While you can fight back and weaken the hold that the darkside/bacteria combo has on you (soul), and on your body, nothing will really change if you are totally adapted to the insane system you live in. Nothing will change if you hold on to the same tenets of behavior that you used before you physically cleansed yourself. The modus operandi which drives the body into action has to be brought under scrutiny, and edited. Darkside-induced behavior must be detected, and stopped every time it is initiated. The materialism of the darkside must be dispensed with before the 'raw' you (soul) can rise. Soul behavior is initially self-decided but later becomes customary. There is no choice but to engineer/hack your own life to magnify your real nature as soul. You are not a soul until you detect and shed all the darkside's trappings used to colonise, and live the life of, your body. Soul and darkside are polar opposite species of invisible beings. You cannot look at a soul and a darkside and say that they are the same. The darkside is not 'human'. Soul is from the God end of creation, and the darkside is from matter's end of things. Soul is locked into God, and the darkside is locked into satan, matter and material relations. This difference in the natures of the soul and the darkside, and the actual incompatibility of their substances, assure that there can be no mergence of these two to form a 'one-being-in-a-body'. This fake assumption has created a fake civilisation. When soul is living from its core, it behaves congruent to its own nature and not to the system's requirements or it's contents. It's life is a constant outpouring of its own nature regardless of the lifescripts created for it by the elite engineers. This outpouring is a natural outflow from soul consciousness in the head. This outpouring is influenced by the guidance of God, and by the guidance of the best knowledge obtained both from the soul dimension (intuition) and from zealous research. This outpouring will reflect all the internal work that has been done to clear out and transcend mind control and programming from sources like the elites, deep state operations, the darkside within, the media, education, religion, friends, family, society, etc. The system's requirements and contents are filtered and only what is relevant to soul is embraced or treated with. The physical cleansing process is very necessary in that it simplifies and reduces your workload, and gives you more power and focus with which to complete the task of becoming soul 100%. Physical cleansing makes mental cleansing so much easier because only the deeper or core programming remains to be discovered, and edited or dumped. The darkside gets tools from its satanic source to use in living the darkside life. The darkside's power has to be turned on, usually by the darkside society, guru or women. These powers include mind-reading, knowing the future according to satan, the ability to communicate with other darksides, the ability to ionise and dispense energy, and other powers like shape-shifting. These powers makes life easy to live in a world filled with fellow darksiders. Darksiders put a priority on getting their darksides awakened to those powers, and into getting the powerful women to supply and use energy on their behalf. Souls do not have darkside powers: they have their own kind of powers. To darksiders, souls are like sheep: to be hunted and conquered. Darksiders need to make soul people fear them: this is how they teach respect! Earth houses a darkside empire and it is difficult for the soul to suddenly wake up, and overturn things. If, and when, the darkside loses its darkside/satanic/astral powers, will be time enough for the soul to stir from it's slumber, and find out what's going on. That time is now! God has taken away the darkside recharging station! This is soul time now!
When soul is ruling it's body, certain programming about worldly engagements will be retained in the interest of functionality in the world eg work, social life. This idea of spending your time absorbed in meditation in some cave is sheer disinformation. True meditation is something else altogether! Wiping your mental hard drive, and reformatting it, so you can operate as a soul in this world is necessary. You see the world (the systems of operation; the races, tribes, colors and circles; the places, things and activities that consume time etc), and you format your life away from distractions, to seeking out the truth, and to live out that truth. You have to know your soul nature, so you can live it without fear of a darkside coup. Research the world because knowing what's outside of you makes it easier to steer your life. Soul ruling the body means that the hidden impulses/controllers/triggers of your behavior are mostly gone, and personal decision-making dictates behavior as far as is possible. The system dictates your behavior in other things. The darkside engine no longer automatically behaves for you. The willy-nilly or giddy-headed darkside behaviors which consumed your time and compromised your health are mostly gone. Welcome to a spontaneous consciousness which is blank unless focused in concentration on a task or doing. Spontaneity awakens when programming is shed! The blank consciousness is what mind-readers see, but it is poised soul using its third eye to look unto the soul dimension. It is seeing the blank void. Unsought messages from the soul dimension are intercepted in this place of quiet, beyond darkside interference. Inspiration/intuition and guidance are intercepted here. Soul energy and bliss floods the soul from here. This site is where the third eye vision meets the soul dimension. When the soul has a question or topic of enquiry, a flow of knowledge on the topic takes place, then or later. This is real meditation. If a little research needs to be done in order to learn the basics of any topic, do it! Inner meditation is not all there is. You look out at nature and see the work of that great architect and master of intelligence. Look at how trees are different: in height, in trunks and branching, in flowering, in leaf location and arrangement, in method of reproduction, etc. Look at the human landscape and see how the elites have configured it for their purposes, and see how 'human beings' go about living their elite-created lifescripts, believing that this is how God made it, and wants it to be. Most 'human beings' do not know that they are not souls, but are, in fact, darkside possessions programmed with the script of work/earn/spend/eat/drink/be merry/enjoy/have sex/get high/ etc. That's life, they say, unable to come to grips with, or size up, the 'what is' of this life. They have no idea of the elites who created lifescripts for the poor. The poor cannot afford to 'live' life and languish in sorrow, forever looking for a way out in everything. Can they ever get enough of everything, including knowledge, so that they can become full-fledged 'people' and souls? What is being done to them is a huge crime!
How can you alter a soul to make it better? Souls are already sparks of God. You cannot improve on it. You can only free it so it can unfold! For better unfolding of soul's nature on earth, one has to free the soul from the restraints placed on it by the darksides and their materialist systems of control. Then, one has to provide the truth about the soul itself, and of this earthly existence to it, so it can unfold accordingly. Life did not come with an instruction manual. This enlightenment will take the soul in the direction of properly utilising its time while on earth. Currently, we are all serving the agendas of the elites and the darkside society. The idea that the soul learns lessons here which helps it in its future incarnations on earth, with definite evolution towards heaven or mergence/oneness with God is evolutionary drivel. What is happening to soul here is that it is in a darkside-created prison, suffering via the lifescripts it is forced to live, while the elites seize earth. Soul's bodies are being stolen by the darkside team for their use. What lessons can come from this darkside invasion and conquest of souls' bodies and earth? Evil, or the darkside, has been created by God, like the rest of creation. They are an opposite kind of spirit to soul. They are not sparks of God, but are sparks of that opposite kind of spirit. They do not represent God like souls do. They do not work for God in the role of assisting him with the evolution of soul/good people. Souls do not need the suffering, delays and setbacks that the darkside causes to good people. As sparks of God, souls are imbued with all that is necessary to unfold or evolve. God himself guides and inspires souls in their self-realisation, their unfolding or their evolution. That earth is a school in which the darkside gives the lessons, or that the suffering they give make souls stronger, or all that happens happens for the best are deceptions and mind control programming, enabling the darkside to conduct their war against the good without resistance. These lies are intended to engineer permission for their evil-doing, with the least amount of opposition. These deceptions have coached good people to become do-nothing sheep, when evil is done to them. Turning the other cheek, too, only allows them to escalate their war on you unopposed! The darkside is making war against the good plain and simple, not ushering on our evolution. Souls are already sparks of God. Can darksiders teach them how to be better souls when they (the darksiders) have no previous training or experience in being souls? They are of a completely different specie, with anti-soul natures.
It is an evil school, with evil-doers doing the teaching. (Also HERE) The movie THEY LIVE describes our reality quite well! Souls cannot fall for the lie that earthly life is a school, and that if it prays hard enough, but does nothing, God will come to the rescue. It never happens that way. The rise of the endgame, being enacted as the eugenics policy of the New World Order, came about because the good did nothing. The deceptive mind control of the evil elites, parading as truth, worked, and is still working. We are all programmed to believe that we are alone in the body. Not perceiving or fighting the darkside within means that it is untrammeled. We credit the occurrence of bad deeds from our bodies to the religious 'facts' that we have fallen, that we are short of God's grace, or that we have bad karma/bad planetary aspects. We don't think that we may be possessed, and that it is the possessions which are doing the bad things. It won't let us even see that idea! Then, instead of learning how to fight back against the darkside, we run to religion for a solution, and for protection. Build your awareness. Think unorthodox. There may be something where the mind does not want to go! The darkside within is doing the sinning. We have to notice it, and fight it to make it stop. Plain and simple! What is really needed is materials with which to do an exorcism! (Some of that, including hydrogen water, was given in the previous post). We are immersed in an ocean of the mind control programming. We are steered into patterns of thought and behavior, as designed by the elites. Embrace the truth. Destroy the sheep consciousness! Fight back against the elites, and the darkside society. There is nothing that evil can teach the good. Evil has created a topsy-turvey world in which they use force to prey on others, while convincing their victims that it is a meritorious thing to not resist, or not fight back. They target the good because of the intrinsic hate they have for souls. Every blow they hit is meant to suppress the good, retard their lives, and promote their own. They make the good fear them. They don't want the good to rain on their parade! They keep the good down so that they can be the darkside 'stars' in all generations, and so that they can control the earth. They revel in doing evil, then preening their ego with how clever they are! The good or soul people are the real teachers on earth: they have access to the knowledge of the soul dimension. Above all, they have the guidance of God. The darkside gets guidance from satan! The good must use knowledge as a fightback weapon!
The Brahmins of India, it is, who created the theory of the evolution of the soul by reincarnation. Basically it says that you (the one-being-in-the-body) keep having life after life right here on planet earth until you learn your spiritual lessons, and become perfect enough to merge with God or get Moksha/Nirvana/Mukti. While having a basic meaning of freedom or liberation, the latter terms generally include the end of suffering, a consciousness that has conquered Maya (the illusion that creation is real), the conquest of desire, removal from the cycle of births and deaths, freedom from the effects of karma (good, bad and ugly), and an end to individuality as the soul becomes one with God. One gets the goal by learning one's earthly lessons; by special enlightenment from guru or God; by successful special spiritual practices; by doing total yoga or by pursuing yogic branches such as Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyaan Yoga, Kriya Yoga, or other Yogas; etc. This whole theory is addressed to the one-being-in-the-body who does not exist. So from the outset, we know that the theory is fake. We have the soul and the darkside within bodies. Those two forces cannot combine to form one entity because they are polar opposites. The Brahmins composed this theory in their mental laboratories, while crediting the 'inspired' saints and sages for this supposed knowledge. In the construction of that theory they passed on the assumption that God is responsible for all that happens to you. So, you have to get close to him, then he will eliminate bad happenings and maximise the good happenings. They say that you have to pray, worship and do rituals to get into his good graces. You do this life after life, until you finally get to the point where you merge with him, or get very close to him. The Brahmins don't tell you that there is no way that anyone can verify or confirm that it works or not. Dead men tell no tales! Another assumption that is passed on is that this earth is full of suffering because we are reaping our past bad karma. Those not suffering, are reaping their good karma i.e. the rich. Now, we know that what they consider to be suffering (especially poverty and disease) do have practical solutions. Many nations have implemented programs to reduce poverty and cure disease. In the old days, there was no research for solutions. Poverty and sickness has nothing to do with God, karma, or the planets sending bad things! It has nothing to do with you being deluded by Maya (taking the unreal to be real). Now we know that the elites leverage poverty and sickness for retaining control over the masses. In the old days, poverty and sickness were naturally occurring, until knowledge of how to beat these was obtained. Had the scripture-writing Brahmins seen today's affluent or well-to-do portions of India, devoid of the contents of what they called 'suffering', they would rethink their theory. Suffering today, has everything to do with the agendas of the elites, since the knowledge of how to beat it is available. Religion is the perfect magic trick: re-directing man's attention away from the darkside elites into time-wasting activities (i.e. dedicating life to the spiritual evolution of the one-being-in-the-body, or chasing heaven) and away from the darkside within, while they secretly conjure up a new world order, wherein they own and control everything. They fooled people into thinking that the elites were blessed with their good karma by God. They fooled people into pursuing religion as a way out of the morass, when all it takes is attention to the problem of socio-economic development by whoever is in charge. People without economic opportunities will not have any income. Religion suppressed people by convincing them that they suffer because of their bad karma, because God is ignoring them, or because they have some kind of spiritual deficiency! They got people to blame themselves, instead of blaming the rulership. That mentality is still rife today! Unfortunately, God did not create the economic system, neither does he run it. God owns no central banks, and he is in no way responsible for anyone's economic woes. You are not responsible for your economic woes either. Unless you manage to achieve a gainful niche in the elite's system or win the lottery, you are doomed to poverty. The elite's scripted their system for their needs and agendas, and according to their image and likeness....not for souls, or for the common man! So, if the elites gave us a system that assures global conquest, we have to scrap it and make something better!
The elites turned souls into suppressed, devalued, non-fighting sheep who do not know their worth, or the truth of earthly existence. Religion and conventional spirituality lied by fabricating truth which tied man's condition to God, and not to the elites who are the responsible party! Not threatened or fought by the masses, the elites extended their control over mankind. They had us focusing on getting a spiritual bonus in the after-life while they (the elites) gobbled up all the material bonuses in the real current life. They have us trying to engineer the spirituality of the 'one-being-in-the-body' while the the true enemy (the darkside within) runs rampant. Reincarnation theory is full of holes. For instance, the soul may reincarnate in another part of the multiverse, or in another dimension entirely, depending on God's mechanisms and systems which we really know nothing about. We have no knowledge of souls or of the worlds or dimensions they can incarnate in. Earth is not the world, neither is it the only place with life. Why can we not reincarnate somewhere other than earth? We have no real knowledge of the soul when it is not living in a body. Soul is a spark of God, so does it merge with God on death of the body, or does it go into the soul dimension to reside? What form does it take after death, if any, or is it formless? Does it reside somewhere at all? Does it need to sleep? Does it have to travel, or is it able to instantly manifest wherever it wishes? Does it instantly take rebirth in another body here on earth, or in some other part of the multi verse? Do soul and darkside return to their homebases in their respective dimensions, or do they linger on earth? There is so much that we do not know, and there is so much that we believe which are lies created by religion. Religions do not awaken us: they enslave us! It's the same throughout the system we live in in. They do not cure/help you and be done with it. They want you as a customer for life, whether it be religion or the medical establishment. Religion tells us we are here to worship God, to seek heaven or nirvana, or to spiritually evolve. That we are suffering or unhappy, makes us feel that they are right, and that we should follow their prescriptions to be better people, or to do better in life. Instead of telling us the truth, they have programmed us with lies. We don't need to seek a heaven we already have, being souls! We always needed better rulers. Religion did not consider them to be the causers of our problems. Presently, they are the problem!
We were born to live here. We can do this by seeking and discovering the truth about earth, and about ourselves. Researching these, we discover that we live within an elite-created and engineered super-structure of a civilisation that forces us to live this way. God didn't design that super-structure, and has nothing to do with it. The evil elites designed it to keep ruling us, with satan as the de facto God of this world. The leadership is the problem, not the masses. The elites mind-control us so that we evolve into the image and likeness that they have in mind for us. Religion has us chasing a fictional heaven/liberation which allegedly manifests after we die, when the situation while we are alive is where our attention, and efforts, should be. We need liberation while we are alive. We need to retake the matrix and infuse it with heaven. Our purpose in life is to take care of the here and now, according to our best knowledge. Religion ignored the war between good and evil, taking place within us, and in the outer world. That war is actively being fought by the elites via the system they own and operate. That war is being fought by the darkside society and their system. The same darksides are leveraging war against us while denying that it is so! We ignore these basic realities that need our attention most in the here and now, and fall for the fake spiritual after-death bonus called heaven. We spend our lives building up our spiritual accounts via prayer and worship to achieve this bonus, and to attract God's blessings and mercy. And, the root cause of the problems (suffering here makes 'heaven' attractive), receives no attention! All that time is lost because God does not need prayer! Heaven, unless it is soul's world, is fictional. God knows, why tell him what he already knows. God is looking for hands and feet on earth, so he can implement his agendas! We do not fight the darkside within, thereby allowing it to conquer and suppress us, thus giving satan more hands and feet! Then we wonder why the earth is getting more and more evil! All the worship, prayers and rituals done by man should have had a different impact by now! The elites created our perception of God to be in line with that of a darkside God who needs praises and ceremonies to build his ego! By praying to him and asking him for things and favors, we have invented a divine caddy-boy! You can't keep doing things the same old way and expect different results.
So, when we die, that's it for whatever earthly lessons we learn. We may not even be born here in future lives! We have been deceived that every suffering we face or endure somehow strengthens us. This is just elite mind control. We have lost the time and energy it took for the suffering to pass. Suffering and setbacks are detours from the road we travel. The darkside is responsible whether it is direct evil attacks or subtle plots. Alcoholics who attend Alcoholics anonymous claiming that they learned their lesson or malnourished people are similar victims of the darkside system of the elites. The darkside is responsible for all the evil in the world, and becoming their victims, but recovering, does not confer strength, or any useful lessons! That 'the rich get richer and the poor get poorer' is the greatest universal lesson learnt by earth dwellers. How does that lesson prepare the soul for heaven or liberation after death? There is no cumulative lesson-gathering from repeatedly taking birth on earth, and there is no point at which we get it just right so that no further births are necessary. All that is just brahmin-created fake knowledge, with us assuming that they got this from good sources. Any teaching, paradigm or theory that uses the 'one-being-in-a-body' as the key character is nothing more than deception. All those works of fiction and non-fiction which use the fictional 'one-being-in-a-body' character, are therefore nothing but lies. Fiction can be excused because we know that they are lies from the beginning. So, we have very little true knowledge about real 'human beings' in this world. The soul-in-charge is not the same as the darkside-in-charge. Each of the soul or the darkside is not in charge of the body all the time, though at present darksides are very hard to displace once they are in charge. Then again, the darkside deals with or leads in certain of the body's activities, while the soul leads in others. There is no guarantee that the controller of the body now will be controlling it later: things change depending on the war within. So all the knowledge of 'human beings' that were written, were written about who: the soul or the darkside? They are polar opposite substances, with nothing in common. The soul owns the body, and knowledge should be based on his nature and life. But, that is not so. What is written is for a materialist 'one-being-in-a -body, who is neither soul nor darkside. So, it is all fake knowledge! True knowledge begins with the acceptance that as souls, we are born into a pre-existing earthly prison which is controlled by the darkside society, and by the elites. In this prison, darkside possessions are empowered to successfully colonise our bodies, and become the architects of our bodies behavior. As souls we have been put to sleep, or reared in a state of ignorance about ourselves, and about what is happening on earth. As such, the only salvation needed is from our captors. We don't have a spiritual problem, a religious problem or an evolutionary problem. We have a problem with satan and his evil sparks possessing souls bodies and enslaving them. We have a problem with the darksiders mind-controlling the planet to believe that satan, wealth and money are the most precious and powerful things on earth. We have the problem of how to vanquish the darkside elites and the darkside society, of how to retake the matrix, and of how to infuse the matrix with heaven! We have a problem of most bodies on earth being controlled by the darkside, and of how to change that so souls can retake their bodies and get justice! If you don't fight back and defeat the demonic or satanic consciousness within and outside, you cannot be free. The fake knowledge is mind control propaganda. All the possible lessons you could learn on earth by being in this prison are just the responses of prisoners to incarceration and tortures!
Real life, real knowledge and a real civilisation begins only when souls are free to live out their natures. So, all efforts should be made to defeat the darkside, retake the matrix, and fashion it in the image and likeness of soul. The present matrix is made in the image and likeness of the darkside elites, and of the darkside society. This is not the real life and certainly there is nothing in it to learn meaningful eternal lessons from. Once our bodies are dead, all that religion calls 'lessons' cease to be meaningful because souls become totally free of the earthly prison, like they were before birth. This planet belongs to those who own the bodies (souls), not to the darksides which possess and steal bodies. Souls need to create a soul civilisation with God as boss, replacing the current bosses: the darksiders, the elites, satan, and the female hive! A darkside civilisation, which is just a practical ruse to own the earth, has no eternal lessons for soul. Destroying the invisible darkside possessions responsible for this earthly coup, and resetting the civilisation's matrix to be one in which souls rejoice, is how you start the preparation for a soul civilisation. When we get to that new civilisation will be time enough to evolve the culture/civilisation of the soul. The soul is a creative entity and we will see true genius shining, unlike in this present darkside hellhole in which creativity is stifled and the creative people, like Tesla and Rife, are hounded to death or killed. We gain nothing of value in this hellhole called earth. We only lose here, whether it is our bodies, our sanity, our health, our lives, our prerogatives, our possessions, or just simply our time. This is not a place of rewards for good past karma, or of punishment for past evil done. That is just brahminic programming. We need to be free of the rule of the elites, and of the darkside within. We need to fight a war against them, in order to live again. Do you think that they will give you real truth when as darksiders, they are about plotting to have it all, and you are the enemy? We don't know life as souls because we have never been truly free of the elites and their systems of domination and enslavement. We cannot be free until that invisible darkside entity that takes up residence in human bodies gets destroyed. Souls have the spiritual power to destroy them. Whether they are called the elites or the darkside society, they have to be displaced, and replaced with soul people. Then we will need to reshape the supporting matrix, and conceive new systems to animate it, so that freedom and other great things like knowledge, happiness and creativity spring from it. Being well-adjusted to a sick society is no sign of sanity. It is not sanity to keep doing things the same old way, and expect different results.
Only when we retake and remake the matrix so that it creates and sustains soul freedom can freedom ever be. Some think that if you live off the grid, paying no mind or homage to the elites, that you will be mentally free. Forgetting them does not change the world. You have to fight back and win to do that. In fact, forgetting or ignoring them means letting them be to continue the evil they do. It means you are not retaking the world from evil. You will not be free: just free of the thought of them. Engineering your own life must include provision for fighting back against the darkside, or else you are living with the problem, not trying to solve it. Defeating the darkside within gives you the power to launch against, and defeat, the darkside elites, spiritually. You must travel that road rather than simply being content with dodging the 'eugenics' bullets (vaccines, poisons, 5G, smart meters, GMOs, etc), their surveillance, their lifescript engineering, their social engineering, etc. Abandon most of the life-script they have fabricated for you, and start self-determining your life and behavior. You still need their money to survive: so earn some. You have God as your partner in the task of removing the darkside from all kinds of leadership (you have to occupy the matrix), and in engineering or reinventing the matrix to be one where souls matter. You cannot spend your lives praying to God, worshiping God, and in doing rituals to please God. God is most intelligent! These doings are not what God wants you to do. Talk to him as is necessary. Religious prescriptions do not work. God knows about the prison we live in. He wants you to be free. He wants you to fight back against your real enemies who devalue, control, suppress and enslave you. Forgiveness is out the question because you don't know how to delete karma: only God can do that. God wants souls to fight back, retake earth, and bring down heaven on earth. That is the fulfillment of the reason why souls were born. That is the salvation you are looking for: not trying to run away from earthly suffering into a fictional heaven! Do what is necessary to convert earthly suffering into earthly heaven! Try to be free of the sorrows you have now, while you are alive! You have to remove the 'causers' and the 'causes' of sorrow to be free from sorrow! The spiritual bonus of heaven after you die is a grand lie that covers up the darkside plot to banish heaven from earth! Religion is wasting your time fighting a fake war while alive, for a non-existent victory after death. While fighting that fake war, you live as a suppressed soul. The causes of your suppression must be dealt with, not left to cast suppression on future generations. Wake up! You are a suppressed soul just waiting for the darkside within, and outside, to be struck down so you can breathe again, and live out your joyous soul nature. That is the only real spiritual bonus you can look forward to. As soul, you came from the soul dimension: a heaven you always had. You don't have to work towards it because it is already your real home. After death, you will go there anyway, unless you are reborn somewhere. You have not fallen spiritually. What happened is that the darkside possessed your body, and is stealing it from you, for it's use. The darkside within is souring your consciousness, turning it's likes and dislikes into yours, using your body for it's enjoyments and dramas, and using your body as a tool of satan for preying on others. It commits sins and crimes, then falls back and lets you take the blame, and the punishment. Do not take the blame, and the blackmail, for the darkside's doings. Discover this enemy within, and destroy it. The tools were given in past posts. When you start to fight, God fights with you, and through you!