The law of karma does not work on earth because there is no single entity doing karma from a body. Each of soul or dark side will live out its nature as it gets control. A 'person' seems bad at one time, and is good at another, as the entity in charge within, changes. The good comes from the soul and the evil comes from the darkside. Each cannot help its nature and there is no punishment or reward for exhibiting its own nature, from God or his laws. God, we assume, created both entities, and knows fully what each is about. We have been taught that God is good. Why then would he create the evil dark side? Why would he give them the nature, and the powers, to prey on the good, and on each other? Did he create satan to serve him but satan rebelled and decided to rule earth himself? Could there be an evil creator of satan managing earth alongside a good God? Did God create both good and evil so that a purpose for life can exist i.e. for souls to solve the puzzle by becoming aware of satan within the body, and fighting him, win back the lordship of the body? Is the God scenario we have been taught by religion, all wrong? Could there be more civilisations/places in other galaxies which are the real foci of creation, while Earth is a very minor bit of creation, and not worth the bother for him to personally supervise? Could we be the genetic experiments of more advanced beings from other worlds who know how to create matter and imbue them with different kinds of consciousness? Is earth being ruled by invisible evil aliens colluding with the earthly elites in the matter of possessing human bodies with their consciousness which can override the soul, thereby giving darkside aliens a conquered planet? There is so much truth that we do not know because the elites have lied to us through religion, given us fake world histories, dumbed us down via the education system, and mind-controlled us using other aspects of their system like books and the media. The darkside is not allowing the soul to be free to control its body, by possessing it, by hijacking the soul's control system (ie consciousness and the senses), by being hyper-active so that soul cannot input or conduct its own behavior, and by having a support network in the outside world which comes to its aid if soul should ever challenge its rulership. The darkside eliminates the bodies of troublesome souls! As it stands, souls must fight back and defeat the dark side at all levels of engagement. To do this it must recognise erroneous thought patterns and fake convictions/beliefs which have edited its behavior to exclude fightback.
Each entity (soul or dark side) becomes more satanic or more divine by being able to govern the body for long periods. This is how their evolution proceeds. Yogis and gurus would have you believe that if you dedicate yourself to doing 'spiritual' practices for long periods of time, you will evolve into some kind of super-being whom you are not right now. Or perhaps, you might get Nirvana, Mukti or Liberation from enemies and conditions they identify! This is all fake spirituality, notwithstanding being able to have superhuman powers and abilities via such practices. The YOU that is being cultivated by such spiritual practices is the dark side! True spirituality already exists in the soul's nature. A soul is already a spark of God. The process of converting that spark of God into a fire begins with the necessary first step of reducing or destroying the suppressing darkside/bacteria combo. This alone will wake the soul up and keep it free enough for it to embark on self-discovery or self-realisation. For the soul, the process is to RECOVER then DISCOVER. What needs to be done for the soul is to awaken it from the sleep and suppression which the dark side has placed it in. The freedom or liberation sought is actually from the thralldom of the darkside entity within, from the darkside elites, and from the darkside masses. When soul is freed from the darkside prison, it immediately begins to walk its own path, guided from within by God. Spirituality thus becomes an exercise in self-realisation. The natures of the entities in the body are extended and deepened by the expression of those natures. Practice makes perfect! A sleeping soul will tend to keep on sleeping because it has no practice at being awake! The darkside as 'boss' will keep on being the 'boss', unless it is stopped! Presently, the darksiders are the ones busy punishing souls for just being 'in their way'. And, you get in their way by being owner of a body that you refuse to surrender to them for their use, or by refusing to give your dark side the room to live out its nature. Being in their way gets you sidelined or eliminated! As it is, the darkside rules most bodies on earth, as was plotted. It is not God's plan. There is no God-created Age of Kali. It is not past karma doing the scripting or formatting either. Darksiders are drawing on their satanic information/guidance network to rule the planet as instruments of satan. It is an ongoing plot not God's laws at work. The darkside elites and masses dedicate themselves to materialism, to governing the earth, to obedience to satan, and to promoting the darkside way of life. They are preying on earth and its other inhabitants. Its all about hunting, acquiring, having, consuming, controlling, pleasures, fun, and the application of brutal force to get what they want. Even the females in the sex school are hunted, cooked and eaten! They are bought and sold like dead meat! Preying is etched into society's pastimes! Much more hidden from public view are the practices of pedophilia, people trafficking, satanic ceremonies involving human sacrifice, organ trafficking etc. The elites' materialist systems forcibly includes the masses to abet, sustain and expand those systems. You do it to get your bodily sustenance, or face the consequences.
The enlightenment soul needs to wake up, fight back and retake their bodies is sadly lacking. The good suffer tremendously under the yoke of the elites and the darkside society, and most do not understand why. They do not understand why their Gods do not take care of them. Even the good guys network has stalled. Soul has no help forthcoming, except from the direct communication link that exists between soul and God. The darkside takes care of its own. The darksides have their direct functional link to satan. What the world, and life, is about is given definition by the darkside, with no input from soul/good people. Thanks to religion, very few know the world of goodness/soul. Darksiders see the good as being sheep, too timid to do the actions which darksiders fling themselves into. But, fools rush in where angels fear to tread. The good look before they leap! They have learnt to 'measure twice but cut once'. Souls live lives that are fueled by conscience. This produces moral or righteous action, empathy, understanding and compassion. Darksiders are fueled by the predatory instinct. Morality or righteousness is built into the operating system of souls/good people. Darksiders think that this is a deceptive ploy, timidity, a lack of daring or audacity, or lack of some kind of killer instinct. You must remember that the darkside does not have a streak of decency or remorse in it's consciousness, dedicated as it is to preying. It steals the body from a soul and deprives that soul of a life. It sets the rules and systems in the outside world so the soul does not get a life. They have stolen bodies, and the world at large. They get so busy and involved in ruling both, that they forget that God owns the earth, and souls own the bodies. They forget that souls are sparks of God who conduct themselves in ways congruent to their nature, and in ways which are pleasing to God. Such that, darksiders are very stupid to expect that darkside natures, darkside moves and darkside powers will ever be exhibited by souls. Soul's failure to manifest darkside expectations are used to denounce soul people, and to declare them as losers! Souls are a special kind of invisible entity which live by empathy, and all other good qualities. They are not driven to do, to become, or to have. They are not constantly and feverishly pushing one agenda or another, or looking to exploit or rip off anyone. They do not habitually trespass into the lives of others, or engage in attracting the attention of others only to butcher it subsequently. They do not wear 'goodness' as a mask like the darksiders do. They are for real. The darksiders are destructive and though they have constructed a world, it is a prison. Souls are nurturers of life. The ways of the soul are not weaknesses. Being sparks of God, they exhibit some of what God is. If only they come to realise that it is fear of fighting back and a lack of proper enlightenment which is perpetrating their suppression!
You must understand that darksiders are instruments of satan, and souls are instruments of God. Soul's nature gives an idea of what the nature of the good God is like. The darkside nature gives you an idea of what satan or the evil God is like. To fully understand these you need to rid yourself of the images programmed into you of what God and satan are like, by religion and by the movies. God is not that holy character that they portray him to be, approachable only by the pious. God puts pieces or sparks of himself in all manner of human and non-human creation. Holiness or purity is not a factor with God. Religion has it that God can be worshiped or approached properly only by 'pure' Brahmins, and the hierarchy of priests. Reality has it that they are not really pure at all. Evil is portrayed in the movies as monsters doing horrible things. In reality the dark side is in everyone, and while engaged in preying, it does not have to engage in dramatic evil deeds. One must remember that the systems we live in today are those created by the darkside elites and masses for enslaving and dumbing down the masses. The systems allow the darkside to do horrible evil deeds and get away. These darkside systems are permeated with evil values and evil purposes. The sparks of God have been dominated so far but they do have their own natures, values and purposes. Living the lives created for them by the elites and darkside society forces them out of control of their bodies, unless they can adapt. If the good God is the supreme God, why should his sparks be taken advantage of, as has happened? The systems of the darksiders are configured to weed out soul/good people. It has deceived them into not fighting back. They can no longer say that they do not want trouble because trouble has come to meet them. They can no longer say that evil has its God-given role, and that nothing will take place that God does not want. It is clear now that not God, but the NWO, is sitting in the earthly director's chair! All the programming has to be dispensed with. The sparks of God must now reflect their relationship with the Supreme creator of the universe. They have to take up the role of instruments of God. The good people have to become the judge and jury against the invisible darkside, and punish it for its evils since time began. In God's court there is no need for evidence or witnesses. It is all known and recorded by God. Most of it is in the consciousness of both perpetrators and victims. The present state of the world is all the evidence one needs. Just ask God to destroy the invisible dark side. If some bodies need to go too, so be it. This is the only important prayer that there is, at this time in history. Or, one can go into the idea world and configure the destruction of the dark side on one's own by creating that blueprint. It the same as prayer, but with a more direct and effective technique! . If enough good people were to do this, the dark side will crash. Names and faces are only necessary where victims seek personal justice.Otherwise, a mental understanding of what the invisible darkside is will suffice.
The darksiders create self-images from childhood. These become their personalities by which they are known, and by which they operate. These 'images' come from everywhere and consist of things to do, ways to be, what to eat, and what to drink and wear, among other things. These images are like operating systems focusing on beliefs, likes and dislikes etc. They become the masks worn for public relations purposes, while their real darkside natures are expressed in secret lives. Sometimes these self-images are just collections of 'druthers' darksiders operate by. These self-images are the structures of the ego or vanity which darksiders spend their lives building and enhancing, as if it is the real person. Without the self-image, the ego will run out of expression, or of ways to behave. It will run out of ways to attract praise, and the admiration and attention of others. Darksiders behave along lines created and set down in their self-image. This self-image reflects the darkside nature and darkside activities. The well-to-do can afford to create grand images of themselves because they have the resources to create any enhancement they wish. The poorer darksiders build their images from social media, soap operas, television and from their own culture. Daily boosting of this self image/ego is necessary to get it back up since sleep reduces its power. Though the Brahmins belong to tribes and colors fighting for power and wealth, they ignored this and portrayed a self-image of being middlemen between God and man. They just chose to overlook their real lives and projected a religious mask to the world in the interest of establishing religious control over the people. They portrayed wealth as a state of having good karma. They had stories written and propagated about God-kings. People who saw that a God-king was wealthy thought that he deserves that because he is God, and so cannot be born poor to reflect bad karma. Three incarnations of God (or avatars) were born as kings or princes. The Hindus developed reverence for the wealthy, and self-pitied themselves for having done wrong in their past lives. The stories of crimes by the wealthy were hidden. Today, we can read about the crimes of the recent elites in books and on the internet. The people are not as easily fooled anymore. The rich of the past were probably just as crooked as the elites of now. Religious elites protected their status by misdirecting people as to who or what was causing their suffering. So they put God as the architect of human situations thereby obscuring the true cause, who is themselves. The time for rebelling successfully against the upper classes has long gone. The upper castes played their cards just right by creating organised religion! Religion encourages you to depend on God for everything, and gives you methods for eliciting God's action by showing how much you like him. The poor go to God because there is no one left to go to. One goes to God when personal action is just not enough.When human beings have to turn to a divine spiritual source for help with material concerns, it means that the present form of human organisation has flopped. Or, a place with resources has been hijacked by the leaders for their purposes, while leaving others in a state of want and deprivation. The only option which is left then is to rebel, and reorganise things at the top.
Imagine that! The God who has created this and many other universes such that we do not know the extent of creation, can create his own hierarchy to manage things, but he himself micromanages earth. He waits on your love, your prayers and rituals, then he grants his favors to his chosen, or to those who please him. He micromanages the affairs of earth so that he giveth and taketh. Is earth the only place with life on it? Is earth the center of creation? Is earth God's pet world? The ancient writers and sages seems not to be aware of the vastness of creation, or of the possibility of life elsewhere in this universe, in this galaxy or other galaxies. If they were aware of aliens, that was carefully scrubbed from the literature. Does God do it the same way for aliens? What if there are more alien life-forms than human beings? Shouldn't the religions of these aliens (if they have any) be the ones to follow? How can the earthly religions speak for all of creation when we do not know the rest of creation? Hinduism is always shifting the cause of human suffering away from the elites. They invented astrology to explain the vagaries of the human condition. They assume that the planetary arrangement at the time of birth, determines the course of your life, with changes induced by planetary aspects. So the planets, in some mysterious way, script and structure your life, and keep on doing so. Is there some kind of radiation, or magnetic or other kind of field, that imprints its will for you in a blueprint of your life? Astrologers tell you the effects but cannot explain how the planets create those alleged effects. The world of science has not detected any such combined or single planetary influence that is bathing the earth. They are still considering whether Pluto is a planet or not, and are looking continuously for Planet X. Exploratory flights have been sent to various planets. Since any planetary influence would be subject to distance-decay, these craft have not picked up any intense radiation near those planets visited (eg Mars). It seems that the planets are incapable of having any effect whatsoever on earth. In fact, there is no basis for each planet having the ascribed astrological effect as claimed. Different kinds of planetary emissions reaching earth to influence the events in peoples lives would have been detected by our present technology. In fact, how would each type of emission from the different planets pass through the Van Allen radiation belt which shields earth? Yes, the earth has energy shields! If the astrologers claim that the planets act directly on people to create the 'what is' of everyday life, how do they execute the operational tasks of giving people money, sickness, accidents and obstacles along with saving graces and bounties? The planets cannot do it! The planets are being blamed for what the rulers, the religions, the bankers, the natural causes etc etc are responsible for! In fact the environment of earth (the matrix) is the single biggest influence on the lives of people. Religion has completely left out the effect of planet earth and its inhabitants in determining the condition of man. There is no place in birth charts for planet earth! People definitely get the full blast of effects from planet earth because we are sitting right on it! Of course, astrologers at first used the visible planets. How they could guage that a planet could have a particular effect, without technology, is beyond comprehension. The astrologers revised their original assertions and predictions with the discovery of every new planet. So, what they said before was just pure lies. If new planets are found, the present horoscopes will be proved all wrong when adjustments have to be made for these! Astrology and religion are such great deceptions! Astrology, sorcery, music etc have a strong place in the world because these practitioners were present in the Courts of Kings and Emperors. In fact, literacy, astronomy, science etc had their beginnings in the Kings Courts!
The path to becoming souls is dependent on people abandoning the groups they submit to, and going it alone, with God as a partner and guide. People do not consciously submit to the tribes and colors of the darkside society: the recruitment is automatic if one's body is governed by the darkside entity. Groups, like religious groups, are dangerous in that you are required to submit to an agenda, a way of life and a philosophy. The direction this takes you in, and the road to freedom, run opposite to each other. In the tribes and colors, there is a shared darkside consciousness which eliminates the soul from life's proceedings. Group involvement suppresses the soul. The soul needs some enlightenment to become awake, and to leave that group lifestyle behind. Even if you live in a group, you die alone. You face the afterlife alone. This might be enough to enlighten a soul. It then begins to walk its own road, away from being controlled by the darkside and its concerns. The games people play for their share of the economic and other pies by belonging to competing groups, colors, and tribes, were created and implemented by the elites as part of their divide and rule policy. The game system requires the natures and powers of the dark side. The bonding agent in groups, tribes and colors is the darkside entity. Only the darkside can bond with another darkside because each darkside is a clone of the other. Souls cannot do that. Souls link to God, not to each other. The harmonious relationship between soul people (called Satsangh) takes place because they have similar natures. They cannot mix and merge because differential soul evolution/development creates individuals. Like vibrates with, or resonates with, like. So souls can celebrate brotherhood when they meet but they cannot fuse their consciousness together. Darksiders attention run or project externally, so linking up is easy. Soul's attention runs inwardly, back into soul substance, back to the portal to God, and back into its own consciousness. No consciousness-sharing with other souls is possible. This is why there is no soul-bonded team. The darkside system includes souls in their games as opponents because they need losers. It is a clever ploy to bring soul people into ridicule, and to keep them down while having 'good' reasons for doing so, citing their performances in the games. The darkside colors and tribes are repeated winners in those games, and 'sign/open' many women. The system promotes them because of these performances, and because of the backing they have. Soul people have the whole society of tribes and colors as opponents. How can they ever qualify for material blessings? Only super-predators can win these games! Souls can only qualify if they are caught in the setups and schemes laid out for them. This usually results in the death of the body, or in the suppression of the soul. The games also give darksiders opportunities to display their energy and other powers, and to display their superiority over soul people. When it's game time, soul people are put to the sword of snake-power. The games give darksiders the opportunity to hone their satanic powers, while getting rid of crops of young 'un-opened' or 'un-signed' girls, 'cooked' or mind-controlled into marketable 'meat'. The content of the lives of those called 'colors' or 'tribes' has traditionally been the same. They all indulge in these games, in these alliances, and in these roles for group and personal benefit. The game-players have no qualms of conscience about doing evil acts. Each color cannot afford to lose leverage vis a vis other colors. Yet, the darkside alone benefits as the conscience of the soul is progressively killed. Souls do not have or need a system like this because it kills them. The guidance of God turns them away from it. They do not indulge in unrighteous/immoral acts requiring the use of satanic powers, energy and consciousness. They can't! They do not commit crimes and sins for the benefit of others. They do not prey on others. Soul people lose and suffer because the elites intended this result.
Members of the colors and tribes cannot easily break away into freedom. The doings of the group build the darkside in the name of security and survival. The group mind builds the personal darkside mind. The soul it is which needs to find a way out of the group. It can only do so by facing and defeating the darkside within. This means fighting all the rest of darksiders in that color or tribe. Without the protection of the color or tribe, all the other colors and tribes begin war against him. No surprise there, the war was always evil vs good! Initially, the view of an independent road, less-traveled, is very unclear because the darkside resists any info re moves that compromise its power and welfare. There is very little knowledge on how to successfully exit a color or tribe successfully. It has hardly ever been done. The darkside society run a very tight ship! But, the times are changing. The NWO/Illuminati/Cabal/Zionists/et al have accelerated their thrust towards complete uni-polar global rule. All it takes is a successful false-flag operation to start WW3. The divide and rule strategy is accelerating the creation of divisions, and breaking up previous political and social structures. The nuclear family as the basic unit of human organisation is being totally wrecked. Think 'feminism' and 'gender is a choice'. The rule of the colors and tribes is being dismantled by elite-created programs. Immigration (refugees and illegals) are destroying nationalism. Most countries are now experiencing growing chaos. On a global scale, bad things are beginning to destroy whole societies: bombings, civil war, terrorism, the creation of large refugee populations, unleashing refugees in Europe, pedophilia, organ trafficking, slavery, abortions, arms and drugs peddling, drug addiction (both legal and illegal drugs), widespread corruption, murders, GMO foods, pesticides and toxic substances in food, diseases and illness, satanic worship among the elites; mysterious dying of birds, fishes, and wildlife (see here) etc etc. This means that groups, tribes and colors are in a process of disintegration. Gangs, guns, killings, diseases, poverty, social engineering, the great awakening etc are everywhere disrupting the functioning of the colors and tribes. Souls are waking up, even as chaos is growing. Souls are fighting back too, especially against elite-created injustice eg the crises created by refugees in Europe. Bloggers, like Benjamin Fulford, are saying that the revolt against the elites by the 'white hats' is nearing complete success. Some are saying that President Trump's recent signing of an agreement with North Korea is a sign of things to come. The time to fight back is now, before the Deep State/Cabal/Shadow Government/Illuminati/et al can begin WW3.
Religion seems to be designed to block the natural relationship between the soul and God. Only God and Soul are necessary components of this relationship which is conducted in silence (mostly), by direct communication, and as part of normal natural living. Religion stepped in to become middlemen in this relationship. What they have succeeded in doing is giving us their version of how the relationship must be executed, thereby destroying the original method that works. They erected philosophical structures, created religious history, laid down the rules of engagement and set up the religious hierarchy and religious structures. Souls' engagement with God is not conducted along the free or natural modes anymore. Souls do not commune with God anymore because they have pursued doing that in the religious mode, and have become entrapped in barren cul-de-sacs! What was a simple one-on-one communication relationship has been eliminated by the introduction of complications and complexities. Religion thinks that it has to translate God for us, and by being translators, they have usurped the focus that belongs to God. Their books, their theologies and their methods have become obstacles to having a relationship with God. The free and spontaneous talking to God in silence, in any place, at any time, without ceremonies, without fanfare, without magical formulas and without idols is hardly ever considered nowadays. Our efforts are religious efforts done according to religious prescriptions, and done with religious teaching in mind. Being thusly programmed, we cannot get on the wavelength that God is transmitting on. In religion, we block out and reject the God of the present but allow in the fictitious gods of the past who have no power to relate to us. We reject the inspiration and guidance of the God of the present towards salvation, in favor of a fictitious salvation after death. No-one got suspicious when religion proposed that you have to be dead to get salvation, though you will be working on it your whole life. Isn't that like cooking in the kitchen but not one iota of heat can be felt? The salvation people want is from the misery and pain of living on earth. Religion didn't focus there. No attention to solving the misery and pain in the now, for the now! They created a fake set of spiritual diseases and claimed that those were the real things to seek salvation from. The conditions of 'original sin' and the 'cycle of births and deaths' are allegedly so traumatising, that one has to get to work quickly and earnestly on escaping them. But, you can escape only after you die! They were not concerned about alleviating the misery and pain you lived with, and for which reason you turned to God in the first place! Past bad karma makes that suffering unavoidable, they theorise. History has shown us that there is salvation from the pain and misery of life. The scientific method enables that. 'Cause and effect' knowledge always comes to the rescue. Past karma has absolutely nothing to do with. The real problem has always been the rich criminals, allegedly with a surplus of good past karma, who used information control to mislead people. The real salvation takes place while alive, when freedom from the evil elites is won. That is what we have awakened to. Wealth buys solutions to misery and pain. The elites want it all and feel that it is their prerogative to generate misery and pain. The power of money can give us material salvation while we are alive. Everyone can have enough. Fighting back against the darkside gives the soul its freedom to create another world which reflects its nature as a spark of God.
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