Most people need a life RESET. There is definitely a need for a reset of the way material things are distributed. The elites and the darkside society have engineered systems that work for their benefit. If you help maintain or can expand such systems, you have a sure recipe to the good life. If you are peripheral to these systems, you take what you can get or suffer. The elite-created, urban-focused market system needs you to join in in order to share in its fruits. If you have nothing marketable to offer, or if you are a threat to the system, you suffer. If you chase after products and services, like darksiders, you are welcome. If you are detached or un-obsessed, like souls, you are not welcome. The elites are aware of the need for a reset, and have planned it. You can check out an excellent analysis here. Any reset that leaves the elites in control solves nothing, even though Universal Basic Income will help the poor. This world of suffering, crimes and chaos was created by social engineering. The world cannot be changed unless its operating systems are discarded, and new ones instated. The people must fight for the reset they want, not accept a reset from those who caused the problems in the first place. Keep waking up and retracting your head from the fake news and fake knowledge/paradigms which are being catapulted at you from mainstream sources. Resetting the world will take time and unceasing effort. In the face of increasing chaos and suffering, reset your own mental computers frequently to renew yourself. Embark on programs of nutritional therapies and supplements to escape elitist eugenic strategies, and to chase away death by natural causes. Remove all the malware and mind-control programs resident in your consciousness. Rid yourself of the microscopic inhabitants of your body. Cut down that darkside 'hacker' which lives in your body. This 'hacker' advances its control over the soul, if you don't learn how to reset your head. Daily you go about with your eyes being at eye level or beneath that. This focus keeps you attending to business, but you become more and more worldly, as you increasingly depart from soul consciousness. To reset your consciousness, you have to periodically discard business as usual and revisit soul consciousness. You have to undo the inroads that the darkside has made into soul consciousness. You have to restore your operating system to basic or factory settings. The only way to do this is to change the 'level' your eyes customarily focus at. You have to lift your gaze away from the world and worldly concerns. You could look at the sky and moon. It's better to sit comfortably, relax your body by closing your eyes, and mentally suggesting that the tension-filled areas of your body relax. Start from your feet and move up to the head. Then you lift your eyeballs to gaze as far upwards as it can go, with eyes closed. Inhale through one nostril slowly, and exhale through the other, alternately. Fill the lungs from the diaphragm, moving upwards, then release the air through the other nostril. Use your fingers to pinch one nostril shut while the other is open. Keep the eyeballs gazing upwards, into the nothingness of the void. In this kind of meditation, the soul's attention separates from the darkside's, and from the cares of the world, and dwells on itself. Soul's attention gets focused, strengthened and energised from the void or vacuum. A half hour is enough. You feel refreshed afterwards. The darkside most likely will respond with chatter and distractions but it will stop: it cannot follow the soul into the void. This is how to reset your head/computer by a refocus into soul's home base. It is an antidote to rampant darkside growth into materialism, and reduces its grip on the soul's attention. A variant of this method is to gently press on each eyelid with an index finger, at the same time. Keep looking at the lights that you see in each eye. Remove your fingers to return to normal. A couple minutes is enough. You can also stare into the flame of a candle, the flame of an oil lamp or into a bonfire. It restores harmony in the eyes and head. Light does defeat darkness! While working on resetting the world, reset your consciousness so it is not overwhelmed by that of the dark side.
Unable to reset the world by themselves, many try to get God to do it for them. But though they send forth so many messages via prayers, ritual and worship, no responses are obtained. Wrong choice of methods! In order to 'hear' God, you have to first stop the darkside operating system which blocks soul-God communication. The darkside is the obstacle that prevents the soul from becoming functional. You must stop all the mental noises, all the internal urges to action, the endless distractions, and the incessant soul-conquering ploys the darkside engages in. That 'hacker' into soul's consciousness must be outed or quarantined. The bacterial 'bridges' or interfaces to soul's consciousness must be destroyed. Self-images must be destroyed by insisting that you are not described by anything more than I AM. This gives you the freedom from self-limiting descriptions. The programming in your consciousness has to be destroyed by updates of truth. Discard social and mainstream media influence, the influence of race or tribe, the influence of culture,......discard all influences that are not allied to truth. Wipe your hard drive and install a new operating system based on truth. In the quiet that ensues, God's messages can then be noticed, and understood. Messages can be sent to him by the soul using the same channel, with or without words. This is communication not religious prayer. Soul must use its consciousness to direct its seeking. The body only carries the consciousness from place to place. In the seeking it is, that you find. Research for solutions to your problems, and for answers to your questions. If you find none, keep searching while expanding and adjusting the parameters of the search, as you go along. There may be something where the (darkside) mind does not want you to go. It blocks you from even considering going there by dimming your attention, by inducing forgetfulness, or by deflecting your attention into something else. The dark side does not want you to discover the truth. The elites create clever phrases/language to discourage you from considering certain ideas. So we got the phrase 'Conspiracy Theory'. The darkside elites created a world full of problems that steal your life's time, minute by minute. If the good had scripted this world, life would have been different. A global reset is necessary to evade the decadence the world has become. You have to defeat the problem-creators in order to achieve a reset. God will help in his own way but you have to do what is necessary. You are God's hands and feet on earth, so talk to him. Flowery language and rosy sentiments are for the cunning. Be simple, direct, and to the point. No fluff.....he already knows! The language you use is for effective conveyance of the message, not for establishing that God is the holiest of holies, or that you are a pious or devout believer. Leave that kind of make-believe for the religious actors. God has no need for the prayers/worship, rituals and other practices of religion. He has created the blueprints which manifest the articles used in rituals. He already owns everything. There is nothing you can give him that is your own to offer, except yourself. This is what must be offered! If evil makes pacts with the devil, why can't souls offer to work for God in this life, in return for help, guidance and protection? You do not need to remember or recite to God, any quotes of fabricated knowledge from holy books, no matter how lofty the topic. God is very simple, though possessing vast or interminable knowledge. His guidance is relevant to the real matrix you live in. Religion, on the other hand, gave us nothing relevant (or true) about of the real drama that is taking place in our lives. They did not say anything about the darkside/bacteria combo within, and the war it is making on souls by hijacking their bodies. They gave you nothing which helps you fights the darkside within. Reset yourself, then help reset the world.
Yoga and the Bhagavad Gita give us some practices which help tame the dark side but these do not target the darkside frontally. Pranayam (breathing exercises) and Hatha Yoga are great tools for health but they do not focus on the elimination of the darkside/bacteria combo. Nutrition (and nutritional supplements ) can reduce the darkside/bacteria combo but religion pays it no real attention. Christ (in the Essene Gospel of Peace Bk 1) informs that the darkside or satan is within and gives some rudimentary methods for cutting it down. There are better methods existing today for getting that job done. The religions do not explain why there is a darkside/satan-inspired script/blueprint to which the darksiders are attuned, and which targets good people using force. The darkside is the ultimate cause of human suffering, but religion pays it no attention. The darkside gets its information from satan and conducts its behavior based on this, and on its intrinsic evil nature. Darksiders alone can read what is 'written' for the good, but they do not see any scripted blueprint for themselves, as if they are god's chosen, already-free and already-evolved people, working with the motto... 'Do as thou wilt'. It is as if satan tells his sparks that no script is necessary for them because they are already perfect, and they are, therefore, free to do as they please. satan's sparks thus become the default teachers and instructors of the rest of mankind. Darksiders take what they want, and are free to do what they want because they can use superior force. Everyone else have to live by the darkside's rules which they make up as they go. To get a reset, the darkside within and outside has to be defeated. The darksiders are giving satan full expression on earth, while ensuring that God gets no bodies to use as his tools. So.....earth has become hell!
There is time enough when you die to live without a body, and to learn how to navigate that new environment then. Attend to what ails you while you are alive. This is commonsense reasoning. Hinduism, however, teaches that earthly life is full of suffering and Maya (illusion), and you have to flee from the cycle of births and deaths, otherwise you keep coming back into this suffering. They want you to forget about solving suffering in the now, and instead focus on Moksha (liberation) after death. They deem that it is better to spend time on pursuing Moksha, even though though that fruit will not be forthcoming while alive. To believe religion you have to eliminate all logic and common-sense from your life. When the upper class, who do not suffer materially, tell you to opt for not returning to earth because of the suffering here, you have to wonder! Historically, life has shown that when you get rid of the causes of your suffering, life becomes a joyful thing, as the soul unfolds its qualities, and as creation responds with good fruits as intelligent causes are put in. Creation was built with wondrous knowledge. Cause and effect can be intelligently manipulated to produce blessings instead of suffering. History proves this. Human beings know, and accept, that death comes eventually. They have learnt to live with the life cycle. Pain and suffering on a daily basis can be conquered if the root causes are neutralised. We must understand the processes and mechanisms that are at work, and tweak things to obtain good results. This world is very real (not Maya) and we have to pay attention to the welfare of the planet. The elites are destroying it. We cannot just ignore it by naming it 'Maya'. We have to appreciate nature and the living beings on the planet. This is our world, not that of the elites or religious propagandists. The earthly landscape is not comprised of objects for exploitation. It is a home that sustains life. Moksha is the real illusion, fabricated by those who have no idea of what happens after death. Attending to the requirements of after-death Moksha is a waste of one's lifetime. What counts is the life we live and the results we strive for before death. The soul has no fear of what takes place after death because it lives out it's nature of goodness. It is not attachment but an appreciation of the challenge to live and explore this creation. Creation is a testimonial to the majesty of the creator. We don't know it at birth. We learn it as we grow. Then religion and others step in to programme us. We cannot look at life as some kind of punishment heaped on us because in past lives we did not escape by making no karma, or, we did not fashion lives of material plenty by making good karma. Religion is lying. The darkside sees the world as a set of objects, as resources to exploit, as preying fields or as acquisitions-to-be. The soul looks on the world as a mystery to be explored, studied and understood. The darkside is the obstacle that is preventing the soul from living it's way.
The soul comes with love built into the substance of its consciousness. Call it joy, bliss or harmony, this love infiltrates all that the soul is, and does. There is nothing to manufacture or fabricate. You deal with a soul person and it is there for you. Darksiders have their own version of love which you fall in, give, or make. It is really a passion/intoxication of darkside for darkside. Females use love energy to produce the feeling in men. Most often, that love-feeling is an attachment created by fear of loss of the other, or jealousy, or pleasure. The competition for women in the gender games creates the darkside awakening in males, with darkside 'love' emotion being evoked. You can feel the love in the chest or stomach area or rising as a feeling or emotion, but its a product of the darkside. Defeat your darkside and this emotion disappears, just like anger, hate or jealousy. There is not much real love in this darkside-led world. The darkside society dictates the pairing of the males and females. It is a 'sex first love after' plot. Most females accept it, and live it. Those who do not comply have force used against them. Mama's boys need their boy-toys and the females need willing males. The colors and tribes get to control people like pimps do! Those who want freedom and love first, with everything else coming after, get destroyed by the-powers-that-be. The real love is gentle and exudes from the soul. It is a quality of the soul. This love has nothing to do with making love, or making babies. It exists without a cause, and without the need for another person's presence in order to manifest. The soul does not need to focus on a target, for that love to exist. This is more like a universal love. It is amplified when a personal love with another soul of the opposite gender is found. This love is built into the fabric of the soul's consciousness, together with qualities/values like morals, conscience, virtues, compassion, empathy and understanding. The real love stands in the way of mama's boys having their fun. So, it is destroyed wherever found. Soul people should avoid personal relationships with darkside others. Soul's nature is to survive, while living out it's nature, and as guided by God. Souls do not isolate themselves from the rest of mankind under the pretense of focusing on God, as the religious do. Souls live in society as builders, nurturers and healers. Souls fight the good fight. Souls are complete beings except for basic needs. The darkside attacks the soul's ability to provide it's basic needs in order to control or destroy it. The darkside controls society's resources for distribution to their own. This includes the women in the society. This is why darksiders are in the majority. Hell is here because souls cannot propagate their way of life.
Soul is God's spark. Hinduism with all its holy books and analyses of God and man confuses normal human beings. It is troublesome for seekers to remember all that religion says. Yet, believers can parrot scripture by chapter and verse as if memorising scripture to win arguments, also confers a halo! Religion created a one-being-in-a-body, who actually doesn't exist, and prescribed all kinds of practices and required knowledge for him. Religious theology of any kind is programming that blocks God out. It is what Christ calls 'dead scripture'. The net result is confused seekers trapped in a web of words and practices, but who cannot lift their noses above water to grab a breathful of the real sermon from the living God himself! Believers cannot critically analyse the teachings of religion because they are mental prisoners to cleverly crafted lyrics. For instance, Duryodhan, that evil Kaurava, was seen in heaven! Imagine the shock of serious seekers who do Karma Yoga, their spiritual sadhana, their devotion and rituals at being told that the vilest Kaurava went to heaven! It is impossible to mentally process this information. Where then is the merit in living a righteous life? But then, Hinduism excuses the evil of great demons, including Ravana, by saying that they were cursed to perform those roles. They say that the world is for the leelas or 'plays' of God. They make it appear that God's entertainment via his appearances on earth in his 'leelas' or shows is most important to him. They have created a virtual reality that is at odds with the reality that we face in this matrix. The lie about Duryodhan is just too much. And his body was seen! After death, it is invisible souls and invisible darksides which move on, not bodies. So much for that mythical story called 'The Mahabharat'. The dimension for souls is often referred to as 'heaven' because only that caliber of entity can function there. One has to ask too, how come Hinduism just leaves out the fact of the darkside vs soul war within, for the soul's body? Why didn't the Hindu avatars not mention ways of cutting down the darkside within? Did they not know of the fact that 90% of the body's cells were bacterial, including viruses? Did they not know that it was victorious darkside/bacterial combinations which create evil people, and not curses? Did they not know that the tribes and colors that inhabit earth are simply darkside clones? Did they not know that apart from the rulers, it was these darkside tribes and colors that were making the world such a difficult place to live in? Did they not know that the methods of the Brahmins (prayer, rituals and worship) do not work? But.... Hindu holy books actually have the Gods supporting and taking part in these rituals!
Soul/good people are not predatory assailants. They do not initiate evil actions and trespasses. They do not attract the attention of others to boost their egos or hunt them. They are builders, helpers, healers and nurturers, and will initiate actions in these areas. When under darkside attack, they will run, defend or counter-punch as the circumstances dictate. They will not hit first. They will take time, after being attacked, to understand the whys and wherefores, and to decide a course of action. Once decided, the course decided on will be methodically lived out. It will be designed to stop future similar transgressions. Today, good people have become as sheep. Part of the reason is that the darkside elite has cleverly deceived them into believing that to be compassionate means to forgive and forget: no counter-punching, no retaliation and no revenge/justice. The complete evil-isation of the world was set in train by this programming. Law Enforcement was supposed to trammel evil by giving bad consequences for evil action but they insisted on enforcing criminal law. Civil law was left to rot. Evil-doing, not defined by criminal law, is not corrected. There developed 'grey' areas of law which darksiders take advantage of. Their victims cannot seek redress in courts of law because these transgressions are not designated as crimes, and personal action will bring trouble. Of course, wealth and influence can assure freedom from prosecution. Religion contributed by insisting that the 'law of karma' is/was automatically enforced. So what happened was that good men did nothing, and evil received a clear path to do more evil. Part of the problem, too, was that good people had second thoughts about the desirability of retaliation. People thought of the unnecessary trouble with law enforcement, and about what will happen to their families and children if they got into trouble. The problem on earth is that putting two opposite kinds of entities (darkside and soul) created a war zone in which only the darkside portion loves war. It could have been that God set up a working system with satan doling out the rewards for sin and good karma. satan, having the power to make or break man, rebelled. He is now in the drivers seat. But, he forgot the super power of God.
Other explanatory scenarios can be posited for the presence of evil predators on earth, e.g. an alien darkside invasion. It could be that earth was visited by different kinds of aliens. The good aliens created all that was good about this planet, and evil aliens messed it up by injecting species that were predatory in nature. The darkside possessions, and the predatory among insects, animals, birds, fishes and reptiles are not consistent with the creating done by a good God. The darkside possession is the greatest single cause of suffering on earth. It comes from a dimension that breeds and houses darksiders. That dimension is a veritable hell, and is both the source and the eventual destination of darksiders. That must be faced. The soul is the agent of God on earth, with the ability to recreate the heaven it came from, here on earth. Heaven (for lack of a better word) is both the source and eventual destination of souls. There can be no deviation from that schema: souls cannot go to hell and darksiders cannot go to heaven. Bodies are just like carriages, conveying both forces from birth to death on this planet, and acting out the actions initiated by soul or darkside. The two invisible pilots of the body are engaged in a war in which the darkside is the assailant/aggressor. The soul needs to wake up and fight back against the darkside entity itself, not just the body it controls. What has happened so far on earth is directly due to the war being made on the soul/good people, not because of any law of karma. If that law operated, the evil people would have been suffering! The darksiders would have been decimated as soon as they transgressed. Heaven (soul) and hell (darkside) are now facing off on earth. Souls must wake up and face this. This life is not about chasing happiness, and it is not about the 'school-career-family-retirement' format that the elites have popularised. It is not just about earning, accumulating for the bloodline, spending, paying taxes, voting, and consuming. Reality has to be faced. Fighting the darkside for the freedom to live without interference matters most!
The soul is naturally detached from things that do not concern the expression of its nature and is attached to the things related to its basic needs. This is normal. In practice, both detachment and concern re material things and relationships are necessary. Hinduism feels that detachment across the board, as evidenced by renunciation, is ideal. But, the renunciant or Sannyasin with the physical trimmings of detachment is not the ideal human, except in the eyes of religion. It is necessary to take care of the human body, and to acquire such things as are necessary to adequately feed, clothe and shelter it. One has to also take care of dependents. Beggars/Sannyasins are not well-placed to maintain the health and safety of the body. There is no nutritional adequacy when you live on alms, or if you live in an institution which pays minimum attention to nutritious foods and supplements. Spending time as member of a cult, and doing 'cult' things is not the same as living in freedom and obeying the guidance given by God. You need the resources with which to acquire the supplements and foods with which to fight back against the dark side. You need the mental space, free from cult/religious influence, in order to do research or pursue truth. What you need in order to live as soul cannot be dismissed by denouncing them as 'attachments'. You cannot dismiss the need for material things as mere worldliness. In life, you do research to pursue knowledge or the truth about the world. Then, you keep what that truth says about what materials are essential for a healthy body and an awakened soul. You use what is good for you, and stay away from what is bad for you. It is about what is useful to you, and what is not. It is not about attachment and detachment. The soul is naturally detached from things, yet flows with the knowledge of what is good for it. The darkside is naturally attached to materials, and is always engaged in acquiring resources, or in using them to consume more. So, this religious message of attachment/detachment cannot help the darkside or the soul since they both live out their intrinsic natures, no matter what religion says.
So, Monks and Sannyasins are not well placed to fight back against the dark side. Without fighting back against the darkside, you remain a darksider. Social media is now attesting to this. Isolating themselves from humankind to better pursue God is just a barren ill-informed path. In human living, there are concerns that one has to pay attention to regularly, concerns that come up for attention infrequently, and concerns that can be entirely ignored. You do not attach/detach from these concerns but pay attention to them as they arise. Living as a soul on earth is not about attachment and detachment. It is darksiders who have a problem of being attached to things to the point of addiction or obsession. It is the darkside's nature to cling to things. Living as soul is about looking after the health of the body, fighting back against the dark side to control the body, and to explore its own nature. Using materials to get these done is not a fault. Staying away from materials in the name of detachment is a very stupid thing to do. Giving up the material world to pursue God more fully is such a lie. How can a beggar improve his knowledge without research. How can he read and understand if his alms-given diet does not support body or brain health? How can he afford health supplements? Hinduism's religious concoctions may have served the ruling elite well by keeping the population busy with God (and not with revolution) and by making poverty a meritorious thing. But it didn't do the ruled any good. Why did the rulers not become Sannyasins themselves? When the ruling class recommends detachment but does not itself practise it, is prime grounds for suspicion. Saying that detachment is the method by which you free yourself from making karma, and so enabling you to become free of the cycle of reincarnation, is a spurious teaching when you do not practise it yourself. It is the darkside which has the desire nature that creates attachments. This doesn't apply to the soul. The soul operates functionally, using stuff for the purpose. This is how to engage in a life reset, not the darkside way by chasing wealth and materials, and not the religious way by outing materials in the name of detachment. For the soul, to want stuff is not to desire them, but to need them!
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