The principal reason why human beings are not fighting back against the darkside within, the darkside society and the darkside elites is because the majority of them are darkside. They are born, and they grow up living like the rest of the natives. They do not know that their lives have been scripted by the elites. They do not know that this civilisation, and the systems that operate it, have nothing to do with God. In fact, it seeks to eliminate God and soul from participation in earthly affairs. They fall in line with the life that happens to them. They do not know that they are being programmed and mind-controlled by the elites, by their race, by their tribe, by the color they live and die for, by the mainstream media, by the elite-derived 'knowledge' of the world, by the governmental agencies which deal in programming and mind control, etc. Almost everything in this civilisation justifies it's existence, and promotes the continuation of this system of things. They do not know that the system they live in was designed to keep them busy with survival, pre-occupied, and dumbed-down, yet eager participants in the system which delivers the earth and its resources to the elite plotters who conspired all of this. This intent is never revealed, and is always steered away from, except when the elites themselves reveal the plan for a New World Order. Even if there is truth floating around, the term 'conspiracy theory' condemns it as fake news. They do not know that they are the victims of the divide and rule strategies which are implemented by the agencies which conduct social engineering. The elites steer the population into powerlessness. The elites take away freedom, happiness and peace from the people and replace it with war, deeper enslavement and disharmony. People fight for the elite-given causes that exploit and accentuate their differences (age, sex/gender, race/color, religion, income levels, castes, political party affiliation, political systems, etc) so that they will have no common ground for uniting in opposition to the elites. All this infighting keeps people too busy to discover what fight they should really be fighting: good vs evil.
More accurately, the fight is between the good souls and the evil darksides. The elites are darkside and they scripted a pro-darkside civilisation. It was built for darkside functionality and soul suppression. Not surprisingly, the majority of the masses are darkside too! When truth is lacking, as is the case in this system of things, the darkside grows because the soul has nothing to wake it up, nourish it or to help it fight. The technological revolution which is an elite-created tool for final conquest of the human race (5G, vaccines etc will do the depopulation) and total enslavement of the survivors, is a double-edged sword. In recent times, there has been an awakening process/trend wherein truths, long hidden, are coming to light. At the same time, the elites have arrived at their endgame for ownership and complete control of the earth, after killing out 90% of humanity..They have abandoned pretenses, and don't seem to care about anonymity anymore. They are enforcing programs and policies which leave no doubt as to their intents and purposes. More and more information is coming out about their evil doings. They do have the human race by the scruff of the neck and are pressing home their advantage. The masses are being raised on a diet of insanity! There seems to be no way to defeat the elites. The best one can do is to wake up the masses to the truth of their existence. They have to learn how to discover and fight the darkside within and win, then go after the other darksiders . The darkside masses is comprised of tribes and colors who spend their lives in rivalry with each other. They are 'players' vying with each other for control of the society because 'playing' is the darkside mode of operation. They do not care about soul pursuits such as knowledge, truth and enlightenment. 'Players' do not concern themselves with the karmic backlash of wrong-doing. They think that once they escape counter-action by human beings, for their deeds, they are safe. For the darksides, generally, life is a succession of enacted plots, ego-building, and acts of self-aggrandisement and self-gratification. Whether it is lives of 'living it up' or struggling with 'not enough', it is the 'darkside' living the life of the body while the soul sleeps. The darkside masses must be enlightened about their darkside nature, and about how to beat it. They need to know the truth about the elites, and of the systems they live within. They need to know that when their darksides are defeated (by self-engineering their bodies and consciousness) and they (souls) take charge, the super-resource of God becomes available. Then the battle against evil, the real purpose of life at this time, begins. God is looking for ground soldiers to use as his instruments. God's army of souls can then defeat satan's army of darksides.
Human beings have been to every place on earth but most have not taken that short trip within. They do not know the truth of within, though that truth impacts on them everyday. They are unenlightened because their consciousness has been corralled by the materialist civilisation they are immersed in. For them, everything important lies on the surface of their bodies, and in the world outside of them. In their lives, physical action and physical things count for everything! This civilisation revolves around externalities: looks and beauty, possessions, wealth, fame etc. Except for meditation, what exists and purports to deal with internal things like the spirit, don't do it. Religion and spirituality which give people tools and methods for spiritual evolution do not deliver, though their implementation consume the time of their lives. The truth which is experienced within, and can be observed in the operation of society, is not discussed or written about in mainstream media. Going within to discover what is there is simply not done. They have missed out on the fundamental truths of their existence. They do not know that there is a real God and a real devil. They do not know that evil is very organised, and that they are waging war against the good. The 'rich vs the poor' is possibly the closest they have come to the truth. They are victims of divide and rule engineering which fritters away their time and efforts, in causes that are not the same as fighting the actual evil vs good battle (eg racism, feminism, climate crisis, the war on drugs etc). They do not know that there is an invisible darkside enemy that has possessed, and is using, their bodies. They identify with the possessing darkside and flow with its will because they don't know that they are souls, and that the bodies are theirs to use. They do not know the differences between soul consciousness and darkside consciousness. They follow the system's directions for living (which grow the darkside), and do not know how to really take care of themselves (souls) and their bodies. They trust their lives to a system.which they do not know. And, they don't know that they do not know! They identify with the darkside entity because they think there's only one being in their body, and it must be them in charge. They do not know that they (souls) are really asleep, and will not awaken until something happens to stir their consciousness from the stupor of insanity bequeathed to them by the necessity of engaging with an alien system, just to survive.
Those who are successful in the system cannot have enough of it, as dictated by their on-a-roll darkside egos. They are not interested in knowing the truth, and may be complicit in controlling or dumbing down 'lesser' beings. They are so caught up in the accustomed modes of well-to-do living that they cannot see the need for going outside of their customary 'box' to entertain, much less assay, non-customary ideas. We are dealing with a world of asleep people, whether rich or poor, who need the truth as the stimuli for awakening, but cannot find it, or will not accept it's implications for their personal lives. They are so mind-controlled by the system of things that they cannot transcend the blocks built into their consciousness to the awakening process. They cannot shed the mind-controlled consciousness, or depart from the lifescripts that the elites' system imbues to it's participants. They cannot stop the ongoing thirst for wealth, money, and for the things and activities which money makes possible. To succeed, one has to have something saleable in the economic system, whether it be goods and services or labor. One must interact with the system in order to acquire money with which to obtain one's needs. One cannot survive or make it otherwise. Imprisoned, we are! This is the elites' plot for the world, not God's plan. God has not told anyone if he has a plan for the world, or what that plan might be! The ruling elites print money and loan it to the Government (whom they control). Loans must be repaid with interest. This is called usury. The interest repayment falls squarely on the shoulders of the nationals of country. The money system engages and absorbs the time, attention and energy of everyone for life, though to different degrees. The system is touted as one of fair competition, but the wealthy or the capitalists are on home ground on an un-level playing field. The inevitable result every time is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. What is more is that the lifestyles that evolve from this preoccupation with money actually favors the growth of the darkside within in everyone. Those who do not have money feel that they are lesser human beings because they are worth less. People who have no lucrative niches resort to begging, thievery, prostitution, organ-selling and other soul-debasing activities to survive. There is a thriving underground economy that deals in all manner of evil: human trafficking, sex-trafficking, drug and arms trafficking, organ-trafficking, pornography, contraband, counterfeiting etc etc. Money is truly the root of all evil. The lust for power and ego-building are darkside thrusts. The darkside relishes the power that money adds to it's arsenal. The darkside personality is built around ego which is that incomplete self-worth that is constantly striving for completion by seeking more and more of the good things of life: power, money, fame, stardom, authority, desirable material things etc. This is usually done at the cost or virtues, morality, and all things soul! Money is useless at death's door.
Religion has its roots in primitive times. Tony Bushby in his book, 'The Bible Fraud', gives an idea of the prevailing philosophies and religious practices which got included in the Bible. The creators/writers of the Bible did not really observe and analyse people as they functioned in their daily lives, so as to have a practical basis for their religious teachings. They just composed their narrative and gave it to others to believe, not for analysis or criticism. Religion has failed partly because it targets individuals when what exists in reality are 'tribes' and 'colors' of darksiders. Having separate bodies does not make people individuals: having a separate consciousness does! There are very very few individuals in the world because few are born like this, and very few succeed in surviving, or breaking away from, the tribes/colors/races they were born into. A color or tribe of people exists when the same specie of darkside consciousness inhabits a large number of bodies. There are no individuals in a darkside color or tribe: consciousness is shared. Each darkside is a consciousness clone of every other darkside in the color or tribe! The color or tribe operates with a pack/herd instinct. Religion proposed that committing sin and seeking salvation was an individual enterprise when in fact there are very very few people with separate or individual consciousness, now or in past times. To become individual, one has to be anchored in a non-darkside consciousness, which means being a soul. Only souls have no active sharing of consciousness despite being of the same invisible substance and nature. . Individuals do not share consciousness with others. Individuals are not consciousness-clones. Only souls were created like that. Any psychic communication links soul may have is with God or super-soul, or with his hierarchy. So society is populated by the darkside colors and tribes. Together, they run things by being a secret government. The darkside hates souls and makes war on them. They want souls to be like them. They think that souls are children who will be like them when grown up. They think that they are awake but souls are sleeping. If they meet a soul person, they try to build his darkside so it can overturn the soul's rulership of it's own body. The soul experiences this as attacks on it.
The tribes and colors run things in every society, and take advantage of the individual's (or soul's) lack of support or backing to destroy them. That souls work with God's guidance, or that God is boss of the soul, is of no import to them. Being darkside, all the colors and tribes collude to destroy individuals born among them, or of whose existence they know. They often succeed at this because souls lack the on-the-ground backing necessary for making it in the world. The good guys are not organised to salvage their own kind. The tribes and colors block all avenues of economic, or other, uplift to force the good guys to resort to the sex school games as the way to get out of poverty. They say that soul people need to wake up, but what they mean is that good guys must join in the sex school games to be considered as 'awake'. Souls, they think, do not have their own way of life. The darkside society believes it has the power to award freedom, rights, privileges and opportunities to its own, and to imprison, marginalise or destroy souls. The souls in the bodies of tribes and colors are asleep and do not know that their bodies are being run by the darkside/bacteria combo. The darksides which run those bodies think that they are more spiritually evolved than souls, using their satanic psychic and energy powers as their yardstick. The darkside society 'activates' the darksides (using energy) when it is in charge in the body so it can function with the full powers and energies of satan. The sex school puts up powerful females in its games because they are valued for their energy. Females are the backbone of the sex school games because apart from the tribes and colors they are in, they also collectively form the female hive. As a group they are the most powerful faction of the darkside society. They have a life focus on sex. They believe in sex first, love after. They believe that vaginal activation is the key event in their lives, and that having vaginas is their most important contribution to humanity. The female hive includes feminists because they believe the elite-derived lie that men have been keeping them down. The sex and other similar criteria for economic uplift are most likely due to their input into the running of the darkside society. Orgasmic energy is somehow transferred from females to the rest of the hive. No wonder that the sex school and the sexual focus of life has their support and participation.
The division of the darkside society into a structure of tribes and colors is the greatest 'divide and rule' strategy created by satan, or by the occult hierarchy of the elites. The difference in specie of darkside is what creates the separate tribes and colors. This is the ultimate difference that is exploited to ensure that the society can never truly come together and merge into one cohesive force. Though darkside colors and tribes collude and pull together in their war against their soul enemies, they are jostling for superiority among themselves. The darkside tribes and colors which comprise the darkside society naturally want the darkside to reign supreme on earth by controlling all human bodies. They intrinsically hate the soul because it is their competition for rulership of bodies. The elites are darkside, so the darkside masses do not hate them. The darkside masses, perhaps, do not know of the tyranny of the elites, or if they do, they do not find it objectionable. This system of things ensures the safety of the elites from the masses. The chief pastime of the tribes and colors is indulgence in the sex school games. These games fulfill the predatory darkside nature, so the darkside society accepts and indulges in it without reservations or qualms of conscience. Actually, these games entail sexual grooming of minors, sex trafficking, human trafficking, mind control/brainwashing, real-time pornography, etc. The end result, for the females, is usually hyper-sexualisation which involves an abnormal desire for sex. Each tribe or color actually accepts this game as a method of sharing out the 'crops' of female virgins in the society, as if they were just objects of pleasure or 'dead meat' to be 'eaten', after all the 'cooking' and 'cleaning' are done to them by mama's boys. Each tribe gets females for reproduction and for battles with others. The society's members all get opportunities to hone the powers of their activated darksides, as they 'play' the game. The darkside justifies the games by saying that males and females must have a physical link before the 'relationship' can be accepted by one and all. That physical link is made when a virginity is taken. Non-physical links, like being in love, are not considered. So, the boys and girls get to have a good time, while fulfilling the sexual requirements of society for acquiring economic opportunities. Men need to have a wife/lobbyist to ensure future economic viability. The darkside forms lines of males waiting their turn for what it takes to have comfort zones and viable economic lives. The good guys never come up for attention because they are at the very back of every line. The lines grow by new additions in front of them. The sex trafficking games ensure that the darksiders replicate, and further empower themselves, with every game and mating season. The darkside controls the access to women (the women are darkside) and so controls who gets opportunities for economically fruitful lives. It's more opportunities for upward mobility for darksiders because they already have control of the economy by virtue of their control of management. Stories of their success will not mention these things. No, it will all be about their dedication, hard work and mental excellence! This is how the elites have organised to eliminate souls from participation in earthly life.
This arrangement of society into colors and tribes, each of which involves a distinct darkside version of consciousness, is used by the darkside elites for their easier control of societies everywhere. Control the leaders of one color or tribe and you control the whole group. The elites have their occult hierarchy and their sorcerers, witches and psychic workers et al. Darksiders engage in people-engineering because this is how they prey on others. They can work for the elites, for their tribe or color, or for themselves. The darkside society (comprised of the tribes and colors) has darksides entrenched in power both within bodies, and in the outer world.. They run things: formulate policy, make decisions, carry out operations and manage things to achieve their darkside goals. They control everything including the allocation of women, the sharing of opportunities and the sharing of the local economic pie. The tribes and colors have consciousness-based meetings, make decisions, make deals, make pacts and alliances, and make rules. Management and other influential positions enable each tribe or color to practise favoritism, engage in corruption, and to discriminate against others in order to build the advantage of their own tribe or color. They play societal games among themselves (eg the sex school games) as acceptable rivalry in the mutual striving for ascendancy. So what we experience as life in race, tribe or culture is not really living in freedom at all. Only the darksides are free in this darkside 'party', featuring all the tribes/colors jostling with each other for ascendancy. Each wants the maximum from the economic pie, and the maximum of all the good things and arrangements in life. The predators have erected a lifestyle that allows the full expression of their predatory evil natures. The invisible darkside government on earth, backed by darkside energy and powers, are running a darkside-first-and-only civilisation. They do not care if Constitutions guarantee rights and freedoms to others. They can indulge in their darkside nature yet escape bad consequences because of the practice of forgiveness, and because religion tells them that salvation is a 'done deal' (since Christ died on the cross for the remission of sins and nothing else needs to be done, including righteous actions).. The outward shows of holiness and piety, or of good citizenship, is just a public relations mask. Their secret lives of colluding and preying is what is real. They have completely 'adjusted' to the insane system of the elites. They have become insane themselves. They accept the lunacy of living just to make and spend money. They live to acquire and use more and more power. They live to be highlighted in the media, family and social circles as 'great human beings'. They live to enjoy, whether in public or in their secret lives. Darksiders have no morality, virtues, compassion and all the refined qualities of soul. The sex school is where their innate predatory qualities come out in full flow. Their warriors try to spin the predatory happenings of the sex school as if it is full of heroism, merit, scientific perfection, and naturally correct, but it is nothing more than a sin-filled darkside extravaganza. Where is the heroism in hitting a female with snake-power or brain-numbing energy (or mind-controlling her so she cannot resist), then raping her, then boasting that this or that color has just 'signed'. The darkside society accepts, respects and loves the use of force. This predatory method of dealing with others (force) originates with satan and it is characteristic of the system of the elites. Why engage in the lunacy of having a 'sex school' when what the darkside society is doing in reality, in the neigborhoods and communities, is the real sex trafficking. Is the 'sex school' a cover for the massive criminal child sex trafficking taking place almost everywhere? Is the societal sex school preparatory for sex trafficking later? Is the sex school for initial contact and information gathering? Do mama's boys really have the names, addresses and phone numbers of every female in every neighborhood? The evil elites do have an hierarchy via which they take care of business at all levels. This involves secret societies (and some not so secret), the freemasons (and here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc etc), and the Deep State who ensure that elite-engineered plots and conspiracies are implemented. The darkside society is being controlled and directed by these people. What the tribes and colors do depends on their leaders, and these are invariable masons. Just as the elites make arrangements for their enemies, so, too, do the leaders of the tribes and colors.
If you are a soul/individual, you are as good as dead just because a darkside is not looking out from your body, as its controller. You do not have the mark of the beast! Being born in a race but not having the tribal or color consciousness, draws the ire of the race. They want all of 'their own' to be on the same page, and submissive to the thrust of the leadership. Being individual, free-thinking, or independent with a self-engineered life is a no-no, and will be dealt with harshly. A good/soul person sticks out like a sore thumb in any race or culture he is born into. From birth, the darkside is on to him. The darkside society claims the right to mind control, sexually groom, pimp,and sexually traffic the virgin girls of their color or tribe. The sex school is actually part of the re-engineering of women to be sluts! The tribes and colors collectively do this especially when there are girls with great darkside powers. Mama's boys are given liberties, including that of breaking all rules and moral laws, without censure or punishment. The tribes and colors all have the basic darkside consciousness. They play their games, make their deals, do their lobbying and decide on things for the darkside society! Each color wants to keep their share of the pie, to increase that share, and to become dominant over the rest of the colors and tribes. To do this, they need to increase their numbers and power. The sex trafficking/human trafficking/mind control games that is played between rival colors and tribes is the method used to achieve this. Participation in the games hones the darkside powers. The games cannot go on without the monitoring powers, the communication powers and the energy powers of the darksiders. Girls with big power are the top contenders in the inter-color games. Intra-color games are settled privately. In any event, it is mama's boys who get first crack at them. The darkside society claims that it is working for God by teaching the girls about sex. That is just the cover story! It is more about the colors getting their share of female warriors and baby-makers while having tons of fun. Sexual depravity is the hallmark of satanic possession! For mama's boys it is free fun after predatory hunting, living their privileges, ego-building and being in the spotlight. It is human/sex trafficking because there is buying and selling of bodies at all stages, but especially after mind-control has hyper-sexualised the girls, while decreasing their ability to say no. They are basically ensuring that the darksides in the girls bodies are built to the maximum, that they can control those darksides, and that there is a supply of willing on-demand boy-toys for themselves. What happens to the girls is the opposite of the awakening process. Souls are being suppressed and their darksides come out to play as boy-toys, whores, feminists and energy warriors. Some resent what is done to them but are powerless to stop it. Some females remain awake!
The sex-trafficking school is where the destruction of the family begins. Girls who are mind-controlled and hyper-sexualised by society are not the raw material for happy marriages or for child-rearing. The darkside society seeks its perpetuation by creating 'players'. Threats to their system (like the existence of individuals, soul people, independent people, moral people, talented people, honest people, and any who do not wear the mark of the beast) are included in the games to be set up to lose, and eventually destroyed. There is very little hope for survival when all the tribes and colors attack you as the enemy. The sex school is the method for ensuring the continuation of darkside rulership of the society. No matter what religion or beliefs they share, the colors and tribes do like previous natives have done. Group survival and ascendancy is their priority. Individuals/soul people are viewed as traitors for not being on the same page as the rest of the tribe or color. Righteousness doesn't stand a chance. Soul doesn't stand a chance. So where will the stimuli for awakening come from, when these darkside colors and tribes consider themselves to be the epitome of creation, and that others, not like them, in their race/color/tribe must be disciplined or punished for being different. The 'different' are destroyed..... not given back-up on the road to survival. Those without the will or the skill to awaken by themselves, get rid of their good/soul people. They are totally adjusted to that insane system, and 'light' finds it difficult to enter into that mind-controlled box! Good/soul people are easy targets because their darksides are weak or inactivated. In cities, soul people may benefit from the anonymity and diversity that goes with large numbers of people. The focus/concern/fixation of each tribe/color is with their share of everything that becomes available: the economic pie, the present crop of females, all kinds of the opportunities, etc. The darksiders all want to be the stars in society, and they do not want the good guys to rain on their parade. They are all represented in the sex school games, and they all get their time in the sun!
Soul/good people are colluded against so that they don't get qualified for economic or other opportunities. Back-up counts for more than self-effort in the darkside society. The good guys do not get chances at any outstanding or compatible females, and all they succeed in doing is falling into traps. The good guys are included in those games by the tribes and colors, and there is nothing voluntary in their participation. They discover that they are in a game. The darkside society insists that the route to an economic life be through the women. They have collective control over the women because the women themselves are darkside, or are afraid of society's power to destroy them. Control the women and you have control over everyone in the society. Only good guys with inheritances or back-up can make it in this scheme of things. Mama's boys and the female players are all darkside, and so are on the same page. The females are easily pimped to 'pull and tie' the good guys (emotionally), then set them up! Mama's boys get the freedom to do as they please. The females are converted to be fully darkside by the mind control/cooking/cleaning/washing etc, and by the prolonged intimacy and hyper-sexualisation. The sex school is a darkside-building institution and all darksiders take part in its proceedings. Participation in that school is automatic for darksiders. The society eats, drinks, and breathes the sex school and its proceedings, continuously using their hands, fingers and color of clothes to convey the results. Truth cannot get in there to change anyone in the direction of waking up! The good/soul people who peddle truth that could wake up the darkside society end up disbelieved, ridiculed, shunned, marginalised or destroyed. The sex school games is the single most important divide and rule strategy responsible for distracting and dumbing down the masses, while enabling the elites to arrive at their endgame practically unnoticed, unresearched, unopposed and unfought. The consciousness of the tribes and colors is already boxed in by the pursuit of gain, by indulgence in the rat race, by devotion to enjoyments and pleasures...and by the general celebration of the darkside nature. They are locked into permanent distractions from the truth of earthly reality. The good did what they could do but it was just not enough. There is an awakening happening despite the battle against the elites appearing to be unwinnable.
The tribes and colors must be fed core truths which fuel moral/righteous indignation. They also need to open their eyes enough so that they can begin to shed their mainstream-derived consciousness, and replace it with one based on the truth of 'what is'. The truths given must lay the foundation for consciousness transformation. Soul consciousness must replace darkside consciousness! The only guarantee of this transformation is if the darkside/bacteria combo is fought and vanquished. So, the battle really begins when the bacteria, especially viruses (mosquitos? vaccines? etc) are destroyed. They must be told that they have lost their immunity to the darkside/bacteria comboand that this is how you restore it. The darkside itself must be detected and blocked from implementing its lifestyle through their bodies. Becoming souls is when the fight against the darkside society and the elites truly begins. The barriers to God's guidance will have been partly removed. The tribes and colors must be told that their real enemies are the darkside within, and the darkside elites, not soul people. They must be told that they have darkside possessions in their bodies suppressing them. They must be told that they are really souls whose way of life is about creating heaven on earth, not playing predatory games. The tribes and colors must be told the truth that the darkside within is using their bodies to prey on others, and in generally bringing down hell to earth. The tribes and colors must be told that the sex school is a predatory arrangement for conducting mind control on females, for human/sex trafficking in females, and for increasing the population of darksiders. The 'hunting, catching, cleaning, washing, cooking and eating' that is done to the females is exactly what predators do. Describing the evil acts taking place in the sex school using the names of household tasks does not make it more acceptable, less sinful or less destructive. The darkside masses must be told that they (souls) are sleeping, and that they are not the ones committing the sins from within the body. They must know that when souls retake their bodies from the darkside, the sins of the darkside remain with it. Souls do not sin! They must be told that the powers and energies, that they are so attached to, is their heritage from satan and has nothing to do with soul, God or spiritual evolution. They need these powers to survive in a world of darksiders, but it means keeping their darkside as boss of the body. It means continuing to be a servant of satan. They must be told that the proper way to travel through life is to be continuously fighting and defeating the darkside/bacteria combo within, thereby keeping/restoring their immunity from darkside attacks. This puts the soul back in charge of the body, and restores access to God. They must be told that the heaven to seek is the one they can create on earth while they are alive, and not the promised non-existent religious heaven obtainable post-mortem!
The tribes and colors must be told not to waste time with counterfeit love, whether it be making love in the sex school, or this! The darkside society, and especially mama's boys, must be told that females wishing to know about sex is no excuse or mandate to hypersexualise them, turn them into prostitutes, feminists, or darkside warriors. The females must be told that living for fighting the gender war, for beauty, for sex, for vanity and material things is the darkside plan for them. Their powers were given by satan to make successful predators out of them. Their powers are not signs of their closeness to God, not signs of their spiritual evolution and are certainly not special gifts to compensate for the lack of physical strength of their gender. All darksiders have to give up their darkside powers, which act as handcuffs binding them to satan, in order to have access to God. The possessing darkside entities will have to face the full karmic consequences for the evil they do! The tribes and colors must be told to wake up to what's happening currently on earth and to fight back against the elites. The elites are using hoaxes to propel their agenda forward. Depopulation vectors are increasing as globalists target humanity for extermination. The tribes and colors must be told that the only way to beat satan, who is the author of the hell we are living in, is to first beat him within their own bodies. With the soul's power maximised in the body, and God's guidance flowing readily, they can turn their attention to dealing with the darkside in other people, like the darkside society and the elites. The tribes and colors must be told not to get caught up in this civilisation or system because it is just the method implemented by the darkside elites to give them ownership of the world. They print the money and they are using it to acquire the world. That conspiracy has to be ended, and heaven needs to be downloaded and printed on earth. Awakening souls into activity does work to sideline the darksides in those bodies. There are, however, souls that are beyond salvage. The darksides in those bodies are unassailable. Since the darkside entity, not the soul or it's body, is the enemy, one has to find a way to defeat it. Unfortunately, God did not give souls the kind of powers with which to duel with the darkside. Souls do have mental powers. Use those to put curses on the darkside entities, no matter in which bodies they are found. Paying for it's crimes, is what the darkside entity fears most! Darkside entities do not have mercy and compassion in their natures. They cannot sow this, and so cannot reap it. They are predators who must be destroyed. Souls must fight that war against them. Success is assured because of soul power, because of the backing of God, and because the guilt of the darkside assures it.