Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Souls, You have the power! Make it happen! 3.

Thirteen years of EMF attacks, including the last five years of multi-Smart-Meters, threaten my life. It's a darkside schemed, and created, prison. No resources or support to effect change. Need help to escape this trap. If not, this blog and I, will end! Added a DONATE button. Hoping for reciprocity! (pandava)

While the soul and darkside communicate directly and silently with their respective worlds via their respective third eyes, earthly civilisation depends on spoken or written language for communication. Body language is also used, as are images and graphics. Words are used to describe and define ideas, but they can be 'cut and paste' to create pseudo-ideas. Sentences are cut and spliced together to create a narrative or a set of arguments. For effect, inflammatory words are used, not just plain words. The intent is to 'move' the reader/listener in a pre-chosen direction, not to accurately describe an aspect of reality or to educate him. Pseudo-ideas are used to weave fake realities and deception. Believing these pseudo-ideas, one becomes mind-controlled. Religion openly tells seekers that all you have to do is believe! What has happened is that the elites have indoctrinated humans as to the nature and goings on in this world via religion, culture, the education system and the media. This indoctrination creates a mental database or intellect which stores the information. This database is referred to for fact-checking, for processing related information and for deciding behavior. This mind or intellect is fed by repetition, or updated with fresh transmissions of data via the various communication media. There are earthly facts one needs to know for living on earth. One can research or 'dig' to get these facts. More easily obtainable are elite-created and elite-peddled 'facts' which are disseminated to the masses for programming and engineering us with. Much of education is programming which must be memorised in school, and regurgitated back out at examinations, for getting a grade. It is not that you pass exams by free thinking outside the box. Regurgitation gets you the qualifications necessary for getting jobs. Truth or knowledge is another matter altogether. These require thought on certain ideas in order to understand or comprehend them. These require the power of discrimination for detecting  deceptions, crooked thinking and lies. Often, further research and fact-checking is necessary. It is the process of trying to understand, or of getting to the truth, that consciously develops the already-open third eye of the soul. Gradually, one develops the language and the mental faculties necessary for assaying or fleshing out the ideas one encounters in the soul dimension that the third eye opens out into. There is no need for memorisation because the ideas are already stored in the soul dimension/causal world: to be seen, assayed and described as needed. Access to this dimension is already there in soul consciousness. Programming includes conscious and sub-conscious memorisation. There are darkside 'voices' and technology which emulates this. These can plant 'suggestions' and ideas into the consciousness. Knowing your programming is necessary in order to eliminate it. Writing down the thoughts that come into your head is a necessary part of this cleaning process.

The soul dimension is replete with truths on any topic in the form of ideas. All that is required is competence in the language/jargon of the subject-matter, a good grasp of the subject-matter itself and some idea-assaying skill. Developed mental faculties are created by a history of probing the truth and trying to understand it. Souls, fortunately, deal only in truth in daily life. That is the only shortcut available. Soul, which has the skill to assay the truth in ideas, has questioned what the elites have disseminated as truth or expert knowledge. Fake knowledge is just a small part of their plots. So much of their lies have been unearthed and debunked that we are in a period of awakening of the human race. This civilisation is the elites' methodology for scamming the masses and grabbing the world for themselves. The masses cannot compete for the wealth of the world because wealth is what it takes to make more wealth. The masses are poor. The masses are engaged in a system in which their inferior factor of production (labor) begets wages nothing more. The elites get back the capital they put in, along with the profits or interest that accrue. The elites have the chief factor of production in a capitalist system: wealth! They never suffer for money because they print it! They also control, administer and supervise the economic system which is their own tool/methodology used to secure global ownership! The elites used their darkside cunning in making wealth (their only earthly leverage/talent) the basis or yardstick of success on earth. The darkside society, too, do it their way all the time, whether they require satanic powers or the signing of hyper-sexualised females as the qualification needed for giving access to the road of success. Whether it is the darkside elites or the darkside masses, they keep you down, marginalise or eliminate you when you cannot meet the qualifications they require for success on earth. You must have the 'mark' of the beast in order to engage in 'their' civilisation. There is just no room for soul in all of this. Soul's nature, talents and alliance with God counts for nought because the elites do not recognise it's existence. The requirement of evil deeds required for participation in the darkside society's sex school (human trafficking, sex trafficking, creating sex slaves, mind control, programming, rape, etc) means that souls cannot take part in it. The idea of being set up with a sex slave or a honey-pot is not appealing. They are thus consigned to lives of failure and poverty.

The elites' system gives primacy to those who have wealth or capital. 'The rich get richer and the poor get poorer' is the defining characteristic of the wealth-centered civilisation. The economic system reflects the materialistic evolutionary theory of the 'survival of the fittest'. This has come to mean that the rich are the fittest, therefore they survive and thrive. There are now 2,043 dollar billionaires worldwide. The wealth of this group increased by $762 billion in just 12 months and Oxfam has calculated that approximately two-thirds of that wealth is the product of inheritance, monopoly and cronyism (source). The masses only have labor which cannot be accumulated. Crony capitalism is giving more wealth to the owners of wealth. This is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Half of England is owned by the 1%. In the USA in 2014, the top 0.1% was worth as much as the bottom 90%. At the present rate of gain, the top 10% could have 100% of net worth in the USA in just 33 years! The rich love competition because nobody can out-compete them given their inherited wealth, their domination of the system and their ability to collude to own all the wealth in the system. But, owning almost all the wealth in any economy is just half of their plan for taking over countries, and the world. The other half of the plan is to print money and sell it to governments for repayment with interest. The money has no intrinsic worth and is called 'fiat' money. The government's debt is passed on to the citizens of the country. The government could well take charge by printing their own interest-free money. The bankers, however, will have none of that! We are basically economic prisoners, in need of freedom. Debt is a tool of enslavement! The global debt is roughly $244 trillions. Each American man, woman and child's share of the national debt is $220,000. You can check the per capita indebtedness in selected countries in the chart here! The question is whom do we owe? The planet's global debt is not owed to any off-planet entity! We owe the debt to the elites (or 1%) who control almost all the central banks in the world, including the Federal Reserve. They control the world. Read more here! All their plots, conspiracies and systems in this civilisation are designed to deliver the earth to them: lock, stock and barrel. Within a decade, they will control two-thirds of the world's wealth. Read about them here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.

'Diggers' and researchers have uncovered the fake knowledge, the lies, the plots, the scams, the elite-caused wars, the social engineering and other devices whereby the elites have mind-controlled earth's populations. If you control the people's heads, keep them in an economic prison, and keep them divided, you can do what you want without any opposition. Meanwhile, the elites project that this is the best of all possible worlds: a world ruled over by God himself! Their religions present God as the active controller of the earth, who distributes the good things and the bad things, and nothing can happen on earth without God's will! BUT.... it is the elites who are playing the role of that God. They are simply setting up God to be blamed for their own wickedness. They mind-control the world's peoples into blaming themselves (and God) for life's hiccups, for the many bad things, for the suffering, for the failures and for the adversities, while they (the hidden elites) are the real root causes of it all. They traditionally put the blame on their victims instead of giving a confession. The mind-controlled masses cannot emerge from their sleep or their survival issues to confront the elite criminals. The intake of chemicals (pharmaceuticals, opiods, vaccines, glyphosate in foods, etc) and the afflictions created by dangerous technology (cellphones, wifi, smart meters, 5G, etc) adds to the 'educational',  'entertainment' and mind-control dumbing-down of the masses. Even the mental effort to pursue the truth is too much for so many! It takes persistence to overcome the obstacle presented by allegations of 'conspiracy theory'. The deceptions have fooled too many. The elites/deep state have used a variety of false flag incidents to manufacture consent for implementing whatever action they wanted. The darkside elites have created intellectual justifications that legitimise the kind of civilisation they have set up to secretly manifest their complete ownership of earth. Earth's exploitation and the marketing of the manufactured spoils to people who launder their labor for the upkeep of their bodies is the mechanism used. The elites use 'think tanks' consisting of the brightest humans who are recruited by educational scholarships. Opposing the think-tanks are the soul people who measure the elites' paradigms against the contents of the soul dimension/causal world. In this way, the truth of things are known.

When soul triumphs over the darkside within, it is ready to deal with the ruling darkside elites and the darkside society. Conquering the darkside within is not too difficult a task. One has to take leave of orthodoxy if one has to have a chance of success. The orthodox mode is that which was set up by the elites as programming, propaganda and mind control. It is calculated mis-direction. It's aim is to suppress people by hiding the truth and propagating fake news. Lack of truth sends the soul to sleep! It takes a long period of engagement with the orthodox mode, before one finally comes to the conclusion that it is barren. That mode doesn't work. There are no real understandings or answers there. And if it ever appears to do so, it is not in the interests of souls, or bodies for that matter. Souls keep looking for modes of living, or for tips that really work to create good changes in various aspects of life. Souls keep looking to understand the basics of earthly life, so it can live, guided by them, and flourish. It searches and researches, within and outside, for truth with which to free itself. The elites' propagated knowledge that left the soul and the darkside out. You cannot spread truth if you leave these movers of the body out completely, while pretending that there is a single being in the body. Then you use science to try to explain human functionality in terms of genes and dna, but you cannot explain consciousness. Reality shows up their lies! The eventual discovery is that the darkside is the root cause of the problems on earth. Soul discovers that the darkside is in charge, and that they cannot be changed or bargained with. The only way forward, if one is serious about solving personal and global problems, is to consciously declare war on the darkside, and the bacterial colonisers of your body. The lifescripts created for you by the darkside elites, and the darkside society, are useless in this war: they are dumbed-down fake versions of 'you'. A new self-engineered lifestyle containing what works to fight the darkside must be adopted. The darkside within has to be detected as a  separate and completely different entity. It must be blocked out of soul's awareness at all times by cutting out the communication links (created partly by bacteria), and fought in a 'within' battle. The choice is to fight back or continue living according to the darkside-building system of the elites. In 100 years we will be all dead whether we fight or not. Fighting back is like planting a tree whose shade we will never sit in. That privilege will be for those who come afterwards!

Become familiar with the darkside within's tricks and strategies. In battle, it will speak to you, using your voice. Or, it will send messages to your consciousness. It will deceive you into thinking that you are buddies or are engaged in teamwork. It will pretend to be you! It will threaten, and talk down to you, when it senses that you are weak. It will move your body to pursue what it wants, or to get you into accidents. It will try to blackmail you into suppression by pointing out the many sins 'you' have committed in the past. That's the lie! It is the darkside itself who used your body to commit those sins, but wants 'you' to to own the blame. Do not own the sins of the darkside. The soul does not sin. One engineers and configures one's environment and schedules to go on this war footing. One must have one's personal arsenal of things like foods, supplements, tools and knowledge to fight with. Research is necessary. You keep giving the darkside what it does not want, but which is good for soul and body. You must keep cutting out darkside communications to soul consciousness, whether it is about thirsts, thoughts and messages, or desires. You must stop the darkside from using your body, or from moving it around. Detect and negate the incoming influences and manipulations of the darkside society. Awareness of darkside incursions is necessary. Pay attention because it is a war, and until it ends, you must fight, and simply 'rinse and repeat'. The darkside/bacteria alliance within act as receivers and transmitters for darkside society's attacks and manipulations, including energy transmissions, voices, sorcery spells etc. The darkside society can take possession of your body by controlling your darkside/bacterial combo. They do this to their own all the time! The darkside/bacteria combo within is the disease that you must cure. It is your greatest weakness and 'trojan horse' within. Start by destroying the bad bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds and parasites in your body. When this is achieved, the consciousness becomes lighter and clearer. The fight becomes so much easier. The tools that get the job done are the alcohol extract of Lomatium Dissectum root (viruses, bad bacteria), Oil of Oregano, Monolaurin (Candida), Colloidal silver (viruses, bad bacteria, candida), Lugol's iodine (bacteria, molds). Vitamin C has been described as the original virus killer! Dr. Jay Davidson recommends Cistus Incanus (Mountain Rock Rose) (also here) as the best tool against viruses, retroviruses, bacteria, candida, molds and bio-films! The microbe formulas site is dedicated to the removal of parasites and other colonisers of the body. Their articles are among the most authoritative! There are other tools like probiotics, olive leaf extract, garlic, thyme, pau d'arco etc. The single best remover of parasites, bacteria and toxins from the gut is Mimosa Pudica seeds. System-wide toxin/heavy metal removal can be achieved with EDTA, liquid zeolite, activated charcoal, montmorillonite clay, etc. One can use hydrogen therapy to get rid of free radicals from the body, among other therapeutic benefits. It is also listed as being anti-bacterial. Read more about this science-based approach to health here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Research widely and/or consult the health professionals before using health supplements. If you do try a health supplement, be sure to cycle out or rest from it for a few days. Give the body time to return to normal. You may also want to experiment with frequencies like 432 hz. It works. Listen to it here.

The health of the body is the first target of the darkside's attack on the soul. The darkside within opts for foods and activities that give it enjoyment and ego-growth, at the cost of the body's health. The darkside goes for taste and stimulation, not for the actual nutrients in foods. A sick congested body has a disrupted energy system. It is easy for the darkside to assert it own energy over the flesh when the innate energy is weak. Carefully select and prepare your food! Go for foods with the best nutrient profiles, and which are nutrient-dense (see here). Since it is difficult to get adequate amounts of specific nutrients from food (without consuming several kgs at one sitting), supplements are necessary. Prepared or processed food from the marketplace is a risky purchase because you don't know the ingredients used. Was fluoride-laced tap water used? Was canola oil or GMO ingredients used? Were dyes and preservatives used? Were aluminum pots and pans used to prepare the food? To fight against ill health is to fight back against the darkside, and to boost the soul. Every darkside activity or mechanism that you detect, then dis-allow or replace, reduces the power of the darkside within. When you give the darkside no avenues for expression within the body, you are shutting down the darkside engine, and consequently retrieving your health. Since inflammation seems to be at root of disease, inflammation-reducing foods must be consumed! (Also see here and here). Dr Josh Axe gives us The Healing Foods Diet. Alkaline-forming foods should be added to your diets, while reducing acidic foods. (Also see here, here, and here,). GMO foods are not safe! Avoid GMO foods or foods with GMO ingredients (many processed foods). Here are 5 GMO foods you should not eat! For more on GMO foods see here, here, here, here, here, and here). Try fasting for short periods. The darkside becomes tame, loses its dynamism and it's power when you deprive it of it's activities and sustenance. Perhaps it will melt away and disappear. Perhaps, like the 'shrew' which has been tamed, it will serve you dutifully. Perhaps soul can punish it by willing an end to its lifescript: just desserts! There are aspects of health that you have to deal with on your own, perhaps with the guidance of medical doctors trained in nutrition, herbalism, holistic medicine or naturopathy. The status quo does not accept that there are dangers associated with smart meters, 5G, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, chemtrails, GMO foods, etc, but they have a problem with accepting homeopathic medicine, raw cow's milk, kratom and marijuana. Research is necessary in all health matters. The body will heal itself if you do structured fasting, or if you feed the cells with what they need. It is God who has the patent on the human body, not any regulatory agency or any corporate interest. You are free to use legal substances as part of your health maintenance program. There are certain basic, safe, inexpensive and necessary-for-health medicines among the array of health supplements.

If the heart and circulatory system are cleansed, nourished and tonified, the risk of a heart attack is eliminated, and one will have the confidence of being safe from one of the top killers in the world. Taking care of plaque/calcification is done with the use of: a) EDTA (intravenously, anal suppositories or orally), b) LINUS PAULING THERAPY--- L Lysine with vitamin C and 500mg of L Proline, c) FIBRINOLYTICS: Among them are enzymes which dissolve excessive fibrin buildup while thinning the blood thereby reducing the risk of stroke. Examples are nattokinase (from Natto), serrapeptase (enzyme isolated from bacteria in silkworms but which can be reproduced in the laboratory), and lumbrokinase (extracted from the intestines of earthworms). Important nutritional suplements for heart health include COQ10 and Hawthorn Berries. Vitamin K2 ensures that calcium goes to the formation of bones and teeth, and is not deposited in the arteries and elsewhere. Food and drink is about feeding the cells, not about satisfying the taste buds or just filling the stomach. There are foods and superfoods! Your diet must supply: 1) PROTEINSMeat is the best source of essential and non-essential amino acids but there are good reasons (fed on GMO corn, contains antibiotics and hormones unless organic) for avoiding it. Grass fed whey is a popular choice for those wanting to avoid meat consumption. 2) Complex carbohydrates because simple carbs cause spikes in blood sugar. Whole grains, barley, bulgur, oatmeal, black rice, wild rice, brown rice, legumes, starchy and non-starchy veggies, quinoa, sweet potato, red potato, etc, are good replacements for simple carbohydrates. 3) Healthy fats and oils e.g. olive oil, coconut oil (medium chain tryglycerides), grass-fed butter, egg yolks, omega 3 oils (fish oil, cod liver oil, krill oil, flaxseed oil etc), avocados, avocado oil, etc. Low fat diets are riskyThe ketogenic diet is very popular because it de-emphasizes the use of carbohydrates which give health complications, and promotes the utilisation of ketones for cellular energy production (also here). 4) Vitamins and supplements are necessary for good health: Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K2 (MK4 or MK7). These are needed for the proper functioning of cells, organs and body-systems. Food and natural sources of vitamins are preferable to synthetic sources. 5) Minerals and trace elements are necessary. This includes magnesium, iodine, potassium, calcium, copper, etc etc. Good sources of minerals are seaweeds and shilajit. Fruits and veggies are good sources of antioxidants. Juicing and making smoothies is a must if one is to get useful nutrition from plant sources that is normally destroyed by cooking. Heart attacks and cancer are two of the leading causes of death. Lifestyle changes especially in nutrition have been found to protect against these. Nourish your brain (eg choline, raw egg yolks, etc) and your eyes (eg saffron, eyebright). Kill the bacteria in your eyes with colloidal silver. Do eye exercises (eg eye rotations; watching sunrises, sunsets, bonfires and candle flames). An unhealthy body is the darkside's playground. Health is the best defence against the darkside, and it gives you a firm platform to fight back from.

By using all the fightback tools, the darkside/bacteria combo can be defeated while soul's own well-being is increased. The inflated concerns about the external world of plenty fades. One's internal focus returns. Looking before you leap replaces the 'just do it' mentality of the darkside. If you do not make the task easier by using these tools, and prefer to go the route of will-power, you will have to constantly monitor and detect the darkside's strategies in use, and counter them. It is easier to dim the power of the darkside/bacteria combo, thus freeing oneself from constant attack. Affirmations and counter-punches against a strong darkside is like spinning top in mud! Steering away from the darkside intents and purposes by self-control is necessary. The darkside within, with the help of the darkside society, does wear you down, and always hits back where you are not looking. It is better to cut down the darkside/bacteria combo in order to safer from attack. Tools are very necessary if the war is to be conclusively won, and in quick time! Watching within develops the internal vision of your awareness. This vision allows you to perceive your heartbeat and stomach gurglings. But it does more in that you become aware of the activities of your dark side: its creation of urges and other messages meant to deceive and manipulate you into letting it have its own way. This is no conspiracy theory but facts that are observed about how things work within. Your external vision must be developed by watching the world. Your observations, often predicated on the observations of others (gleaned from research), is no conspiracy theory either. Subscribing to observations is an act of evidence-gathering not one of composing a theory of possible elite plotting. The assumptions and postulates created in the erection of a theory are generally fabricated. The observed evidence presented to prove a conspiracy are factual and shares no common ground with the word 'theory'. Just as the darkside within uses methods of conquest to enslave the soul, the darkside elites and masses are using certain methods to enslave and destroy soul/good people. At this time, however, the darkside elites have launched an endgame that targets everyone else. The methods of conquests are there to be verified. The evidence of the ravages that accompany the execution of these methods are there for you to review, and accept or reject. No amount of obfuscation or manipulated fake news can dispute the evidence of an elite plot to depopulate the earth, and to completely own it. This is not the time to sit on the fence. The evidence of the destruction being created by elite conspiracy is there for all to see. Do not let them convince you to not to watch, or to keep on looking only for the positive.  Do not be tethered to the 'fake news' programming of mainstream media. Research to find out what is truth, and what is lie. Do not convince yourself that there is a single being in your body, and that there is a single YOU known by your name. Do not let yourself continue believing that whatever happens in the body is 'you' sending a message to yourself about what you need to do, what you need to know, or what you need to be. These are the traps we fall into daily and so become obedient to the will and strategies of the darkside within! You, soul, are in charge within. Take charge! You have to monitor the darkside activity within, and put it to the sword when it shows up!


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