Sunday, December 23, 2012

Is The Vast Majority Of Human Bodies Really Possessed? Part 2

 So, if one examines the behavior exhibited by human bodies and explores the sources of such behavior, one will observe soul behavior in a few, and dark side behavior in the rest. The real test of behavior is which entity produces it. If the majority of bodies have souls then the dark side in them are possessions. The dark side can be born with their own bodies, and they are more powerful than if found in a soul's body. Usually a body has several dark side possessions, the additional one's entering mostly through the orifices. Any attempt by a dark side to just jump into the body is resisted by those already there. Usually, this is done during sleep and one experiences the attack as a nightmare with stifling sensations and soundless screams. The resident dark side will make a commotion and wake the soul up. Exceptionally powerful or malevolent darkside forces can enter an already-possessed body, and give the body a whole new personality, much different from the original dark side which has already been programmed and socialised. This is often taken to be a case of initial possession, which it is not. It is only when one compares soul behavior to that of 'normal' people that one sees that the 'normal' people are possessed, and the possession is in charge. Where souls are in charge, it is to their credit that they have found ways to fight back against the darkness within, suppress it, and live the soul life.

Souls are sparks of God and enter this world by being born in bodies. They may also exist as angels or other names, but experience of them is not widespread. The dark side vastly outnumbers the population of human bodies on Earth. The following link gives one estimate of the bodiless dark side population on Earth.
They are everywhere, weaving spiritual wickedness on mankind. Having been poked, kicked, slapped, spoken to, and influenced by them, I know they exist. I remember the story of a young lady who went to a sorcerer for help. The sorcerer said that she slept with layers of clothes on. A demon would materialise every night, strip her naked and cohabit with her. The following link yields an interesting discussion of possessions in Malaysia.......

Apart from this blog, the only other that insists that mankind is satanically possessed is Henry Makow's blog. He does not elaborate on the mechanisms of possession beyond mentioning black magic, blood rituals, satanic worship etc. He sees possession as evil influences produced by the Elites taking greater and greater hold over humanity, replacing the no-longer-fed good things that are being destroyed. I reiterate that it is the dark side within which is the from-birth possession in most of us. This dark side can be related to by other darksiders. As such, others can use it to affect us. It is the only weakness that the soul has: a triator and spy. If a soul can conquer and control his dark side, no one can use it against the soul.  Here are a few articles from his website that hints of occult or satanic possession.

 The Essene Gospel of Peace (Book 1) which dates back to the 1st century AD (Emperor Constantine's Bible came from the 4th century AD), and which purportedly quotes Christ, has him repeatedly telling his listeners that satan lies within their bodies. Here are a few extracts:

 "For I tell you truly, evils and dangers innumerable lie in wait for the Sons of Men. Beelzebub, the prince of all devils, the source of every evil, lies in wait in the body of all the Sons of Men".

  "I tell you truly, when the Son of Man resists the Satan that dwells in him and does not his will, in the same hour are found the Mother's angels there, that they may serve him with all their power and free utterly the Son of Man from the power of Satan".

 "Renew yourselves and fast. For I tell you truly, that Satan and his plagues may only be cast out by -fasting and by prayer. Go by yourself and fast alone, and show your fasting to no man. The living God shall see it and great shall be your reward. And fast till Beelzebub and all his evils depart from you, and all the angels of our Earthly Mother come and serve you. For I tell you truly, except you fast, you shall never be freed from the power of Satan and from all diseases that come from Satan".

 "I tell you truly, even so did Satan enter your bodies which are the habitation of God. And he took in his power all that he wished to steal: your breath, your blood, your bone, your flesh, your bowels, your eyes, and your ears. But by your fasting and your prayer, you have called back the lord of your body and his angels. And now Satan sees that the true lord of your body returns, and that it is the end of his power. Wherefore, in his wrath he gathers his strength once again, that he may destroy your bodies before the coming of the lord".

This gospel has Christ teaching his listeners to use nature's air, sunlight, water and earth to cleanse and heal themselves, and to cast out satan from within. The greats of religion did not want to set up cults around themselves. They gave us tips on how to live and how to fight evil within. Religion short-circuited the real messages by inventing and propagating their own versions and accentuations. Christ and Krishna gave us their wisdom for the times they lived. They showed us the pathway. We have come a long way since then. Much has changed. We cannot cleanse ourselves using nature, like Christ did. Most of Earth is polluted, in one way or another, including our food and air. While enemas worked in Christ's day, they will not remove satan from within today: the darkness within is much too programmed, and too 'well fed' to be so easily ejected. In fact, both the Elites and the masses cultivate the dark side within people. We have a better understanding of things now, than before. And, we have much better tools for conquering satan within and forcing him to leave. Too, pollution is more potent and toxic now, than before. The support the darkness within now has, is at an all-time maximum. The people have become so satanic-led or confused that they accept or reject ideas without first checking into them. Question is: Are you possessed? If so, what will you do about it?
 For more from the Essene Gospel of Peace, follow the link below.....

Those who avidly promote LOVE and HEART are not 'awakened' people. They are programmed. The bliss/love of the SOUL from the HEAD is what they should be recommending. The HEART is just a blood-pump, and like other organs of the body, is possessed by the dark side. This is clearly bourne out by some of the post-operation heart transplant experiences: the dark sides in the heart were also transplanted, and it carried over its 'personalities' to the transplant recipients!—started-craving-beer-Kentucky-Fried-Chicken-My-daughter-said-I-walked-like-man.html


  1. I agree with you, and I know because I was born into a multi-generational satanic cult. You might be interested in my blog, because it documents some of my experiences as a fugitive from the satanic cult that rules the world. It's at

    1. I have read some of the articles on your blog. I fare no better than you, thanks to the darkside masses who believe that they are here to play to win. Win what?....I don't know! The signs are that Armageddon is here. They waste their lives, and ours! Keep on fighting back and, hopefully, we will see the end of all this evil!

  2. i was unaware of such beings as organic portals or soulless humans... who i now thinks are possessed, most likely by hyper-dimensional beings who control their meaningless lives... their job apparently is to stalk and harass good souls by slandering them and following them around... I am One with the Source and they can't fuck with me any more.

    1. The darkness are real beings, possibly ETs. Most of Earth's population flow with them, instead of fighting them. Dumbed down people take their cues from them, instead of using free will, research and decision-making to configure their lives. These possessions have an innate hatred for souls. They want every human body to have one of them as its pilot or animator. But, the body is YOURS. The OWNER is BOSS!

    2. Its difficult to fight that which cannot be seen but not impossible. First step is always to become aware and observe one's thoughts as well as thoughts and actions of those around them. I praise you for your write ups Pandava. Knowledge and awareness of these demonic critters and their modus operandi is the greatest imperative moving forward in this more and more insane world. The influence from the dark side is only going to get amplified.

    3. I appreciate the appreciation! Because of these darksiders, even in my family, I grew up from a poor little boy to be a poor little man. I never could believe that such evil lay in people until they tried to destroy me....and are still trying at this very moment. My challenge mutated from just staying alive to defeating them. Seeking answers paid off. These answers, I give here. All credit to God for his guidance though His Creation's planogram placed me among enemies ( including family and friends)with no good samaritans or situations to offer a bailout. The good guys have mostly died out. Soon, maybe, I will too. But not before I get justice.

      The invisible potency of the dark side will never re-establish. The future evil is going to be more physical and more death-giving. If not for God's help, all will perish! I will only have tears for myself ( it's OK to weep for oneself if no-one else will), and for the good guys! That's how I see it. The good guys should pay attention to my writing....there are answers here!

  3. Darksiders or demons are known to work through others even family members to hinder us and throw us completely from the path. I experience the same in my family as well and have for the longest time. As long as you can recognize that and endure through it is what is important. And what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger really makes sense here. Not sure if you ever read the book War on the Saints written some 100 years ago but it is really helpful in providing the understanding how and in what way darksiders manipulate us. Here is the link

    It is almost overwhelming in how we are being manipulated but the spark of true and good light is always there to enlighten.

    1. I took a look at the book. I gives great detail but the writer seems too caged by doctrine. Will check it out fully! Thanks!

    2. It may be a doctrine of Christian roots but it is the only doctrine that makes sense while providing a deeper level understanding that I am aware of partly from my experience and partly from experience of others especially those that experienced a more modern yet extreme version of possession in the form of alien abductions, false memory insertions and similar psychological and supernatural phenomena.

      That particular book makes you realize how difficult it is not to be deceived and swayed by the negative forces which by default explains why majority of doctrine followers get stuck or thrown completely off the path of realization how to free themselves.

    3. You are quite correct! When it matters most, the doctrine which acts as handrails and fences become barren,and fail to deliver. They become devoid of substance and sustenance. They prevent you from seeing the reality in front of you for what it is.Doctrinal spin prevents you from looking at the world with fresh eyes: it gives tired programmed paradigms and theorems, more suited to Emperor Constantine's AD325's ambitions. It loads your vision with crap that prevents proper assaying of the situation at hand. You keep measuring through doctrine and miss the do-it-yourself task of assembling the data, then studying it before concluding, and solving. Doctrine give you no tools to deal with reality and It prevents you from wandering to where the answers and helpful solutions lie. Doctrine are blindfolds you wear when what is required is not selective-seeing or tunnel-vision: You need clear vision to discover an 'unknown' answer with 'unknown' solutions. Doctrine tells you what it is before you discover what it is. It blinds you. It programs you. When the dark side was pumping my heart so rapidly, for months, in an effort to kill me...I threw doctrine out completely. I have no time for apparent-truth (parading as truth) which is good for belief, but nothing else!

      The lady-writer chose doctrine as a decoy or tool for revealing factual things. I saw how several times she pulled away from doctrine completely, then came back to it again. She was intelligent, being a woman in those times! She also told much truth! Today, the doctrinal guise is not necessary!

      I will get back to this a little later!

    4. Yes I apsolutely agree she quite inteligently presents her case.

      Hey I wanted to ask you since I heard you mentioned several times in your writings how these evil entities sabotage our "optical nerve" so my question is where did you here that since I never heard it prior and that particular cue is what peaked my interest to your blog per one of your comments over at henry makow's blog.

    5. I first mentioned this on Zen Gardners blog. Then came Henry's. I have been investigating this for over 20 years. The internet has nothing on this. Its all the application of the scientific method to pinpoint the problem and solve it. Colloidal silver and methods of killing bacteria work to remove the interference on the optic nerve via the eyeballs. The darkness retreats when confronted with the power of freshly made colloidal silver, made by Beck's method (heating the water first and using 9V). The darksiders had built up my own dark side to the point where I was just a witness in my body. I thought that some people would know about eyeball reading...the darksiders method for mind-reading and occult hook-up. I fought back and beat beating the one inside. Its a long story as you can guess.
      The #1 girl in the sex school games, programmed the darkside/bacteria combo in my eyes to light up and rotate. I see these points of light. It is known that ocular fluid accumulates toxins and poisons like any other tissue. Bacteria, viruses and fungi reside there too. These apps are used by the darkside to interface with the soul via the optic nerve. I have not been able to completely vanquish them from the eyeballs. but I know when the interference is higher or lesser. I will need to amplify in a post.

    6. Sounds very interesting and probably is another key aspect where some light needs to be shined upon. Perhaps when you get a chance you can do a particular piece on this subject alone. I think it would be highly helpful especially since noone I am aware of online touched upon this area. Thanks for all your efforts and knowledge.

    7. Will do. I am exploring this subject from Science's info. Scientists' consciousness devise tools for measuring reality, thinking that the replication of results is what is important. The principal tool (of consciousness) is ignored. In spiritual things, consciousness is the workman and the tool. The conclusions of consciousness are valid, and in some cases can be replicated.
      I am a survivor. How come I survived when so many fell, tells of the guidance I received....and of trial and error. Good guys alone, are my people!

      Thank you for your appreciation!
