I first presented some of the predictions by the Spiritual Research Foundation about Armageddon and WW3 in this post. They have recently given an update to their original predictions. These predictions were what they saw in meditation. Their team-leader has vouched for their accuracy. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of these predictions. The SRF are the only ones whose predictions are current and the ultimate test of their veracity is whether they happen or not. I prefer to look at the actual predictions made, and pending their actual occurrences, vouch for SRFs veracity. For one, I do not see eye to eye with certain portions of their spiritual paradigm. For another, they have aligned their predictions with the timeline given by Nostradamus. The prophecies of Nostradamus have been used extensively for propaganda purposes. I remember one documentary on Nostradamus saying that the Anti-Christ will be a Muslim. The global Elites, however, are already doing that job!
Nature will be wreaking havoc on the globe. This will continue up to 2018 . The SRF, however, probably does not know that Scalar weapons and HAARP can be used to duplicate nature at work. So, what appears to be nature's doing could well turn out to be war by secret weapons. In the years 2017-2018, the SRF claims that WW 3 will be at its zenith and probably billions will be dead. They have stated that India will lose a half of its population. This will amount to over half a billion lives lost. America, China and Japan are slated to lose 'innumerable' lives. There is no mention of Russia, Europe, South America, Africa or Australia. Chances are that they will lose many people too, either from direct involvement in the war or from collateral damage. From now on, the good forces will begin winning until they become on par with the evil forces in 2019-2021, and thereafter completely defeat evil. Then (2023), according to the SRF, Armageddon will be over and done with. '. This is probably the beginning of the one thousand years of peace that Nostradamus wrote about! As a background to the machinations of nature and of the warring Nations, the Divine Hierarchy will continue their sending of good energy, increasing their input in 2014 and regularly thereafter. We can say goodbye to snake-power and tension energy from the darksiders.
The predictions state that 2012 marked the turning point in the battle between evil and good (The Mayan Calendar's true significance). Key to this was the Divine Hierarchy's defeat of satan's energy in the battle taking place in the Subtle realms. I noticed this change. Others do too but they think that it is either an 'awakening' or the result of a pole-shift. satanic or snake power was a real obstacle to the good people. Its removal means that good people can fight back and win from 2013 onwards, drawing level with the evil forces in 2019. From 2013-2015, the SRF predicts turmoil within Nations expressing as "......small wars or clashes, commencement of riots within nations, revolt of the people against the system at a national level.....". The SRF places responsibility for this turmoil in laps of 'negative' forces. While some of these confrontations are being engineered as chess moves in the geopolitical game, some of them have to do with citizens being fed up and willing to fight back (eg Iceland). Who are the real 'evil-doers' and 'anti-social elements', and who will be making war against them? It is best to overlook the SRFs interpretations and go with just the predictions. The SRF predicts that WW 3 will begin in 2015. There will be a great loss of life by 2018. From 2019 onwards, the battle will be even. The good forces will complete their victory in 2022-2023. This is a mere 10 years from now. So apparently, it will begin quickly and end quickly.
I think the SRF are serious people. They have correctly predicted: 1) The energy change caused by the victory of the Divine Hierarchy in the subtle evil vs good war, 2) The escalation in natural disasters, 3) The internal squabbles, revolts and turmoil in countries around the globe, 4) The beginning of winning by the good forces eg the good forces have so far stopped wars against Iran and Syria by mobilising the truth against the false pretences for war. Russia, too, has used its military and navy as a deterrent. WW 3 and Armageddon is serious business. We have to be on the lookout for more provocations towards war, and act accordingly. We have to watch out for natural calamities, and in all scenarios make the moves which ensure survival. Survival in this current kind of world requires that we dump the old how-to's of living and adopt more relevant versions. Those still asleep will keep on chasing dreams, hobbies and system-created patterns of existence. Prepping means the reduction of fixed assets and the lightening of one's load for purposes of mobility, especially if you live in a city. Remember the Samson Option: any warring group or nation facing defeat may decide to take the world down with them! Their missiles are already aimed at enemy cities! You cannot accumulate too much survival stuff because that will make you a target for those many unprepared who suddenly awaken. You have to learn to live off the land and to protect yourself. Moving to other countries may be a good move. The Protocols of Zion, however, promises simultaneous coups everywhere. Will WW 3 pre-empt the unfolding of such plots?
UPDATE: This post continues at this link:
There, I have updated the predictions of the SRF. Their other predictions have largely failed to manifest. In fact, they have redone their timeline of events. I no longer subscribe to their predictions or to their philosophies. Please be advised!
Nature will be wreaking havoc on the globe. This will continue up to 2018 . The SRF, however, probably does not know that Scalar weapons and HAARP can be used to duplicate nature at work. So, what appears to be nature's doing could well turn out to be war by secret weapons. In the years 2017-2018, the SRF claims that WW 3 will be at its zenith and probably billions will be dead. They have stated that India will lose a half of its population. This will amount to over half a billion lives lost. America, China and Japan are slated to lose 'innumerable' lives. There is no mention of Russia, Europe, South America, Africa or Australia. Chances are that they will lose many people too, either from direct involvement in the war or from collateral damage. From now on, the good forces will begin winning until they become on par with the evil forces in 2019-2021, and thereafter completely defeat evil. Then (2023), according to the SRF, Armageddon will be over and done with. '. This is probably the beginning of the one thousand years of peace that Nostradamus wrote about! As a background to the machinations of nature and of the warring Nations, the Divine Hierarchy will continue their sending of good energy, increasing their input in 2014 and regularly thereafter. We can say goodbye to snake-power and tension energy from the darksiders.
The predictions state that 2012 marked the turning point in the battle between evil and good (The Mayan Calendar's true significance). Key to this was the Divine Hierarchy's defeat of satan's energy in the battle taking place in the Subtle realms. I noticed this change. Others do too but they think that it is either an 'awakening' or the result of a pole-shift. satanic or snake power was a real obstacle to the good people. Its removal means that good people can fight back and win from 2013 onwards, drawing level with the evil forces in 2019. From 2013-2015, the SRF predicts turmoil within Nations expressing as "......small wars or clashes, commencement of riots within nations, revolt of the people against the system at a national level.....". The SRF places responsibility for this turmoil in laps of 'negative' forces. While some of these confrontations are being engineered as chess moves in the geopolitical game, some of them have to do with citizens being fed up and willing to fight back (eg Iceland). Who are the real 'evil-doers' and 'anti-social elements', and who will be making war against them? It is best to overlook the SRFs interpretations and go with just the predictions. The SRF predicts that WW 3 will begin in 2015. There will be a great loss of life by 2018. From 2019 onwards, the battle will be even. The good forces will complete their victory in 2022-2023. This is a mere 10 years from now. So apparently, it will begin quickly and end quickly.
I think the SRF are serious people. They have correctly predicted: 1) The energy change caused by the victory of the Divine Hierarchy in the subtle evil vs good war, 2) The escalation in natural disasters, 3) The internal squabbles, revolts and turmoil in countries around the globe, 4) The beginning of winning by the good forces eg the good forces have so far stopped wars against Iran and Syria by mobilising the truth against the false pretences for war. Russia, too, has used its military and navy as a deterrent. WW 3 and Armageddon is serious business. We have to be on the lookout for more provocations towards war, and act accordingly. We have to watch out for natural calamities, and in all scenarios make the moves which ensure survival. Survival in this current kind of world requires that we dump the old how-to's of living and adopt more relevant versions. Those still asleep will keep on chasing dreams, hobbies and system-created patterns of existence. Prepping means the reduction of fixed assets and the lightening of one's load for purposes of mobility, especially if you live in a city. Remember the Samson Option: any warring group or nation facing defeat may decide to take the world down with them! Their missiles are already aimed at enemy cities! You cannot accumulate too much survival stuff because that will make you a target for those many unprepared who suddenly awaken. You have to learn to live off the land and to protect yourself. Moving to other countries may be a good move. The Protocols of Zion, however, promises simultaneous coups everywhere. Will WW 3 pre-empt the unfolding of such plots?
UPDATE: This post continues at this link:
There, I have updated the predictions of the SRF. Their other predictions have largely failed to manifest. In fact, they have redone their timeline of events. I no longer subscribe to their predictions or to their philosophies. Please be advised!