Monday, September 17, 2018

War or no war? 1

The SSRF  had predicted that in 2016, Pakistan would be hit by a 'massive' earthquake. 2016 has come and gone and there has been no such earthquake there.  I emailed the SSRF about their apparent failure to predict correctly. I asked them if they are still sticking to their listed predictions. They are maintaining that their given time-frames are fluid because of the intercession of saints. Another prediction that was supposed to be fulfilled in 2017 did not happen: The Middle East was supposed to be obliterated by bomb blasts. The Middle East is still there! Initially I presented the work of the SSRF on the strength of their predictions being what they saw in meditation. Their prediction of an increase in natural disasters was quite correct. Considering their failure to predict correctly and not admitting that failure, I will not feature the SSRF in my blog anymore or continue to give validity to the timeline that they originally published. The SSRF has since edited out their predictions (in April 2017) to eliminate the massive earthquake in Pakistan in 2016, the prediction that the Middle east will be razed to the ground by bomb blasts in 2017, and that the USA, China, India and Japan will suffer massive population losses beginning in 2018. In 2017, they pushed back the date of WW3 to 2019. I think it is unethical to make predictions that never happen, and still try to maintain credibility by rewriting the script. They credit an inaccurate timeline to the intervention of saints in altering events. While this may be true, there is no evidence that this actually took place. In fact, if one follows the writings of Benjamin Fulford, the good forces have been fighting the Cabal or the NWO, and are winning! It seems that the election of Donald Trump to the US Presidency has changed things around. The Deep State/NWO/Elites/Cabal still wants to start WW3! The latest news from Fulford (herehere and here) backed by revelations of Q and other Anons on Twitter (here) support the fact that the 'white hats' are fighting the Deep State/Cabal/NWO, and successfully so. To some extent, Sorcha Faal's research corroborates the writings of Fulford and the Qanons. Qanon is not 'a deranged conspiracy cult' as described by mainstream media but is a team of researchers and supporters. So, if the Illuminati/NWO/Cabal/Deep State is being taken down internationally, one should be lending a hand by joining in, and helping out according to your means and talents. Fight the good fight against evil for you freedom both within, and in the world. At least, help wake people up! Souls are born to download and print heaven on earth, not to cooperate with, or just ignore, the darksiders who are busy downloading and printing the hell that engulfs us, and is suppressing/suffocating us to death! (Fulford's most recent posts here and here are even more encouraging).

Here is the response of the SSRF to my enquiries in 2017:

"Higher level Saints are able to cross the barrier of time and predict events with great accuracy. On the other hand, as WW3 is a monumental event that will be taking place, Saints of the highest level may alter timeframes marginally to help society prepare for calamitous times. For example, instead of all the nuclear weapons being dropped at once creating a complete catastrophe, such Saints may intervene and stagger the timing of how many nations are hit at a time by weapons of mass destruction.​ ​​
Higher level Saints have the power to intercede on behalf of society with God to prepare seekers in society for such times. Smaller events like an earthquake in Pakistan may or may not happen or may be delayed depending on the spiritual​ practice of people in that area. However larger events such as World War 3 are a certainty and will start after 2018. Generally, SSRF would not get involved with predictions as we limit ourselves purely to the spiritual guidance of seekers. Yet in this case, we have made an exception and have provided timeframes due to the seriousness of the event. This is so that seekers can hasten their efforts for spiritual growth to sustain through the adverse times."
Kind regards, 
SSRF team

The elites have constructed underground safe havens for themselves, but not for you! They know that war is coming because they have plotted it. You should review my previous posts on the subject, for example:

The Rothschilds are the richest people on earth! All wars are Bankers' wars! The elites have the power and influence to determine the human landscape, to induce changes in it, and to make it into their own image and likeness. We thought that God  controlled everything, including the distribution of wealth. We thought that nothing happened that was not permitted by God. That was our programming. Our own observation proves that it is the elites who are doing all the distributing, as if they are the gods of this earth. They are using their wealth and organisational power to keep controlling earth for their own purposes. I have already given you the various organisations and organisational structures the elites have gathered in, for collusion in the administration of the affairs of earth. Most of them keep a very low behind-the-scenes profile. Elite ownership and control of the media enables this kind of invisibility. The agents of the elites can no longer deny the existence of the various elite groupings, or label any exposure of these as 'Conspiracy Theory'. The term 'Conspiracy Theory' was created to block you from believing the fact of elite domination and control of earth, and from believing their involvement in criminal activity. They themselves informed us of their goal of a New World Order. The NWO has had a pretty long history, according to non-mainstream researchers (see here, here, here, here, here, here, and here). Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini in 1871 is widely quoted as proof of a conspiracy to stage 3 world wars. It is amazing how reality reflects elite-created conspiracy. The spearhead of the New World Order in recent times, David Rockefeller (and here), removed all doubt when he said: 

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. . . .  The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries". (source)

He also widely quoted as saying
“Some even believe [the Rockefellers] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as ‘internationalists’ conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I’m proud of it.”

WW3 is planned to be the final tool used to destroy most of the human race by direct death, by nuclear winter and by the general aftermath (radiation, societal breakdown, no food, no human services etc) of nuclear war. It is easier to kill billions/millions than to control them. The old world order will have been destroyed and a new world order instituted. The Georgia Guidestones indicates that the target population after reduction is less than 500 millions. The current population of the world is 7.2 billion people. The existence of the Illuminati and the New World Order is real, not conspiracy theory. Polls indicate that many in the west think a major war is coming. Bloggers and sundry experts think so too. There are psychics and meditators with predictions on WW3. You can get their predictions online. I place no faith in them. Prophesying based on psychic connections are proving to be fake, as has happened with the predictions of the SRF. The truth must be obtained by logical analysis of current news and trends. You have to put the truth together for yourself. If you reference other people's efforts, you limit your grasp of the truth by the errors they make. The first step is to get a couple reliable news-aggregating websites which update frequently. These sites are good because they have sources all over the world: and are two of the better sites. If you are looking for advanced warning so you can begin to execute your plan for escape, you might want to monitor social media sites like and Information travels quickly to these sites. Just set up an account and proceed to the groups that deal with current news. There are other social media sites you might want to try. Of course, if you live in a 'hot' zone (extreme liklihood of being attacked) you might want to have an exit strategy already worked out. Depending on where you live, there might be bomb shelters available, or at least a program for emergency evacuation. If you have the money to leave your place of domicile and move to another less vulnerable area, please do. Better safe than sorry. But, know what you are in for when you sever ties and go to a strange place. You go to unfamiliar territory, probably needing to learn a strange language, having to grow new roots, needing to make a new life in all ways etc etc. Mike Adams (The Natural News website) migrated to Ecuador, then returned home to fight the Deep State. This is a lesson for all. Stay and fight for your country rather than allow the Rothschilds/Illuminati/Cabal/Deep State to displace you. The white hats/good guys in the USA, Europe and elsewhere are now standing up to, and fighting back against, the plans of the New World Order. Fulford's latest posts indicates that the Khazarian-originated NWO/Cabal/Illuminati/Deep State rule can collapse in THREE months. It appears that Trump has beaten the Deep State and only the final checkmate move is pending. Fight! Besides, where will you go that the NWO does not have a plan for?

There are three major world powers: USA, Russia and China. Then there are coalitions like NATO and BRICS. One must observe these in order to size up the possibility of war happening. In recent times, the USA has invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia etc (see here). See here for a list of wars in which the USA has been involved. Russia did invade Afghanistan and the Ukraine. China has occupied disputed islands in the South Sea. While we cannot discount the fact that Russia and China can start the next world war, the US has been the most active in invasions and interventions, and with the Deep State's hate for Putin and Russia (can be deduced from utterings of powerful people both Liberal and Conservative, and from the preparatory preludes to an assault on Russia), one can expect the USA to start the next world war. But, it is not as simple as that. One has to get into the specifics of today's political reality, and not rely on superficial statements.When one says the 'USA' wants war, it assumes that the 'USA' is a single homogenous unit. That is not so. We have two political parties. Donald Trump of the Republican party is the President, having convincingly beaten the Democratic party's Hillary Clinton. Since that election (Trump was given no chance of winning by the mainstream media and their 'polls'), the Liberals/Democrats have made war against the Conservatives/Republicans. Trump is being investigated by Mueller for collusion with Russia in order to win the elections. This has been described as a witch-hunt or a silent coup, and the investigation has produced no evidence of the charge after roughly a year and a half. Hillary Clinton is not being investigated despite her long list of misdeeds including Benghazi, Uranium One, The Clinton Foundation corruption, and the deleted emails from an unauthorised private server. Trump and his team of 'patriots' are fighting back. Trump has declared war on the 'fake news' mainstream media, on illegal immigration, on corrupt people in the FBI, on child trafficking etc. Trump has also declared war on the Deep State or shadow Government who apparently runs things from positions of power and wealth. He has set out to drain the swamp. The USA is a country divided with the Deep State seemingly in charge. It is wrong to say that the USA wants war when it is the Deep State which actually is pursuing it. As President, does Trump agree with thrust towards war or is it being executed in spite of him? Is he just like a figurehead? Or is there a deeper scenario unfolding, like an intricate game of chess? Trump did put matters of war entirely in the hands of the military. As in the past, the Deep State and the mainstream media are colluding to have war with Russia.

Eight months have already gone in 2018 and there has been no war, despite all the signs that pointed to it. The patriots in the USA rallied to support Donald Trump as President. His promises, aligned to an anti-NWO/Deep State stance, has made him very very popular. The people supported Trump partly because they felt that Hillary Clinton would lead them into war, given the chance. What set Donald Trump apart from previous presidents is that he called out the 'fake news' mainstream media, and is warring with them. It is now apparent that the mainstream media are experiencing a loss of patronage, and popularity. Even social media which is discriminating against Trump supporters, and Conservatives generally, are coming under Government scrutiny for censorship. The mainstream media is the mouthpiece of the Illuminati/Rothschilds/Deep State/Cabal, and there is no war that they will not provoke or support. Trump is fighting a war against the Deep State or the 'Swamp' which still controls in so many ways. The Deep State wants to get rid of Trump. In fact, some think that they will nuke a city to get rid of Trump! Some erroneously think that this war against Trump is because he is an outsider. The truth is that for Trump to fulfill his promises to the electorate, he must fight against the Deep State which wants to run things in the business-as-usual mode. While some accuse Trump of belonging to the Deep State/Swamp and even suggest that he is a Rothschild puppet (based on his past), this may not be so. Apparently, this fightback against the Deep State has been long in the planning. It is said that the white hats in the Military and the three-letter Federal Agencies approached Trump to be their man for the job. He accepted and here we are today. Despite the outer significators pointing to war, Donald Trump has met with the North Korean leader, and the Russian leader successfully. He has made overtures to have a meeting with Iranian leaders. The 'white hats' seem to be defeating the Deep State's efforts to make war. The NWO/Illuminati can start war by using false flag events. Most recently this was done in England (Skripal poisoning) and Syria (Chemical attack). Support for war diminished when these events were shown to be false flags. False flag events are conspired to manufacture support for war or other policy. Presently,  the world is waiting for another false flag chemical attack in Syria which the NWO will use to justify war against Syria.

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