all our present technology, in addition to our consciousness'? It was  fabricated! The Brahmins claimed themselves to be Sattwic or pure, the military rulers to be Rajasic (passionate and tied to activity), while the merchants and peasants were Tamasic or impure. There is nothing in the Brahmins' body, energy, consciousness and knowledge to support the Brahmins' claim of purity. There is nothing from God on how close he is to the Brahmins. They created a fake paradigm about God for humans, and forced/convinced people to live it. We usually forget that they were primitive peoples whose knowledge-seeking and knowledge-finding abilities were undeveloped. Their technological level attests to their lack of mental development. What we have today as Hinduism is the result of cumulative additions to their initial guesswork/fabricated paradigms. Hinduism is a cumulatively expanded initial lie. The truth which lies within escaped them, or perhaps this truth was ignored deliberately. It is no secret now that souls are born with their bodies but darkside possessions take control of those bodies, even before the soul has a chance to know what is going on. The darkside has been possessing and using human bodies from the beginning of creation. This is how the earthly world was made. Like other religions, Hinduism saw only one being per human body. That 'one being' with a higher and lower nature doesn't exist, and their prescriptions for that 'one being' do not work. We did not know that bacterial cells are 90% of the human body, or that bacterial colonies are capable of doing mind control on their hosts, until recently (see my previous posts on the subject). In primitive times, without antibiotics and sanitary habits, the body's bacterial level was probably higher. Sorcerers served the ruling classes, and together with Brahmin advisors, musicians and astrologers etc, held respected positions in the Courts of royalty. Sorcery techniques are found in the Vedas, and the Brahmins have never had a problem with it. In some countries, Hindu pundits are also sorcerers. The Brahmins never recognised the existence of the dark side within, much less evolve methods to fight it. In fact, they were very condescending towards demonic entities like the asuras and the goddess Kali. Their lack of knowledge is shown up in the fact that they used God as a convenient explanation, and cause, for every phenomena! The Brahmins must have been darksiders because darksides which are unfought always govern the body, unless one is blessed by circumstances which do the fighting automatically. Even Yogis do not know that the dark side is the enemy.

The Brahmin (or Brahman) caste is the topmost in the 4-caste system that exists in India. There are innumerable divisions and sub-divisions in each caste. The Brahmins are considered to be the spiritually purest among all of the castes, and they are the ones who do religious rituals and rites. Apart from being priests, they are also religious intellectuals, Government advisors, farmers and even rulers. The Brahmins have propagated what is now known as Hinduism since the Aryan invasion. The law of karma is one of the key religious teaching which has influenced how India, and possibly the world, has evolved. The law of karma indicates the existence of a justice system, the mechanism of which was set up by God. Basically what that law says is that people's actions in their past and present lives are responsible for their present condition. Though Hinduism does admit the direct interference of God himself in the lives of man, it basically said blame or praise yourself for your station in life. The belief in the existence of a divinely-created justice system has lead people to rely on it rather than pursue justice on their own. It blocked peoples' brainwaves when it came to the idea of extracting justice themselves. It blocked research into who might be complicit in causing the bad experiences in their lives since the implication was always: "You did it to yourself''. God is often blamed for ongoing hardship since people believe that he has the authorship of all the events on earth for his intents and purposes. Hindus believe that God created the world so that he can 'play' his 'leelas' or shows for his own entertainment. Yet, religion insists that we have to blame ourselves because we do not understand how God works, as if they do! Not everyone was successfully programmed by this Brahmin teaching. Over the millenia, India has had numerous dacoits, freedom fighters and revolutionaries who did not accept the status quo, or their programming, or their tyranny. Substantial numbers indulge in Sorcery or the Tantrik arts (as opposed to brahminic rituals) which can be traced to the Yajur Veda. In fact, Kali, who is a demonic aspect of Shakti, is considered to be a Goddess. Hinduism does not consider life to be evil vs good, except in the Bhagavad Gita. They do not consider that evil is organised, or that they plot for global control. They claim that demons in the 'Ramayana' and the 'Mahabharat' were cursed to perform on the stage of life so God could make guest appearances to straighten things out! Even Duryodhan, the arch-villain of the Mahabharat, was seen in heaven after the war had ended. The moral of those stories being probably that past karma is at work, so don't resent villainy! In the 21st century, however, we stick with the dictum that if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is a duck! Those who were programmed to believe in the eminence of the law of karma as earth's operating system were pre-empted from searching for the true causes of their suffering, and from taking their own action against those causes. Thus, those human causes were allowed the freedom to keep doing what they did, unopposed and unfought. The result is that today, who used to be fledgling rulers in ancient India have become too big to handle. They have remained mostly hidden throughout Indian history but in this modern era, they can no longer hide.

Souls are already close to God because they are the sparks of the creator. The real problem is that souls' bodies are invaded by possessing dark sides from birth. The ongoing problem is that the darksides, when they are unfought, keep on running the human body for its purposes and uses. Souls are deceived that this way of things is normal, and lack the enlightenment as to who they are, and what to do to re-establish themselves. Their only knowledge on the subject comes from religion, and, pegged to the religious script,  they keep living asleep till they die. They do not trust their own observations that call the religious script into question. They do not want to abandon the only crutch available. Religious truths are fabricated for the mythical one-being-in-a-body. Religion has nothing to offer the soul which is suppressed by a dark side within, which also has stolen his body. Disbarring natural phenomena, the dark side is the cause of all the problems on earth, and within the human body. Religion failed to address this. Yet their primitive cunning could fabricate enemies like 'original sin' and 'maya'! The simple truth is that the rulers are the biggest problems of the masses. The religious bigwigs have always colluded with the rulers and they have never betrayed their own. Religion must be recognised as fake because of the lies they have perpetrated. People must be taught that , in principle or in practise, there is no provable after-death salvation, and that the only salvation that matters for the problems of the present, lie in the present. Any true spiritual paradigm has to give souls the strategies and methods for fighting back against the dark side to regain total control of its consciousness and body. That is the solution to the real problem. Societies have to be organised so that souls engage in activities that target the destruction of the dark side within, instead of engaging in building the darkside, as takes place in the current systems of the elites and darkside masses. This is the soul's right because it owns the body. The darkside, within and outside, claim that it is your body only if you can take control of it. The elites and masses are organised to prevent this occurrence. This is the pupose of vaccines, gmos, toxins, emfs, and the 'sex school' along with mind control etc. Religion, education and the media keeps you dumbed down, and unable to get the truth with which to build.

Religion gives free reign to the dark side by completely ignoring it in its holy books, in its teachings, and in its practices taught to its followers. This enables the dark side to continue on its merry way, unnoticed and un-fought. It can even declare: "Hey, I am following the only way to salvation that is available". The 'religious' are darksiders because they are ruled by unfought darksides! In fact, they are the darkside! Only those who are in religion because of morality or righteousness are exceptions since these put limits on darkside behavior. The religious leaders pretend to piousness, holiness and purity for easy acceptance by their followers. It is a big mistake to allow oneself to be conned by them. They use religion to establish and maintain control over people for their own benefit, and for that of the the ruling classes. Religion also provides guaranteed employment and political influence to them. They have access to unimaginable wealth (see here and here)! They have managed to keep their hidden agendas and secret lives from getting to the attention of the faithful. But, in the 21st century, this is not anymore possible. Read about the criminal history of the Papacy: part 1, part 2 and part 3. The Pope has been found guilty of terrible crimes by the International Criminal Court located in the Netherlands. Of course, the Papacy supports its foot soldiers who keep doing criminal things themselves (see here). Hindu Godmen are no better! You can read about the origins and evolution of the Brahmans/Brahmins here. The Brahmins have caused much suffering by the practices they created directly or indirectly. The Caste system, created by the Brahmins, is the greatest spiritual corruption ever. When the Bhagvad Gita threatened their supremacy, they fought back and derailed it. The Brahmins have always been first in corruption. Here's a list of scandals they have engaged in.

The Hindus claim that past life karma is an unavoidable pay-back, but that you can seek God's intercession or perform actions designed to exhaust or ameliorate it. Skilled hindu practitioners pretend that they can read the past, and they concoct past life scenarios for people using astrology, numerology, palmistry and various books including the 'Nadis' (eg the Shukra Nadi). They claim that their rituals and other techniques ( poojas, yajnas, fasting, religious observations, spiritual sadhana etc) such as found in the 'Karma Kanda' can actually change or nullify the bad effects of past and present karma, and grant material blessings. They give you things to do for your  salvation: material (Karma Kanda) and spiritual (Jnana Kanda). These either do not work or work only for the upper castes! I suspect that since such practitioners are clones of the various tribes and colors, whatever results you get as a customer is due to works executed by these tribes and colors on your behalf. This keeps the illusion going that their diagnoses and solutions work, and that God responds to proper methodology! The modus operandi of these practitioners evolved from ancient times, while allied to the Courts of royalty and noblemen. Writers, teachers, musicians, dancers, alchemists, sorcerers, herbalists, astrologers, policy and military advisors... they all evolved at the royal Courts. Literacy and the arts were present in the Royal households but were mostly absent everywhere else! The royal bloodlines stayed on top of things because they had the resources to do so. The children were trained to be royalty, and to carry on the bloodline! Good past karma as an explanation for material plenty was just  brahmin propaganda, not a fact!  Were the wealthy, the nobility and royalty good in their past lives when goodness was absent in their current lives?

We have to remember that the present world of nation-states, with Governments and constitutions, are a recent historical happening. In the beginning there were many tribes engaging in tribal warfare. This was the only economic development strategy they had: steal to get rich and to grow the tribe! Tribal leaders used war and alliances to eventually become regional rulers having wealth, property, influence and power. They eventually proclaimed themselves to be Kings and Emperors. They determined who was nobility, and the caste system determined the rest. There were no industries, and wealth was generated by war or trade. (War has made a comeback as a wealth generator in the 21st century!)  Settlements were feudal with the wealthy being in charge. They provided protection and some employment but the rest of the populace lived in poverty and dependence. It is the rulers, philosophers, scribes, astrologers and sorcerers/priests who created the early structures of religion, not the masses. They created lifestyle contents (tradition, culture and social customs/celebrations) for the masses to live by. The latter is what keeps the masses loyal to the religion in every era, not the philosophy or success of the religious methodologies used! Holy-book knowledge by divine inspiration is a trick used by the brahmins and their favorites to get easy acceptance for their fabrications. Today's world is far more advanced than that of these primitive people who initiated religion.   Modern religion puts these primitive people on a pedestal, as if they were holier and wiser than subsequent generations. Today we do not have to credit God with being responsible for natural phenomena or for the personal phenomena in our lives. We know of the workings of nature, and of the elites and the darkside society. The ancient hindu theologians had no insight into the world of cause and effects, though they claim that the law of karma is about cause and effect. The rulers controlled their 'masses' and kept them loyal using an inseparable blend of tradition, culture and religion. They needed the loyalty of large numbers for stability, for defence, and for offence. This has not changed. The New World Order grouping is destroying the fabric of social cohesion at all levels in order to usher in One World Government. They are destroying religion in order to have their version of one world religion. Put your hopes directly on God and use the enlightenment available to bridge the chaos!

The Brahmins created prayer, worship, rituals, religious observances, certain 'spiritual' practices etc. as the way to an unprovable salvation after death, when people, in fact, wanted salvation from the suffering of this life. It is true that the masses in the olden days lived in a state of mutual dependence with the wealthy. They needed protection from invaders, and they needed the meager economic opportunities that were available in the settlements near to wealthy residences. The elites and the fledgling darkside society were probably not seen as a problem then. The Brahmins deceived people by erecting God as the 'Providence' that looked after people's welfare and interest. People, then and now, need the hope and confidence of having someone powerful in their corner looking out for them.Why did the the people choose to ignore what they saw with their own eyes on a daily basis? They knew that the parents and relatives of the young were in the role of Providence. They knew that people depended on the crumbs that fell from the plates of the rich and the royal households. Why fool people by saying that God or past karma was responsible for their deprivation or suffering? Today we see Governments in the role of Providence. Today we see inheritances in the role of Providence, along with work and careers. Darksiders in all eras know that the backing of their color or tribe is the Providence that they can depend on. Imagine how many have been disappointed over the centuries when religious rituals and methodology failed to elicit the 'Providence' response from God. Today, soul-people depend on God's guidance and the help they get from well-wishers to survive. They know that they do not have the backing of a color or tribe. They know that they are facing a darkside menace that controls the management of institutions responsible for employment and assistance. No back-up means denial and discrimination in everything. If you admit this fact and seek survival without moral compromise, you will discover that you have an ally who guides and inspires you. That ally does not help you with material opportunities because, you eventually realise, he does not own any banks or control any institution. Those that do are not on his side! God as Providence will probably help you materially through others' goodwill to you. But, in the present, there are comparatively few humans who are open to God's influence or have compassion. Too many directly serve the darkside overlords, knowingly or unknowingly. It is this mis-casting of God in the role of Providence by religion that has caused so many to reject God completely, and become atheists. God has failed to commit the actions necessary for proving that he is Providence. That is religion's fault! God has his ways of relating to soul people but religion put him as the cause of every happening when, in fact, creation was imbued with mechanisms of cause and effect! Religion deceived mankind by hiding the fact that earth is self-ruled! Though God is the ultimate boss, he does not micromanage! Besides,when you invent Gods, then worship these invented Gods, do you actually expect them to respond?

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Has WW3 been pre-empted?

The evil elites are waging war against everybody else. Yet, even the elites are divided into factions. Trump is backed by the Gnostic Illuminati and freemasons who oppose Rothschild and his various plotting groups eg the Deep State, Cabal, NWO, Neocons etc. (For more background read this, this and this.) The darkside society wages war against good people. The ranks of the good have been decimated with the result that the fightback against evil, generally, has been lacking. Evil has proliferated. The elites and the darkside society control the wealth; positions of power; the institutions including the media and law enforcement; political, social and economic influence; the ownership of land; Corporations of all kinds etc etc. The good have fought back by protests; taking principled stands; realignment of their wants, needs and purchasing power; blog and social media activism; whistle-blowing; expanding research in key areas to wake people up and to counter mainstream lies; etc etc. Politically, in the USA, they have rallied behind third party candidates leading up to Republican Ron Paul. In 2016, Donald Trump defied the establishment, and the odds, and became President of the US. Everyone expected him to bow to the DEEP STATE, or be assassinated. One year in office, Trump is still alive, still himself, and we are now getting feedback that he has brought the Deep State or Cabal to its knees! Everyone is trying to ascertain if this is a hoax or, reality. If it is real, it means that a war is taking place against the customary hidden Government, and they are losing. We know that WW3 has been planned by the powers-that-be. The US-based Cabal or Deep State is part and parcel of the New World Order or the Illuminati. They are the warmongers who have unleashed the war-on-terror on humanity. The logic is that if they are neutralised, then who will continue the war on terror? Who will lead the thrust towards WW3? Presently, North Korea and Iran seem to be targets for wars that could escalate into WW3. Is it the Deep State who has targeted these two countries but having received this recent setback, cannot do anything more to initiate war there? Or, is President Trump likely to pursue war thereby initiating WW3? You can believe only what you can verify as the truth up to this point in time. Keep preparing, until you know better! Here I give you some of the resources that I have gone through. I personally cannot verify a single thing I've read or seen in these links below. I trust that some of the researchers/presenters are telling the truth, and that we are not being set up. You have to go through the links and see what the researchers are trying to say! Wait and see, is what is needed. Yet, if the reports are true and the warmongers have been checkmated, WW3 has been pre-empted. Hopefully, the darkside society will be the next to be disassembled.

News of mass arrests began one year ago, days before President Trump was sworn in. SEE here. We have not heard about the casualties from this. Nevertheless, at this point in time, things have grown very quiet in the USA. All the shootings and protests seem to have dried up. This could be a result too of the extreme cold weather that has gripped over 90% of the country. We do have ICE making mass arrests of illegals, especially criminals. Democrats (eg Clinton, her associates and her Foundation) are now being investigated afresh by the agencies! Basically, the present information on arrests comes from many sources. They are all saying that people have been arrested and/or sent to GITMO in Cuba. There are all kinds of details and corroborations. This cannot be dismissed as a hoax with no truth to it. Please go through the information and decide for yourself. I will be updating as I get more info!


You cannot jump for joy with the prospect of complete and final deliverance just yet. The Deep State's 'New World Order' machinations exist as works-in-progress. Their system of policies, programs and plots are currently destroying our lives and keeping us down, while raising the specter of WW3. There are TWO groups creating this fightback: 1) President Trump and his team who are fighting this fight, and 2) The Chinese White Dragon Society and their allies. We do not know if both of these groups are working together, though this is extremely probable . They both have international reach, as does the Deep State and the New World Order. Trump is fighting the Deep State while the White Dragon Society is fighting the New World Order/Zionists/Cabal. We need more info on this present evolving situation to get a clear understanding of what's going on. We need to know who among the elites have been indicted, arrested or imprisoned! Benjamin Fulford has given some names like Soros and the Bushes, as quoted above. The Rothschilds have been mentioned in tweets. The list of the NWO elites is very very long. The 'Deep State' numbers are surely bigger than the 10,000 sealed indictments revealed so far! This simply means that this fightback has just started. When we see the closure of the chemtrail program, the closure of Fema detention camps and the general cessation of things like vaccines, pharmaceutical poisons, GMO products, interferences in and invasions of foreign countries, spying on Americans etc, then we will know that this is definitely a fightback of good vs evil. Without a doubt, the news about the take-down of the evil Deep State has been the best news of my life! I hope it is the truth and not a psyop by the NWO to distract us while secretly getting ready for WW3!

PS.....Some of the people reportedly in GITMO have shown up in public life eg Soros. Some claim Soros is dead. There is much disinfo being spread, even on alternative news sites. Meanwhile NATO and European countries are preparing for war. Try to glean the truth as best you can.