The evil elites have conspired this world which feeds the dark side and starves the soul. They have used religion to put blinders on us so that the truth is blocked out. They blame the victims for their failures and suffering. We blame God when he does not give us our miracles, or respond to our pleas and supplications. The truth is that God created earth but darksiders have created the misery. The elites and darkside masses want it all, with no equals! The elites evolved the darkside society to engineer the creation of darksiders, and to completely eliminate souls and goodness from the face of the earth. The darkside masses are also captives of the elites, but they enjoy their prisons. They love being instruments of their god: satan. There is no justice except for the law enforcement agencies who only interdict the more brutal expressions of the darkside nature, and only if these are legislated against. The only way that soul/good people will get justice for the evils wreaked upon them by the darksiders, is if they themselves seek to accomplish it. The darkside has already done the evil acts for which they must be punished. God can help you punish them only if you want that to be. Otherwise he has no role in this, though he is 'watching'. This is why the elites are spending so much money and time to convince us that forgive and forget, non-revenge and inaction against evil is the route that God blesses! The day that people wake up to that ruse in religion and social media, and start making the darksiders pay for all their sins....that will be the day of salvation. It is the darkside elites who will be unleashing Armageddon. No Hindu avatar will be coming on a white horse to save us. There will be no ascension, and no rapture. You are a complete prisoner here, and a very dumbed-down one, like the rest of us! Without a method of fighting back and winning, the world is, and will be, what the plotters want. Evil's victims have the right to extract justice, if they can get past the propaganda about forgiveness, and about justice-getting making you just as evil as the perpetrators. The Pandavas sought justice and got it, in that story. Today, it would be foolhardy to try it that way, with law enforcement waiting on the sidelines. Souls abhor violence, but will fight that way if there is no choice. There are fightback methods that can grant victory, if only one can shed the beliefs that keep you a prisoner.
Real knowledge has to be applied by good people in fighting back. God did not create this drama for evil to be the torturers and enslavers of his sparks, without end. The roots of the problem must be cut in order to eliminate the problem. The problem is an invading evil consciousness. A Consciousness fightback is required by the soul. This is the method by which victory is possible. Souls need to wake up to the realisation of how the darkside within operates to hijack the body to subdue soul consciousness, and how it acts as an enemy agent of the darkside society. If you cannot become aware of this activity within, what are you going to fight? The darkside/bacteria combo must be starved of food for growth. It must not be allowed to express. The soul must be willing to curb all manner of expressions in order to catch the darkside attempting to hijack the body. The darkside can also move the body, so the body must be put on lock-down, and all manner of behavior monitored and selectively implemented. The question to ask is...If the soul is the one monitoring and paying attention, who is it that is generating or engineering impulses within? Unless soul is consciously doing the engineering, it is not responsible. The only other entity present within is the darkside. That will have to be verified by actual experience. Whatever is not-soul generated has to be disobeyed, and disallowed. Other ways of internal fightback will be discussed later. The invisible darkside /bacteria combo within is the target of any counter-attack. Each darkside is basically the same as the other darksides. If you cut down the darkside within to be free of its machinations, the darksiders on the outside will get cut down too. It works like that. Freedom within translates into freedom outside. Soul will be free to live according to its nature, when the darkside within is not free to live its own. The dark side within is what is blocking the soul. If you do not cut the dark side within down, it will inject itself into your life, and your fightback, doing it its way. Adrenaline, anger, hate, greed, lust, gluttony, trespass, bad energy, preying, using cunning, etc, power darkside action. Fighting is second nature for darksiders, and they generally have short 'fuses'. Souls usually make deliberate conscious decisions to fight. You don't want to fight like a darksider because the darksiders have a comparative advantage in that mode. Soul has its own ways of fighting. It might be running away or standing firm; it might be active or passive resistance; it might be fighting within or fighting externally; it might be tit for tat or it might be ignoring the attacks. Only the soul knows how it will fight as the circumstances are weighed. God helps from within using the window to him that the soul is. Souls usually fight alone because they have no 'pack' mentality. Unless souls wake up now and destroy the darkness within, hence externally, we will continue to be prisoners. The existence of others like the 'white hats' can be fake news, but there is evidence that other people are fighting the NWO/Cabal/Illuminati/et al group. Light the light and curse the darkness. The current awakening taking place happened because we rejected 'expertism', lies, beliefs, theories, fake news, fake knowledge and programming. De-program, discard, remake, rethink, question. Do not allow yourselves to be the victims in the games played by the darksiders for their entertainment.
Religion has indulged in divide and rule for the purpose of upper class control of the masses. The HAVES had God's blessings but the have-nots didn't! Look at how the Caste system divided the people into separate classes and sub-groups, each having a different social status/wealth/opportunity level. Look at the division of people into believers and non-believers. The believers are pure and rightfully placed but the non-believers are called pagans, infidels or some other derogatory name. Religion then proclaim themselves to be the saviour of these non-believers by conducting programmes of conversion eg the Crusades. The elites must know that the dark side within grabs at causes to fight for, and it supplies them with causes in abundance. The elites want people to be busy in attending to distractions, and too busy to get on the same page and deal with elite conspiracy facts. The dumbed-down do not have the mental resources with which to question and go beyond their programming. Having seen it on television is often reason enough to believe. So we have a litany of causes just waiting for the darkside to attach to: race, color of skin, language, religion, gender, political loyalty, favorite sports team, favorite celebrities and entertainers, favorite automobiles, nationality, age group, caste or economic class, positivism, love, etc etc. The elites enable the darkside masses to share the governance of the earth after dividing them into 'opposing' camps or colors or tribes, according to minor differences in the darkside possessions. The darkside society is kept busy in-fighting for supremacy among themselves, playing their games day and night, year after year. Perfect divide and rule technique! They ally themselves to fight the good but never ally against the creators of this prison planet.
It seems that only soul people (the good guys) are detached enough from all those distractions to see the truth. But, they have no large grouping or resources with which to hit back against the elites. The good guys have no choice but to keep waking up the masses to the truth. It seems that there are good guys with the ability to fight the elites at various levels. Benjamin Fulford keeps writing about the 'white hats' who are fighting the evil elites everywhere. Most of us are happy when the 'white hats' claim that near-victory is here. When we see the results, we will believe. The Trump administration has not arrested its enemies yet! We cannot tell fake news from real news unless we look for results on the ground. So nothing has really changed. The elites are at the top of the hierarchy of power, with the darkside society forming the base. The elites are to be feared most, not only because of their wealth and resources, or their secret weapons, or their new and ongoing eugenics programs, or their occult power, but also because they have no group above them to control them. The elites have a greater potential for random and extreme behaviors because there is no-one above them to prosecute them, or to hold them to any law. That is, except God! We certainly need God's help to dismantle the rule of the elites before they bring on their new visions for the world. It seems that most of mankind will be eliminated, and the survivors will be totally enslaved if the New World Order, or the Old World Order 2, comes into being. The following agendas are well advanced in implementation: genetically modified food, driver-less vehicles, AI robots for work and war, underground bunkers and hideaways, unstoppable hypersonic weapons, vaccines, drones for all purposes, chemical and biologic weapons, energy weapons, chemtrails, crops sprayed with glyphosate poison, etc. The elites can destroy us all in the blink of an eye, if they wish. A physical war with them cannot be won, in spite of the brace resistance who would dare to face off. The problem in fighting back is how to defeat the elites. Once this is negotiated, creating a heaven here is easily negotiated. Just as the elites teach their children to take over, we have to train ours to fight back when we are gone.
Life is about finding out what's really going on within you, and in the world outside of you. You will find out that you are not alone in the body: you have bad company with you in there. Souls have the capacity to evaluate the truth about this life. The darksiders are not interested in truth: they are interested in getting information on others for the purpose of preying on them, for controlling them, and for enslaving them further. So, they spy on everyone. Apart from using technology, they have access to the darkside in people for spying on them. The darksiders use the dark side in a soul's body to facilitate attacks on both body and soul, especially with snake power. This is the weakness that is used when darksiders use them for 'target practice'. Souls were not given any super powers to use on earth. They cannot fight back in the darkside mode. The darkside would love for the fight back to take place in their mode, because with their comparative advantage, they would slaughter the good. The good, even with God's guidance, cannot win a physical war in these times. Why would God put the soul and darkside in a evil vs good war knowing that the predators will always be victors? They are not evenly matched. satan actively gives power and energy to his own, but God has not yet done this! There must be more to this soul/darkside 'contest' that we do not know. Did God set up the darksiders by having them make bad karma with souls? If so, there must be a way to get justice, while teaching the darkside a lesson. The darksiders have so far programmed their victims not to hit back, by any method. No eye for an eye, and no tit for tat. This reveals a darkside fear of being hit back. This is the key clue as to what souls need to do: hit back. So, the knowledge the soul needs is how to fight and beat the darkside in a non-physical way (Sun Tzu calls this 'winning by not fighting').
So the process of fightback goes like this: 1) Defeat your darkside within. 2) Regain your leadership of the body. 3) Regain your immunity to the darkside. 4) Put a schedule in place so the darkside within cannot ever regain power. 5) Research to find ways to defeat the elites/darkside society. Research must be about finding ways to remove the darkside society and the elites from having power over mankind, and replacing their systems of control by systems which give freedom, and which do not hold mankind to ransom by controlling the resources of earth. Souls are about bringing heaven to earth. Darksiders are about cultivating future generations of darksiders to promulgate the control systems they now have in place. Darksiders are about controlling the resources of earth and highlighting those which can be used to give them control of humanity. This civilisation is how darksiders seek to complete themselves. All that the darkside elites and masses do is about completing themselves. They are so lacking in esteem that they are super-active in building their external worth. They measure their worth in quantities, in their level of control over the planet, in how many of their schemes they can implement, and in how much preying and consuming they can do. Souls have no such hallucinations or delusions: they are already complete except for their basic needs. When you defeat your own darkside, your are free from it, for the first time in your life. Only in the state of freedom can you pursue the real knowledge without the darkside obscuring your view or derailing your connection. From here onwards, you have an open and direct connection with God. You are a soul, a being that religion does not know or cater for. Soul has no lower side, and belongs to heaven already. Religion cannot target the darkside either, because they came from hell, and no matter what you teach them, they cannot change their natures. They will return to hell. Religion, therefore, cannot do a thing for either the soul or the darkside. It does enrich its creators and propagators. The shackles of all kinds of religions, including a future 'one world religion' must be broken, and garbaged. It is not salvation to exchange religions like this guy.
So, what can you do to help yourself if you abandon religion. There is no law of karma to help you. in creating amenable material conditions or darkside-free living, internally or in the world. Darksiders roam the earth in large tribal 'packs' or colors. They prey on the good and innocent, and on their own kind. You have to be prepared to fight them, or evade them. Live very far from them, if you can. Live your life as a soul who comes with his own armor or shield. If you are vulnerable, the darkside/bacteria combo within has grown too much. Soul must include 'fighting-the-darkside' measures in its daily life to prevent its overthrow. The darkside within blocks you from discovering it using disbelief, among other things. Decide consciously not to create thoughts, urges and desires within. You are now just a watcher. The thoughts, urges and desires will still come to your awareness. If you are just the watcher, who is it that is manufacturing these thoughts, desires and urges, and sending them to you? It is not you. Disown and disobey all these non-soul generated messages. Its not yours. "Get thee hence," does not work. Lomatium Dissectum extract and Monolaurin does! In the Tropics, we find that mosquitoes, like vaccines, are the main sources of viruses that add to power of the Darkside/Bacteria combo. They may not produce Malaria, Zika, Chikungunya or Dengue symptoms but their agents are there in the body. Papaya leaf juice has been found to be an effective treatment. Food, drink and supplements are necessary, as are soul-building protocols. Living as soul takes a lifestyle, not a few quick-fixes here and there. As soul consciousness, you are complete, except for physical needs. Basic needs are all that your forays into the darkside society should be for! Don't seek to build an encyclopedia of knowledge about God within your head. That's one of the biggest obstacles to being the soul. Even Christ spoke about dead scripture! Let God be the mystery that he is. When you abandon the lies and fake news about him that religion gives, life becomes much simpler to live, and your head gets clearer with all the garbage removed. There's you and the omnipresent God, and the simple and free communication between you two. You are free from the burden of learning, and remembering, the fake scenarios and expectations that religion narrates about God. The only truth you know about God is that HE IS. The only truth soul uses to describe itself is : I AM. Do not follow social media in the building of self-images. Beyond that, there is the real world out there (not a hologram or Maya). You face the real world manufactured by the elites, and the darkside masses. You face the systems and the organisations created by the elites and the darkside society. You face darksiders, their methodologies and their governments, elected or secret. To navigate this hellish matrix requires knowledge of it. So you do research. You need help and guidance. Seek to find. Its up to you. God's help is always his option. He helps by leading you or steering you. Sometimes he helps by ideas you intuit, and sometimes by letting you come to your own conclusions. Fight back to help build a heaven here by getting rid of this hell.
Religion targets the 'strawman' or the fabricated/concocted self: the 'one being in a body'. You are soul and it is not you that they are talking about. You have no lower self. You have to take back the time you waste on religion without feeling guilty that you are betraying God or yourself. That time is better spent in doing things which are vital to your real interests but which you neglected due to programming from mainstream sources that put you to sleep. You have to step into the world of really caring for yourself by a renewed attention to body and soul maintenance. The longer you live, the more time you get to learn, evolve and fight. You cannot go into the life of giving life to self images you manufacture in an ongoing fashion. Self-image creation is a darkside preoccupation. You cannot go into that grand ego-building spree that social media has in mind for you. It is all life-wasting. Just like spending your life playing candy crush! The darkside within is locked into the outer world, and to the inner link with satan, which are its sources of life-building. The soul must rend these connections asunder in order to open the gate to its life-building: God's communication. In other words, the soul must put a ban on the life-building sources for the dark side in order to get access to God-sponsored life-building. Soul must also carefully select its nutritional substances, anti-darkside therapies (eg alkalinity), and physical activities so as to become healthy, and not give food for growth to the darkside within. Religion's 'one-being-in-a-body' formulations cannot help the soul which came from heaven and has no problems in returning there! So you have to focus within, to the internal battlefield. It is from within that the darkside is getting its leeway to build.
Yes, it is freedom that we need. Not freedom from our past life karma or from the cycle of reincarnation. We need freedom from the dark side. We need freedom from the falsehoods that have been propagated by the elites to keep souls in the dark about their true selves and their power. One of these falsehoods propagated is that a person is a single being in a body. That being is called by a name and has a birth certificate. That is a convenient truth which suits the purposes of the elites and their earthly controlling/operating systems. Perhaps it serves the purposes of writers, and composers of all kinds of literature about humans, eg law makers. It is a lie used to enslave people. It is a deliberate lie that prevents people from knowing themselves.You look at a human body and say 'that's him'. That's the lie! You need to look closer. You need to observe bodies and behavior for some time, to find out the truth. You can guage the truth by observing yourself. The majority of bodies are ruled by the darkside within, so chances are this is the being you know. Good people are different. Observation also confirms that. There is one soul in a body but there may be more than one dark sides in there, some less brutal than others. Having a separate body does not mean that an individual lives in there: a single being who is free, independent and unique. The fact is that all darkside-ruled bodies in the world are controlled by about a dozen species of darksides. So, there are millions of bodies that is controlled by the same darkside, and it is known to others by the 'color ' or 'tribe' that they belong to. When you encounter one of them, it is actually a large group you are dealing with, with absent others being the 'backing' that he has. Those millions of bodies belong to a 'herd' or a 'pack'. Only souls who are in charge of their bodies are true individuals. Each soul is unique in the strength of the connection with God, in the qualities that are highlighted, and in the accuracy and focus of their knowledge. Dealing with another 'human' is really a very tricky thing. You have to sense which entity is on top, and use that knowing to guide your transactions/dealings. If you are a soul, know that being around darksiders causes your own darkside to resonate in response. It gets food for growth in that kind of company. Soul people supply food for growth to souls only. In this world of a darkside majority, you will encounter a host of self-images propagated to you as being the 'individual' or person. You will have to look past the array presented to you composed of manners, political correctness, values, efforts to get your attention, personal public relations and self-marketing, body language etc to evaluate the nature of the being that you are interacting with. Soul has no created self- image, being content to say 'I am'. The darkside/bacteria combo creates a self image, enhances it, and markets/propagates it. It lives the self-image. A successful self image fills its ego with joy and vibrancy. The darkside needs this, together with successful preying, ego building, power over others, delicious consumption etc to feel good, since as a thief of the body, any natural good feeling, or esteem, is absent.