Help from unexpected sources enabled me to move.....but it was just from the 'fire' to the 'frying pan'. Hoping for better! There is technology called the 'Wave Rider' available, but it is beyond my reach. If this site gets taken down, please search for me with 'Fighting back against the darkside'. It may take a while, but I will continue this!
This world has programmed us with what to see when you look at another human being. Some see race, color of skin, physical features and attire. Some see religion while others see opportunity. Some see good or bad based on pre-conceived notions or profiling. Very very few look past the body-vehicle to see which of the invisible entities (soul or darkside) is in charge. The presence or absence of manners or social etiquette, the use of virtue signaling, or of simple pretense, makes a true conclusion impossible. 'By their actions, you shall know them', still holds true. We have all been engineered into having erroneous views and beliefs, and to act on them. This world has not evolved randomly or arbitrarily. It has been steered and engineered to become what the darkside elites, and the darkside masses, want it to be. Yes, there have been plots and plotters directing this charade called life, so it enhances their natures, their rulership, and their control over 'lesser' others. The darkside did not create this world but has succeeded in evolving it in their own image and likeness. To relate the truth about a conspiracy that exists is not indulgence in conspiracy theory. The latter phrase was conjured up to cast doubt on the truth about the conspiracies, and about the conspirators. The elite-owned mainstream media, and their publishing empire, are used as their propaganda arms to hide the truth, and deflect your consciousness away from it. They also help stage the narratives for the false flags, and other operations, conducted to manufacture consent, or to justify/excuse their various attacks. And, you are kept too busy with lifestyle maintenance and enhancement, with survival issues, or with problems generally, to research and dig for the truth. And the mainstream media is conveniently there, in the free time you have, to act out the lies and disinformation they planned for you, or to 'entertain' you. Yes, they are all actors colluding in the execution of a common agenda as these videos show (here, here, here, here, here, here, here). But, the elite's plans are revealed by insiders who are convinced that mankind outside of their circles have no hope of physical or other salvation. It appears though that mankind is on a different page or even a different book. The elites speak one truth on the World Economic Forum and another truth via the mainstream medla! Only the WEF reflects the reality on the ground. Most of the masses float through life, until they die, unaware of evil's war against the good. They are not self-aware nor focused on this reality. They should read some of this, this and this! They should understand that they are programmed! Life has become increasingly difficult to sustain, but not for the elites who are using their wealth and technology options to destroy humanity. It is no longer a war of evil vs good. The war now is the evil elites vs the rest of humanity. The job the masses must undertake is to find a method(s) of stopping the elites. How can they if their heads are immersed in the sex-school games, in the fafor the millionaires, billionaires or trillionaires! The evil elites have ramped up their attack, using all thke news of mainstream media, and are addicted to phones, social media and electronic games? Souls must wake up, see the problem at hand and devise fightback measures. The darkside nature of the society will not fall away until it is too late! So far, it seems that only President Putin has the weaponry necessary to stop the 'deep state'. Indeed, he has. (Also here).
A fact of life is that the term 'human being', with personal references such as 'he' or 'she', refers to imaginary entities. They do not exist in a world where there are two diametrically opposite controlling forces per body. The language to describe the reality of 'human' existence has not evolved because the elites know it, and they never let the truth slip out. The darkside possession takes control early in life and people feel it is 'them' doing the living. They see it as behaving naturally. They think that they are spiritually evolved and are blessed by God with psychic powers and energy capabilities. They do not think that it is a possession with a link to satan that is causing these manifestations. They cannot see that 'powers' is a ruse to catch them, and keep them. They cannot see themselves as souls because the souls in those bodies are suppressed. 'Powers' is the greatest stumbling block to the making of efforts to become soul again. It seems that when you have a hammer, everyone else seems to be a nail. Hammering is addictive! In trespassing against others, and in sinning against them, the darksiders are guided by guile and cunning, by programming, and by the other facets of the darkside nature. There is no conscience in the darkside possession hence their propensity for brutal acts. Only soul has a conscience. The darkside, collectively or individually, believes in using force (powers and other kinds of violence) to beat down others in furtherance of its will and agendas. Of course, they pay lip service to Constitutions, Bill Of Rights and other documents that award rights and freedoms to individuals. The darkside society insists that they are the real Government, and have the right to rule as they see fit. Since their will is supreme, they do not like 'complainers' and people who 'cry' about the rough deals that they are getting. They insist that they are God's agents because their powers were given to them for being more evolved, and that it is their will that matters. When force backs up this claim, and God himself has no say in what they do, it is a nonsensical argument. Anyone who truly walks with God can see that he took away the darksiders' powers recently. This power flux is one indicator that they are linked to satan, not to God. In every locale, there is a darksider with superior powers. He is called 'the man'. All darksiders fear or respect him because he either controls them or can defeat them. 'The Man' has powerful cohorts, and especially women, on his team. He directs the sex school, and darkside people live according to his directions and will, because they are his army. The soul/good people are reduced or eliminated according to how much he sees them as threats.
The darkside masses are fed powers and information by the same bad god or satan who feeds the darkside elites. The collective darkside crew also feeds the individual darkside. There is an occult hierarchy, with the elites commanding the biggest darksiders working with them. The collective darkside runs things on earth, and over the centuries, the society has evolved according to the norms and methodologies of the darkside nature. The darkside does things which give life, enjoyment and power to the darkside, singly or collectively. Earth has become a darkside 'depot', and this elite-created civilisation is the most effective/biggest darkside-building method/device/tool. The darkside is a possession that goes into the human body, hacks into soul consciousness via a suitable interface (optic nerve?), much like a computer virus/malware, and lives out its nature and agendas. It accomplishes this by deceiving the soul, and by the direct control it establishes over the body. It lives in the flesh and can control the flesh. The innocent soul believes that everything taking place in the body is its own doing. Nobody has enlightened them. Soul 'owns' the influences, manipulations and behavior of the darkside because it thinks it alone is in the body. Soul feels that all that occurs in the body has its origin in itself. That's a lie, but this is how the human race has been programmed to think over the centuries. They think that there is one being in the body and this being has a birth certificate and ID. They have been programmed to think that this being is the body. In fact, the body is just a protoplasmic robot which can be controlled by whichever of soul or darkside is ascendant in the body. The one-being-in-the-body deception is propagated in all walks of life and especially in all literature, in the other methods of communication, and in law. References like 'human being', 'person', 'he', 'she', all imply a singular entity in a body. But, it is not the truth, Most 'people' never discover the deception.
The darkside is a possession which gets into the body and hijacks it for its own use. It is a thief or parasite. Therein lies the reason why it seeks to prove that it is a better operator of the body than the soul is. In like manner, satan has taken over the earth and wants to prove that he is a better ruler than the creator/God. The darkside has, what can be called, an inferiority complex, and is always seeking to out-do, out-perform and catch peoples attention to aggrandize itself. Darksiders are stuck in a comparative/competitive world in which concepts like greater/lesser, bigger/smaller, more/less etc, become the lens through which the world is seen. Not surprisingly, this darkside-created civilisation has been built around competition. It is not competition resulting from the 'scarcity of resources' because earth's resources are limitless. Scarcity is the excuse for staging a rigged, competitive, darkside civilisation like this. The darksiders love competition and contests because with their numbers, inter-communication and powers, they always win. The elites are the top of the darkside hierarchy, and as the creators and engineers of this system, they too always win. Souls have no food for growth in this system because they are nurturing and cooperative. They do not see 'competition' when they look at others. Besides, they are vastly outnumbered, and they usually lose in competitions/contests because they do not have the backing of a team. The darkside is focused on the external world. They are possessions looking to prey on the world, conquer it, and to own it. They view human bodies the same way: as objects. They have no inner-focused attention, like souls do. They may recall and reflect but have no real introspective power. They are too busy 'being busy' because this leaves no gaps in their attention that can be used by the soul to wake up. They are focused on speed/quickness, and in having full schedules of actions to keep the soul out of the running. The darkside goes into action without weighing the consequences of its actions. Speed of action effectively eliminates knowledge-backed effective or righteous action. And, darksiders think that they will escape consequences because no earth-based power has the operational networks to stop them, or bring them to justice! But.....they cannot escape the souls who can make their punishment 'happen'. You cannot 'sin to win' in God's creation. God's sparks have some of making 'the word' become 'flesh' in them. Sin is reinforcing to the darkside, while good deeds (not virtue-signaling) reinforces the soul. Darksides can only be darksides, and souls can only be be souls. This is creation's equation.The darkside possessions' are the problem on earth. God and soul have to engineer their demise. Curses by soul, on the darksiders, do work! Souls have no predatory agenda, and are not interested in stealing and keeping the earth, or other peoples bodies. They own their bodies, and they were meant to live on earth. They don't have to watch their backs because they have done nothing wrong. They have no inferiority complex. They have no reason to be speedy, or have more than others, or control others because this is not built into their natures. Justice is built into their natures. The desire for justice has been suppressed by religious 'forgiveness' theory, and by the propaganda that it is hate that fuels the desire for justice. Propaganda never distinguishes between someone having a bad day and a predatory darksider whose habit is to trespass and sin.
The soul does not have the warring/preying nature of the darkside. The soul has no penchant for consuming, just for the pleasure. Being detached, soul has no lust for acquiring, for owning, for constant action, for control of others, for fake competitions to legitimise winning, for lying and deceiving, for ego-building etc, like the darkside has. Darksiders exist for preying, and for wars of conquest against souls. Darksiders are peeved that God didn't give them their own bodies. So, they have to resort to stealing or possessing souls' bodies, and use them for their conquest of earth. The darksiders have the predatory and combat powers for rolling out their natures. They do all to sideline/keep down/suppress the souls in the bodies they possess. An enabled darkside effectively locks out the soul. Both adrenochrome and wifi/emf's build the darkside. This competitive civilisation offers little for the soul to grow with. There is simply no true knowledge on the subject. For darksiders, everything, including human bodies, are objects to be owned, controlled and used. They have no ability to bond with others, or with nature. Soul nature is quite different, even opposite to the darkside's. The soul is simple and innocent. It is healing, nurturing and compassionate. The soul does not sweat the fevers that inhabit the darkside consciousness, driving them to be destructive. Soul is a constructive being. It is not covetous, greedy, carnal, ruthless and brutal, deceptive etc, like the darkside. It does not have a comparative/competitive consciousness, or a hostile, trespassing and cunning nature. The soul is calm, friendly, blissful, and detached but compassionate, knowledge-seeking consciousness. Soul comes with the powers it needs to live out its nature. But, on a playing field designed and overrun by darksiders, they have no powers that can effectively counter the darkside's. The soul lives in the brain and the development of mental powers to back up the quest for truth or knowledge is a life's priority. Truth, collectively, is knowledge. Once the truth is obtained, one can live it. This makes for a successful life! But, there is no heaven on earth because souls cannot live out their natures, being suppressed by the darkside. The darkside elites commandeered the brains of the world to work for them while carefully directing which areas are to be researched. Those areas of research have helped the elites dominate earth. Soul development has not been one of those areas. Wealth-power trumps all powers of both the darkside and the soul.
The darkside society runs things according to their own forceful natures, not according to what is legal, good or true. They reward those who support their schemes and methodologies, and punish those who are different, who resist them, who do not have their qualities/nature, or those who are good. Unless you live like them, and unless you are prepared to 'sin to win', you will not ever make it in this world. The 'mark of the beast' must reign supreme! They will discriminate against you, and keep you down, while trying to eliminate you. They will laugh at you, while they destroy whatever goodness that is left in society. They have a huge number advantage. They have the darkside 'psychic' inter-communication and messaging system. Though they function as separate tribes and colors, they collude and support each other because in effect, they are all darkside possessions in control of bodies they use, but do not own. Add the darkside female 'hive' to the equation, and their collective killing by snake power and control of the sex school, and it is a wonder that good people still exist. Not surprisingly, it is darksiders who control the management of local economies and supervise the distribution of wealth. So when you add economic control and numeric control to the force of satanic energy and other powers, the darkside is formidable. They can devise and implement all the crooked customs and practices, call them games, and then 'sin to win'. With the support of the majority of bodies, they call it democracy. The fact of their rule being backed by force makes it a demonocracy! The sex school is their greatest tool in their war against goodness. As the game proceeds, both genders get to build their darksides, maintain and hone their darkside powers, get to advance economically, and win.
The good guys, included in the games as window dressing, are told..... 'You have not 'opened' any females, so nothing for you'. Mama's boys get first taste, economic uplift, and create mind-controlled boy-toys for their continued pleasure. The females are taught to become eye-candy and sex-candy. Yep, the darkside refers to cooked females as food! In the sex school, they adhere to the methodology of the predators: hunt/chase, catch, kill, cook and eat. Thereby, the darkside lust for pleasure is satiated, as even orgasmic energy can be shared among themselves. The darksiders flipped the script on the good who promote 'love first and sex after'. Now it is sex first and love after. Only, the love never materialises because the darkside can experience attachment but never love. The females are bought and sold as if they are 'meat', or just another commodity. The number of crews working on the female every day, completely suppresses or destroys soul qualities like honesty, fidelity, trust and love. The darkside uses 'pulling' and 'tying' as their method of relating to others. This works on the darkside. The soul can smell the bs from a mile away! Meanwhile the mind-control executed on the females destroys the propensity for original thinking as the whole operation builds the darkside, and allows expression only in certain sex-related directions. The way to destroy society is to target and destroy good people materially, and by building the darkside in everyone, especially the women. (Of course, nukes and bioweapons can do it too!). The darkside has the numbers and powers to get that done. Even while they indulge in their darkside way of life, they assuage their guilt by going to religion for salvation. There is no question about if they sin. They reward it. For instance, they reward the 'signing' of a virgin female who has been mind-controlled to not resist sexual overtures/attacks (the 'cooking' and 'washing' they do is mind-control), even though it is tantamount to rape. And if the darkside masses are involved in so much evil, the elites, whether local, national or international, are involved in even more evil because they have the wealth, power and authority to do whatever they want without fear of reprisal. The cases against Epstein and Maxwell has revealed some of this. Depravity increases with wealth!
The darksiders claim that the sex school exists because the teenage females want to know about sex. That is the justification they present for the pleasures enjoyed by mama's boys, and for the despoilation of the young women in every society. The 'sex school' is a cleverly constructed satanic, or satan-building ritual, which at the same time puts souls to sleep while destroying soul/good people. It is part of the darkside-created FOUNDATIONS protocol by which earth is governed. All the competition between the good and the darkside, as advertised, is fake because both the 'target female' and mama's boys are darkside. Yes, they are on the same side. They are in the plot together: on the same side. They combine to let the good guy know that he is a loser! Setups await too! Soul/good guys are included in the games as 'opposition', and learn of it after the fact! Then they see the target female making frequent appearances in their lives. This peaks their interest! Then, before they know it, she is 'stolen' and is on parade with mama's boys. This leads them to investigate. It's as if they was being set up! At the same time, the souls/good guys continue to be attacked on all fronts eg with snake power, by the darkside voice brigade, by their employers, by their co-workers, and even physically. Darkside inter-communication is a winner all the time. Management, which is darkside, cooperates in making them ruined and destitute. They are kept poor and suffering so that they will opt for a lesser female in the hope of getting out of that ruination. It seems that taking females as a wives means acquiring an ally who will lobby for them with the darkside society, so that they may get the means of survival. But, the supporters of the 'sex school' and the various tribes and colors do not let them forget who the 'target' female is, and what moves they should make to get with her! The choice is clear: wait on the target girl and be caught by the darkside, or take a substitute and be caught! The souls/good guys are kept at a level where they might compromise themselves in order to get their basic needs for survival.
Soul and darkside are radically different from each other. Souls are sparks of God and darksides are bits of satan. Their natures are different. Their access to human bodies are different: souls come with the bodies and are causally attached to the bodies, while the darkside does not own but possesses the body, and hijacks it for its own use. Soul and darkside have opposite natures. Souls come from a good dimension and the darkside comes from an evil dimension. Souls are refined consciousness while darksides are gross consciousness. The darkside is addicted to the ownership and consumption of materials, while souls see themselves as tourists on this planet, and do not seek to build legacies and empires, as if they won't ever be leaving. The darkside is trammeled by it's nature and cannot depart from it, just as souls cannot depart from their own natures! Souls have God as a father while the darkside's father is satan. Darksides think that the preying and warring powers given to them by satan is the ultimate power simply because they can kill, reduce and conquer the good, without reply from soul or God. Yet, they cannot conceive of powers and energies that are more subtle and more effective than theirs. Do they think that it by sheer accident that the good God created the multi-verse when satan cannot create anything original? The satanic tribe can only alter what God created by genetics. God has his own modus operandi which satan and his darksiders cannot know! So, while darksiders think that their powers and energies are the highest, since soul people cannot block or defend from it, there are energies and powers that soul people, backed by God's power, do have. God created the universe from nothing. He initiated a blueprint that manifests to this day. Satan is a product of God's creation and he cannot be bigger than God. The powers touted by satan, and the darkside, are not the supreme powers. They can work against bodies dominated by the darkside/bacteria combo, but this combination can be defeated. All one has to do is destroy the bacteria within (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts etc) in order to be free from their control. One also has to become aware of the darkside within and fight him.
Somehow, the sleeping souls, in the bodies ruled by the darkside, must be given the bits of knowledge that will help them awaken, and do their own fighting. Sleeping souls must be told that there are two beings within, and that they have to begin to rule the bodies that they own. What appears to be one being within, has to be separated to reveal the two beings that actually exist. The soul must disallow or ban the darkside from all actions that it can produce. Soul can see the darkside's actions, and its efforts to act unilaterally, and must utilise all its knowledge, logic, wits and mental abilities to defeat and reduce the darkside. It will be a kind of see-saw war but a soul on the warpath for total control of the body will grow in strength, and have a victory. It helps if you destroy the bacterial possessions which work with the darkside within. The darkside becomes more manageable then. Once the separation of the two different consciousness' occurs, life is not the same. What was a darkside war on soul becomes a soul war against the darkside within. Living the life of soul pre-empts the darkside from having familiar trails to revel in. The good nature must block out the evil nature completely. Once this war begins in earnest, God does step in to help. God is the ally we must walk with. The darkside walks with satan, and soul must completely remove the satan-darkside link by boosting the God-soul link. The internal battle is not difficult for the soul to fight and win. The battle with the darksiders on the outside is more difficult. Staying away from them is advisable. When the internal battle is won, there is little that the darkside society can do about it, or can do to you. When you walk with God, God walks with you! The darkside elites are another problem altogether. There is little that the masses can do beyond staging widespread rebellion. That,too, may not work. Consider that the elites have control of all the nukes, poisons, bio-weapons and more. But, all is not lost! Souls/good people can draw on their legacy of being sparks of God, and make justice happen. God created by making 'the word' become 'flesh'. Souls have some of that power too. Traditionally, spiritual people have lived by giving blessings for good deeds, and putting curses on the darksiders. The guilt for the evil they have done, makes the darksiders liable for punishment. No darkside can escape 'scott-free'. It is the only real weapon the soul has against the elites and the darkside society.
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