has said that a law of karma exists. They say that the world is ordered by the law of karma which gives like fruits for like action. While Christians focus only on the present life and disavow the existence of reincarnation, the Hindus insist that reincarnation is fact and that the past life determines the present environment of birth, as well as some of the fruits reaped. The law of karma exists and operates only in the minds of its creators and propagators. This world is upside down (part 2 here). It is evil people who run the world, whether they are the elites or the darkside society. They are not reaping the fruits of past good deeds, whether arising in this life or the past life. The fruits they enjoy derive from the fact that they have seized control of earth's many bounties. They control the distribution of the fruits on earth because they have the power and wealth to force things to be in their favor, and as they wish. They have contrived systems that people must live by, and they hold the best cards or possess the comparative advantage. The distribution of the fruits of action or inaction has no relationship to one's past karma or to one's present deservedness. One gets abundant fruits if one is born into a principal bloodline or ruling family, Others get fruits by association or linkage with these elites. One can get fruits by virtue of inheritance or by being able to access a niche within the systems of the elites or of the darkside society. Having fruits is crucial to continued life. The poor are poor because they have no niches in the systems of the world to use for obtaining fruits. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer! Religion explains the poor as having no good past karma or as being lazy. Hinduism goes further and accuses the poor of having having bad planetary aspects and configurations. Of course, Hindu pundits make themselves necessary to the lives of the faithful because of their alleged efficacy in correcting negative planetary effects using prayers, rites and rituals. But, it is all fakery. The leading bloodlines, castes, tribes or colors in society take care of their own. You live by the wayside if you do not have them as your backup.
This world is shaped by what the darksiders want, not by any operations of the law of karma. The law of karma does not exist as a factual mechanism. It is not built into the fabric of human life like a blueprint which guides unfoldment or evolution. The darkside society thinks that they have the ability to know the past lives and the present doings of others. This feeling is solely based on the the information they receive when they do mental gazing or 'eyeball-reading' (my terminology). They do not know that the source of the information they receive is the Occult Hierarchy of the elites or satan himself. satan gives them what it takes to put them on the path of destroying good people. The elites and the darkside society have the world doing what they want. The elites own most of the wealth in the world, and control the distribution of the greatest human necessity (money) by owning the Central Banks. Everyone depends on them, directly or indirectly. They control the politicians and the armies. They own the major Corporations and they control the supply of goods that people need. Their laws are the ones people live by, whether on the law-books or unwritten. They have the force with which to create compliance. The darkside society was created by the elites, and is engineered by them to to serve their agenda. They have the force and manpower to control the access to sex and female companionship: probably the second greatest necessity in the world. The darkside society destroys goodness and good people to further their goal of complete domination of earth. The sex school is one of the tools they use to keep people preoccupied, while furthering their cause of world domination. When good people suffer and evil people thrive, you know that there is no law of karma in operation. No suffering of the good has ever been stopped because they didn't have the karma for it. No success of evil people have been stopped because they didn't have the karma for it. Relying on a fictitious law popularised by religion, to redress the wrongs of the world has simply worked to give it a green light!
In this modern era, money is the real religion since it buys happiness. To get it, to keep it, and to get more often involves a complete divorce from morality and conscience. The darkside systems of living are not based on justice, morality or conscience. These are systems of control benefiting those who rule and which are actualised by force of all kinds, not God's will. Rulers at all levels are some of the most evil and heartless people on earth. It is because religion told mankind to trust God and the law of karma to give justice to everyone, that good people never took it upon themselves to fight evil or to seek justice on their own. Presently, the only justice one can get is through the legal system working with law enforcement. And, these agencies are governed by the powers-that-be. It is people who give fruits of action and justice to other people, not God or any universal law of action. In the 20th century there was certain level of goodness that condoned merit and acted as a leash on evil people. In the 21st century, evil is completely dominating earth. Good people are fighting back but are being eliminated, both by the elites and the darkside society. Might is right, and possession is nine-tenths of the law. These philosophies have almost completely supplanted justice and merit as human modus operandi. The good have to stop being mentally paralysed by the lies of religion, and other propaganda. They must realise that earth is self-governing, and that nothing will be done on their behalf, if it is not self-done! What is required is the awakening of even greater numbers of people by knowledge of how they have been programmed and deceived, especially by religion. Faith in religion is not faith in God! After awakening, the next step is to fight back. When you get there, then the next step will be clearer.
It is difficult to go through the teachings of each major Christian sect on the subject of karma or action and it's consequences. Generally, the Christians say 'As You Sow You Reap'. This means that you reap good fruits for the good that you do, and you suffer for the sins that you have committed. The balancing of the karmic book will allegedly take place on the grand 'Judgement Day' which takes place after Christ returns to establish his kingdom on earth.. Those who are worthy, or find their names in the 'book of life', will attain heaven. The living will have to wait until death to be judged, while the dead will be resurrected for that purpose. The sinful will go to hell. Those who are good but need to shed some burden of sin will go to Purgatory, from where, once cleansed, they will proceed to heaven, along with the good. They have not said that you will experience any 'reaping for what you sowed' in terms of receiving good things or punishment while you are alive. According to them, your karmic account will be balanced only on Judgement day, and your reward will be heaven or hell. Religion does not accept that it is too late to do any reset of karma, or action, once it is already done. The Catholics have CONFESSION as part of their rites and rituals, as a mode of getting rid of your past sins. You confess your sins to a priest who gives you a punishment in the form of saying certain prayers like the 'Our Father' or 'Hail Mary' a certain number of times using a 'Holy Rosary'. After doing this, your sins are lessened/forgiven. It is all make-believe considering that these are the people you confess to! Certain Christian sects do not see sin as a current human problem. They point out that Christ was born to die for our sins. Now that he is dead, all our sins are forgiven and there is nothing else that we are required to do. Christians point out that God's grace, his will for you, and his blessings will alter your karmic balance sheet. In fact, God's bounties can be experienced in some of the fortuitous events you experience in life e.g. healings, being saved from accidents, winning the lottery etc. They claim that each person has a Guardian angel who looks after him. It is through divine intervention that one can be saved from accidents, get good fortune or receive guidance while alive. Material bounties are usually seen as blessings from God.
Additionally, the Catholic Church sold INDULGENCES by which you could have remission from your sins. This has been restored as a Catholic practice.
"According to church teaching, even after sinners are absolved in the confessional and say their Our Fathers or Hail Marys as penance, they still face punishment after death, in Purgatory, before they can enter heaven. In exchange for certain prayers, devotions or pilgrimages in special years, a Catholic can receive an indulgence, which reduces or erases that punishment instantly, with no formal ceremony or sacrament.
This world is shaped by what the darksiders want, not by any operations of the law of karma. The law of karma does not exist as a factual mechanism. It is not built into the fabric of human life like a blueprint which guides unfoldment or evolution. The darkside society thinks that they have the ability to know the past lives and the present doings of others. This feeling is solely based on the the information they receive when they do mental gazing or 'eyeball-reading' (my terminology). They do not know that the source of the information they receive is the Occult Hierarchy of the elites or satan himself. satan gives them what it takes to put them on the path of destroying good people. The elites and the darkside society have the world doing what they want. The elites own most of the wealth in the world, and control the distribution of the greatest human necessity (money) by owning the Central Banks. Everyone depends on them, directly or indirectly. They control the politicians and the armies. They own the major Corporations and they control the supply of goods that people need. Their laws are the ones people live by, whether on the law-books or unwritten. They have the force with which to create compliance. The darkside society was created by the elites, and is engineered by them to to serve their agenda. They have the force and manpower to control the access to sex and female companionship: probably the second greatest necessity in the world. The darkside society destroys goodness and good people to further their goal of complete domination of earth. The sex school is one of the tools they use to keep people preoccupied, while furthering their cause of world domination. When good people suffer and evil people thrive, you know that there is no law of karma in operation. No suffering of the good has ever been stopped because they didn't have the karma for it. No success of evil people have been stopped because they didn't have the karma for it. Relying on a fictitious law popularised by religion, to redress the wrongs of the world has simply worked to give it a green light!
In this modern era, money is the real religion since it buys happiness. To get it, to keep it, and to get more often involves a complete divorce from morality and conscience. The darkside systems of living are not based on justice, morality or conscience. These are systems of control benefiting those who rule and which are actualised by force of all kinds, not God's will. Rulers at all levels are some of the most evil and heartless people on earth. It is because religion told mankind to trust God and the law of karma to give justice to everyone, that good people never took it upon themselves to fight evil or to seek justice on their own. Presently, the only justice one can get is through the legal system working with law enforcement. And, these agencies are governed by the powers-that-be. It is people who give fruits of action and justice to other people, not God or any universal law of action. In the 20th century there was certain level of goodness that condoned merit and acted as a leash on evil people. In the 21st century, evil is completely dominating earth. Good people are fighting back but are being eliminated, both by the elites and the darkside society. Might is right, and possession is nine-tenths of the law. These philosophies have almost completely supplanted justice and merit as human modus operandi. The good have to stop being mentally paralysed by the lies of religion, and other propaganda. They must realise that earth is self-governing, and that nothing will be done on their behalf, if it is not self-done! What is required is the awakening of even greater numbers of people by knowledge of how they have been programmed and deceived, especially by religion. Faith in religion is not faith in God! After awakening, the next step is to fight back. When you get there, then the next step will be clearer.
It is difficult to go through the teachings of each major Christian sect on the subject of karma or action and it's consequences. Generally, the Christians say 'As You Sow You Reap'. This means that you reap good fruits for the good that you do, and you suffer for the sins that you have committed. The balancing of the karmic book will allegedly take place on the grand 'Judgement Day' which takes place after Christ returns to establish his kingdom on earth.. Those who are worthy, or find their names in the 'book of life', will attain heaven. The living will have to wait until death to be judged, while the dead will be resurrected for that purpose. The sinful will go to hell. Those who are good but need to shed some burden of sin will go to Purgatory, from where, once cleansed, they will proceed to heaven, along with the good. They have not said that you will experience any 'reaping for what you sowed' in terms of receiving good things or punishment while you are alive. According to them, your karmic account will be balanced only on Judgement day, and your reward will be heaven or hell. Religion does not accept that it is too late to do any reset of karma, or action, once it is already done. The Catholics have CONFESSION as part of their rites and rituals, as a mode of getting rid of your past sins. You confess your sins to a priest who gives you a punishment in the form of saying certain prayers like the 'Our Father' or 'Hail Mary' a certain number of times using a 'Holy Rosary'. After doing this, your sins are lessened/forgiven. It is all make-believe considering that these are the people you confess to! Certain Christian sects do not see sin as a current human problem. They point out that Christ was born to die for our sins. Now that he is dead, all our sins are forgiven and there is nothing else that we are required to do. Christians point out that God's grace, his will for you, and his blessings will alter your karmic balance sheet. In fact, God's bounties can be experienced in some of the fortuitous events you experience in life e.g. healings, being saved from accidents, winning the lottery etc. They claim that each person has a Guardian angel who looks after him. It is through divine intervention that one can be saved from accidents, get good fortune or receive guidance while alive. Material bounties are usually seen as blessings from God.
Additionally, the Catholic Church sold INDULGENCES by which you could have remission from your sins. This has been restored as a Catholic practice.
"According to church teaching, even after sinners are absolved in the confessional and say their Our Fathers or Hail Marys as penance, they still face punishment after death, in Purgatory, before they can enter heaven. In exchange for certain prayers, devotions or pilgrimages in special years, a Catholic can receive an indulgence, which reduces or erases that punishment instantly, with no formal ceremony or sacrament.
are partial indulgences, which reduce purgatorial time by a certain
number of days or years, and plenary indulgences, which eliminate all of
it, until another sin is committed. You can get one for yourself, or
for someone who is dead. You cannot buy one — the church outlawed the
sale of indulgences in 1567 — but charitable contributions, combined
with other acts, can help you earn one. There is a limit of one plenary
indulgence per sinner per day." (source)
is the architect of this multi-verse, and he alone knows the true
substance of things created. We simply do not know if or when he has used the power of forgiveness. Religion has given us no irrefutable evidence that God has ever forgiven. Stories and legends, like that of Saul, cannot be verified. There is no evidence available from God
himself that he forgives. Saints and sages, messengers and God-men can
be reported as stating the concept, or agreeing with it, but who can
prove that God ever forgave anybody? How did the Holy Book writers come up with
this notion? The 'Lords Prayer' is credited to Matthew and Luke, but it
ends differently in each case.Here are versions of the Lord's Prayer translated directly from Aramaic. The Bible was written beginning in AD 325
by Presbyters commissioned by Emperor Constantine. Since this was some
300 years after Christ allegedly died, none of the writers were alive to
witness his direct words and actions. At the present time, we remember 300 years ago, if it all, through books and movies. In Christ's days, people were generally illiterate, and the few books there were were not widely circulated, if at all. So it must be either hand-me-down information
or manufactured information. Tony Bushby
has done excellent research on the origins of the Bible. Then again, the English version of the Bible was written between
1604 and 1611 by a team of 50. No-one knows if these translators were as
'divinely inspired' as the original writers allegedly were. 'Divine inspiration' is just a claim made by religion to insinuate
inputs from God into the writing of the Holy Books. One cannot escape the
fact that it was the rulers and governments of those times who initiated the moves
to give people the words of 'God' in the interests of governance. The concepts of heaven and hell are
fabrications. No one has really come back after they died to let us
know what really exists on the other side. It appears that heaven and hell as after-life destinations are the creations of religion! God is omnipresent i.e. he is everywhere, and there is no place where he
is not. Why does religion say that heaven is his primary address?
There are other troublesome notions in Christianity. Why did they propagate the notion that Christ died so that our sins might be forgiven? "He willingly agreed to take over the karma of all his followers and free them from sin as long as they acknowledged him as their savior, repented for their actions and made a true confession of their actions before God. He suffered on the cross because he took over the karma of many people during his lifetime upon earth and he continues to do so even after his departure".(source). Here the Hindu tradition of Gurus taking unto themselves the karma of their followers is alleged. Unfortunately for believers, the religious writers and their current mouthpieces fabricated this mechanism. Actions and their consequences are not transferable from human body to human body. Even the Mahabharat clearly states that:
"As a man himself sows, so he himself reaps; no man inherits the good or evil act of another man. The fruit is of the same quality as the action.
— Mahabharata, xii.291.22[53]" (source)
There are two kinds of entities in a human body: the dark side and the soul. The dark side entity is a spark of satan while the soul is a spark of God. Each entity has a completely different nature compared to the other. Each entity does a different kind of action compared to the other. It is the dark side entity which commits the actions we call 'sin'. The soul cannot commit sin, So did Christ take unto himself the sins of the dark side entities? The souls had no sins for him to take! What happened was that they killed a good man then tried to spin it as if it was God's plan all along. Most likely, they gave us the Cross as a symbolic reminder of what happens to those who oppose them. The one-being-in-a-body theory of human beings is a lie. When it is propagated via a certain teaching, then that teaching is also a lie. If they were presenting God-inspired truth, the soul and dark side would definitely feature in it. Many darksiders themselves know this truth today, and they know how to build the darkside within to install it as the controller of the body. Soul people know this truth too, and they fight the dark side to stay afloat. They know that it is the dark side entity which sins. They know it prompts it's desired action by instilling urges, desires, whims and fancies into the consciousness. They know that these suggestions are usually backed by imaginations and hallucinations. The dark side entity then moves the body to do the action. The sleeping soul has no guilt accruing. It is a helpless witness, unable to even know that it is supposed to resist this tyranny. So, do Gurus take on the past karmas of the dark sides within, when the souls they are more interested in are innocent? Do the Gurus not know that both entities cannot relinquish their own natures, and that a spark of satan cannot ever become a spark of God? How does this karmic transfer actually take place? Through the mystical power of the Guru or by editing the law of karma? Has the Guru conquered his own dark side even when he does not know that it exists? Not likely! Fake Indian Gurus abound. If you haven't compromised the satanic engine within, it keeps working despite the pious displays of holiness! Transferable karma is a lie. The power to unwrite, delete, or edit karma is also a lie!
Then again, one has to wonder about the mechanism at work in Christ dying for the forgiveness of the sins of his followers. What is the connection between Christ's death and 'our' piles of sin, such that you take his life by committing more sin, and 'our' sins just vaporise? Oh, but he was born for that purpose, they said. Couldn't he have made more of a difference had he lived a long life, teaching us how to beat the darkside within, as he was doing in the Essene Gospel Of Peace Bk1? Has any other human being died so that others won't have to pay for the sins that they committed? Were all the sins committed by Christ's followers forgiven up until his death, and even after his death into the present? The fact is that Christianity admits that sin still exists and has recipes for its editing. The Papacy and the Roman Empire created a Holy Book for controlling and unifying the people, not for telling them the truth about God, Christ and sin. So, why do Christians continue to sin? If your sins are forgiven because you follow Christ, shouldn't you be angelic in your behavior because you're now sin-free? If Christ died so that sins of Christians would be forgiven, why is the western world becoming more and more evil? Does that mean that Christ's death was in vain? There is no commonsense in religion which is why they want you to shelve your brain and rely on blind faith. Why kill a good man who had everything to offer while alive, then spin tall tales about the reason for his birth being to die for our sins? Christ even admits this in the Holy Book written about him. What clever propaganda to be accepted with blind faith! Even Christ, allegedly, forgave sins in his time. Well, Christ was Christ so we cannot question his powers! But, what elevated common humans to the level of having the power to forgive? Does the power accrue if you forgive in Christ's name? Or maybe God's name? What does 'name' have to do with the power to edit karma? Is it so you can claim that God is doing it through you?
Evolution cannot truthfully explain the world, but religion cannot do so either. The more you dig into religion, the more the lies and misdirections show up. The fact is that the past action is a done deal. Afterwards, one can only attend to the consequences. Souls do make errors. The incomplete hence trespassing/predatory nature is not theirs. They are nurturers, helpers and healers. Unlike the darksiders, souls repent with contrite hearts and make reparations as far as possible, while vowing never to make that mistake again. Any punishment that is forthcoming is accepted. Soul people do not have 'sinning' as part of their natures, or as their way of life. The religious definition of 'sin' varies. Generally they include sinning against God, sinning against man and non-performance of religious rites, rituals and prayers. Many see praying as useless because prayers have no effect. So praying or doing rituals as a mode of editing karma are barren exercises. Karma or action cannot be deleted, not even from memory! Darksiders push their sins from their conscious memory. Not remembering it, they say, is evidence that they are not carrying any 'load'. They construe having a memory of it as carrying 'load'. But, it is there in the subconscious! Saying 'I forgive you of your sins', like priests and followers do, is nothing more than a lot of hot air. The Lords Prayer propagates a 'sin and let sin' society wherein forgiveness is mutually given for trespasses, but solving the problem of sin by shouting 'Do Not Trespass' never occurred to it's composers. Instead of fighting the mechanism that results in trespass, they found it fit to let it happen, then apply the band-aid of forgiveness.
There are other troublesome notions in Christianity. Why did they propagate the notion that Christ died so that our sins might be forgiven? "He willingly agreed to take over the karma of all his followers and free them from sin as long as they acknowledged him as their savior, repented for their actions and made a true confession of their actions before God. He suffered on the cross because he took over the karma of many people during his lifetime upon earth and he continues to do so even after his departure".(source). Here the Hindu tradition of Gurus taking unto themselves the karma of their followers is alleged. Unfortunately for believers, the religious writers and their current mouthpieces fabricated this mechanism. Actions and their consequences are not transferable from human body to human body. Even the Mahabharat clearly states that:
"As a man himself sows, so he himself reaps; no man inherits the good or evil act of another man. The fruit is of the same quality as the action.
— Mahabharata, xii.291.22[53]" (source)
There are two kinds of entities in a human body: the dark side and the soul. The dark side entity is a spark of satan while the soul is a spark of God. Each entity has a completely different nature compared to the other. Each entity does a different kind of action compared to the other. It is the dark side entity which commits the actions we call 'sin'. The soul cannot commit sin, So did Christ take unto himself the sins of the dark side entities? The souls had no sins for him to take! What happened was that they killed a good man then tried to spin it as if it was God's plan all along. Most likely, they gave us the Cross as a symbolic reminder of what happens to those who oppose them. The one-being-in-a-body theory of human beings is a lie. When it is propagated via a certain teaching, then that teaching is also a lie. If they were presenting God-inspired truth, the soul and dark side would definitely feature in it. Many darksiders themselves know this truth today, and they know how to build the darkside within to install it as the controller of the body. Soul people know this truth too, and they fight the dark side to stay afloat. They know that it is the dark side entity which sins. They know it prompts it's desired action by instilling urges, desires, whims and fancies into the consciousness. They know that these suggestions are usually backed by imaginations and hallucinations. The dark side entity then moves the body to do the action. The sleeping soul has no guilt accruing. It is a helpless witness, unable to even know that it is supposed to resist this tyranny. So, do Gurus take on the past karmas of the dark sides within, when the souls they are more interested in are innocent? Do the Gurus not know that both entities cannot relinquish their own natures, and that a spark of satan cannot ever become a spark of God? How does this karmic transfer actually take place? Through the mystical power of the Guru or by editing the law of karma? Has the Guru conquered his own dark side even when he does not know that it exists? Not likely! Fake Indian Gurus abound. If you haven't compromised the satanic engine within, it keeps working despite the pious displays of holiness! Transferable karma is a lie. The power to unwrite, delete, or edit karma is also a lie!
Then again, one has to wonder about the mechanism at work in Christ dying for the forgiveness of the sins of his followers. What is the connection between Christ's death and 'our' piles of sin, such that you take his life by committing more sin, and 'our' sins just vaporise? Oh, but he was born for that purpose, they said. Couldn't he have made more of a difference had he lived a long life, teaching us how to beat the darkside within, as he was doing in the Essene Gospel Of Peace Bk1? Has any other human being died so that others won't have to pay for the sins that they committed? Were all the sins committed by Christ's followers forgiven up until his death, and even after his death into the present? The fact is that Christianity admits that sin still exists and has recipes for its editing. The Papacy and the Roman Empire created a Holy Book for controlling and unifying the people, not for telling them the truth about God, Christ and sin. So, why do Christians continue to sin? If your sins are forgiven because you follow Christ, shouldn't you be angelic in your behavior because you're now sin-free? If Christ died so that sins of Christians would be forgiven, why is the western world becoming more and more evil? Does that mean that Christ's death was in vain? There is no commonsense in religion which is why they want you to shelve your brain and rely on blind faith. Why kill a good man who had everything to offer while alive, then spin tall tales about the reason for his birth being to die for our sins? Christ even admits this in the Holy Book written about him. What clever propaganda to be accepted with blind faith! Even Christ, allegedly, forgave sins in his time. Well, Christ was Christ so we cannot question his powers! But, what elevated common humans to the level of having the power to forgive? Does the power accrue if you forgive in Christ's name? Or maybe God's name? What does 'name' have to do with the power to edit karma? Is it so you can claim that God is doing it through you?
Evolution cannot truthfully explain the world, but religion cannot do so either. The more you dig into religion, the more the lies and misdirections show up. The fact is that the past action is a done deal. Afterwards, one can only attend to the consequences. Souls do make errors. The incomplete hence trespassing/predatory nature is not theirs. They are nurturers, helpers and healers. Unlike the darksiders, souls repent with contrite hearts and make reparations as far as possible, while vowing never to make that mistake again. Any punishment that is forthcoming is accepted. Soul people do not have 'sinning' as part of their natures, or as their way of life. The religious definition of 'sin' varies. Generally they include sinning against God, sinning against man and non-performance of religious rites, rituals and prayers. Many see praying as useless because prayers have no effect. So praying or doing rituals as a mode of editing karma are barren exercises. Karma or action cannot be deleted, not even from memory! Darksiders push their sins from their conscious memory. Not remembering it, they say, is evidence that they are not carrying any 'load'. They construe having a memory of it as carrying 'load'. But, it is there in the subconscious! Saying 'I forgive you of your sins', like priests and followers do, is nothing more than a lot of hot air. The Lords Prayer propagates a 'sin and let sin' society wherein forgiveness is mutually given for trespasses, but solving the problem of sin by shouting 'Do Not Trespass' never occurred to it's composers. Instead of fighting the mechanism that results in trespass, they found it fit to let it happen, then apply the band-aid of forgiveness.
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