SOURCE: (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dj_T0m1W4AE53xi.jpg)
You, the owner of the human body, are a soul. Your consciousness is not yet fully aware of who you are because it is suppressed by a darkside possession. This invader, allied with bacterial colonies, have erected a mechanism within for overpowering the soul. This darkside engine takes away the control and use of the body from the soul. Soul is deceived into believing that it is alone in the body. It assumes that everything experienced within is it's own doing. It, therefore, freely goes along with whatever stimuli and promptings that comes to its awareness from within. It reasons that if it is causing everything within, why shouldn't it flow along freely with all that is happening. This is where soul has gotten it wrong. A single name applied to a single body does not mean a single being is on board. Language has singular personal pronouns like I, ME, YOU, HE, HIM, SHE and HER which fortify the deception that there is one being in the body. Referring to a living body by phrases like A PERSON and A HUMAN BEING further cements such a belief. Having everybody from family, friends, sundry others and Government treat you as a single being in that body completes the deception. Soul comes to own every stimulus and prompting that arises within. It does not even imagine that the operating system it relies on is actually that of a hacker. It cannot believe that the darkside is the author of the stimuli, of the promptings, and of the resulting behaviors. It is unwilling to believe that it has it's own different operating system which is suppressed. Everybody else is doing it the same way. This darkside engine does come into scrutiny at certain times, like when the soul wanted to address things in a certain way but the result was different. When bad things are done and a stunned soul wonders what all that was about, the darkside engine comes under scrutiny. It is when the soul experiments with self-control that it realises that it has opposition within. There is something in there which wants things it's way, and it will oppose contrary moves. A questioning soul will ask how come things are being decided within when soul itself has not made a decision, or even thought about the issue. If soul is the one doing the monitoring, who is it that is doing the engineering within? Once the soul becomes aware of what is going on in its body and consciousness, it will detect interferences. Soul must monitor it's world within to detect the darkside engine. Doing a journal that records all that transpires in the body and consciousness is the best way of managing this. Knowing how it works within enables the soul to use trial and error experimentation to stop the manipulation. Taking responsibility for all actions and not doing an action until it is consciously decided and approved, is the way to stall the darkside engine. No behavior is allowed to 'happen' unless consciously approved. This is self control. But, relief from darkside interference by just blocking its attempts to control behavior does not remove the problem. It keeps coming at you in unguarded moments, and constantly creates, seeks out or targets your weak-points and blind-spots. The darkside within has the help of the darkside society in the battle against the soul. They trespass against the soul, bothering it with plots, setups, attacks and accidents. Soul can't afford to give up large chunks of it's life time to surviving darkside attacks and operations. A decisive counter-attack must be staged. Soul must take up its weapons and end the nonsense by a frontal attack the darkside/bacteria substances. When the enemy within is defeated, there is no able traitor on board to sell out to the darksiders on the outside. There is no weakness within to be exploited. They can kill you physically, but as a spark of God, your future is assured. When this tour is over, soul goes home!
Destroying the darkside's bacterial/viral helpers using
Lomatium Dissectum (buy your raw roots cheaply
large doses of the alcohol extract work quickly and effectively),
papaya leaf juice (where mosquitoes bite), and Monolaurin (kills bad bacteria and Candida) restore
internal peace. Other measures like Oxygen, Hydrogen Peroxide, Ozonated
water, Iodine,
thyme oil, Oregano oil etc get the job done too!
Rife technology
involves using specific radio frequencies to kill specific bacteria
that reside in the body, but you can hit the darkside substance itself
with certain frequencies (eg 432 Hz and 528 Hz) and weaken it. The darkside/bacteria combo has set up sniper locations and pathways that it uses to leverage it's attacks on the soul's attention. In which location on the body does the 'rage'-influence originate? Who is it controlling the hands when you lash out? Why does the upper body stiffen lock up? You can use Rife machines to directly hit the darkside by
using frequencies to counter the vibrations/energy it uses to influence/overpower the soul. Remove yourself from every source of dirty electricity
(including microwaves from cellphones, cell towers and related
installations) because it energises the darkside! There is a variety of things that can counter darkside energy including meditation for energy,
Orgone/Orgonite ( much of these are ineffective though orgone-producing machines and a device called a
POWER WAND make a difference in the context of high EMFs),
music (disharmonious sounds and EMF energy hurt you, see
here and
frequencies, different kinds of
light therapy,
light and heat therapy (
Biomats),etc, etc.
You have to make the body/flesh as unwelcoming as possible for the darkside engine to operate in. Good health does this. Fasting for short periods disconnects the darkside/bacteria combo from its customary consumptions (it will try it's all to get you to quit) while
giving the body's systems a chance to reset. Fasting is a way of restoring control of the body to the soul but the real challenge is to properly feed the cells, not to starve them.
Fresh nutrient-rich organic food (
no wheat except organic or use potato bread, organic veggies and fruits, no meat, no pasteurised milk etc.), aminos, vitamins, collagen, bone broth, minerals (lugol's iodine,
magnesium etc, seaweed, shilajit etc), herbs, fresh plant juices etc.... go a long way in creating a healthy body. The
protocol of Dr Mark Sircus is very helpful in this respect (cheaper alternatives to his sources do exist)! You must
detoxify your body by fasting, by neutralising free radicals, by eliminating arterial plaque (calcium, fibrin, Lp(a), the liver regulates cholesterol levels automatically), by removing heavy metals and toxins like pesticides, by removing food additives like dyes and preservatives, by removing
fluoride (borax...see Earth Clinic for details), etc. Fluoride is a confirmed
neurotoxin. Your war chest should therefore include plain non-calcium EDTA, Vitamin C and L. Lysine plus Proline, Liquid Zeolite, Cilantro, Serrapeptase/Nattokinase/Lumbrokinase, Chlorella, activated charcoal and any supplement that acts to cleanse the organs and systems in your body. Yoga (meditation, breathing, physical exercises) is necessary. A rebounder is ideal for low impact exercise and for tuning up the lymphatic system. Humming or OM sounds generate vibrations that counteract the darkside's ability to send forth it's own attacking vibrations. Strengthen the musculature, tendons and ligaments of your head and neck.
Nurture an alkaline body which creates harmony within, which takes care of bad bacteria and related diseases, which is oxygen-rich, which retains a surplus of anti-oxidants and automatically pre-empts calcification. In short, you have to conduct a war within to convince the darkside that your body already has an owner-occupier, and that invaders will be repulsed by any means necessary. Then again, for soul to fight it's battle it's way, and for it's benefit, it cannot let the darkside infiltrate itself into soul's life and mess things up!
The darkside possession occupies the body, and from there it launches it coup against the soul. The bacteria and viruses live throughout the body, except for the brain. The basal party of the brain, the Limbic system, has been found to house a collection of bacteria. According to Swami Sivananda, the soul is about the size of a thumb and dwells in the inner sanctum of the mid-brain. The soul is composed of a very refined or subtle invisible substance. The darkside is a crude or gross invisible substance. The two kinds of substances cannot mix or co-locate. The darkside is warring against the soul, and the soul does not know it. The darkside does it's thing boldly and without hindrance. The soul needs, and has, a brain in order to download itself, and to upload this world to its consciousness. It uses the central nervous system, the senses, related organs and the complete physical architecture to function in this world. The darkside's home-base is the gut of the human being but it can expand or contract vertically. It seems to use the primary blood vessels to access the head and the chief senses. If one takes the minimum size of the darkside and adds it to the consciousness-size of about four pounds of bacteria, the soul is smaller. The soul and darkside/bacteria combo are different kinds of consciousness. Their natures are completely different. The darkside has the nature of a predatory usurper/thief while the soul has the nature of a happy homeowner. The soul has no axe to grind or point to make because the body is it's own. The darkside is a thief of the body. It wants to dominate the soul and use the body for its purposes. It even imagines that it is a more worthy user of the body than the soul could be. It possesses the body very early in life, perhaps from the womb itself. Under the present systems we live under, and with the present high population of darksiders, the darkside within gets all the help it needs to grow beyond the soul. If soul does not beat the darkside in youth, there is little hope for this in adulthood when the system grabs hold of everyone. Education makes a difference if it encourages knowledge-seeking. When education becomes a means for getting qualified for a career, the darkside can enhance its materialist nature without an awakening of the soul interrupting it. The bacteria are all about consuming to reproduce, thus building their colonies. The larger the colonies the greater the powers they develop, and the more they can influence their hosts in their favor.
Man has been deceived into believing that his brain puts him above all the rest of creation, and that lesser beings are not as worthy. This perhaps justifies killing living things for food but it is not a correct appraisal of lesser beings. The consciousness of lesser beings have the same attributes that human consciousness has: awareness and intelligence. Physical forms limit what they can do, but then man has not studied them diligently.
Apes can light fires!
Trees are sentient beings! The bacteria within are both aware and intelligent.
They can communicate! The darkside possession is aware and intelligent. The soul has awareness and intelligence (brain assists the data processing but is not of itself intelligent). The awareness is the power of attention. The darkside/bacteria combo hijacks the attention of the soul to manipulate it, and to dominate it. This is done via interfacing with the optic nerve. Bacteria accumulate in the eyes and they conduct the hijack from there. The darkside itself rises via the blood vessels to affect the eyes and optic nerve. If the darkside/bacteria combo can successfully steal and use a human body, and remain undetected, where is the superiority of the human being that we tout? The darkside/bacteria combo uses tricks, feelings, sensations, moods, energies, urges, hallucinations, memories, suggestions etc to prompt the soul to allow or to do the desired action. The unaware soul goes along with all this in the assumption that this is all it's own doing. The soul does not know initially that it is all a setup, and in time, every option for behavior is dictated by the darkside/bacteria combo. The soul becomes asleep at the wheel: giving life to the body but leaving its operation to the darkside. The soul has come to believe and accept the 'one-being-in-a-body' theory, and cannot go beyond this level into the truth of a divided internal kingdom!
But, soul is always looking for knowledge. If it pursues education and uses logic to develop a 'bullshit meter', it can easily sense lies and deception. This helps it to sift through the lies, programming and propaganda which pervades schooling. It develops a knack for sensing which books and readings are fake, and which have some truth. It all begins with reading or listening and trying to understand (comprehension). The soul erects ideas from the words/sentences/paragraphs it reads. Words are just symbols which are arranged in sentences to create recognisable ideas. Ideas might be about concrete things or abstract things. The soul does have the faculty of imagination or visualisation (no good word exists to describe this power) that converts language into ideas. Real meditation begins when ideas are cross-referenced with other ideas in the mind's eye or third eye. You measure certain ideas against the backdrop of other ideas that you have in store to detect their congruence or their difference. This is idea integration. Then you accept the ideas if there is a good fit or link-up with what is already there. You can tweak ideas or delete them to build an intrinsically consistent overview or knowledge or philosophy that is evolving/trending towards truth. This is easier to do than to describe. In the process of continued research and efforts to understand, the lies and programming get stripped away and you have related or congruent ideas in your mental library. Integrating your ideas eliminates logical inconsistencies and deception. Idea integration goes on automatically in the subconscious as linkages and connections are made or unmade. 'Sleeping on an idea' is a reliable process. Consciously, however, logic applied to true data never fails. This is the foundation on which knowledge is built. Your database of truth exists as a web of knowledge in your 'cloud' or Causal World storage. You access this with your third eye vision. You refer to it thousands of times a day. The darkside asserts its methodology to get soul to bypass looking before leaping. A soul anchored in the Causal World with its third eye vision is at home, and it is very happy. From here soul expands its knowledge by research and delves deeper into the truth of stored ideas by idea- integration. You can connect or link ideas or remove links between them. You can edit the ideas to remove falsehood or to add new truer data. You can blend in new ideas into the stock you have already verified by establishing correlations and by making tweaks in the direction of greater congruence. Research is necessary to expand your knowledge-base, to increase your horizon of ideas and to add in details. It is only by synchronising the ideas in your web of knowledge or overview and by adding new data that you perfect your knowledge. When physical research does not supply new data, you probe into the unknown or void while focusing on an idea that you want a deeper understanding of. When you get a flow of connected ideas based on the idea you are probing, you are being helped, guided or inspired. This is new knowledge. There are those who can go about doing their daily business from the state of meditation. Time ceases to exist.
These people excel in their respective fields. Things that disturb soul's way of doing things (like noisy darkside materialists and ego-builders) are shunned like the plague.
Soul people prefer to be alone rather than interact with people who try to catch and butcher his attention. There is no common ground with darksiders who begin yawning when soul begins to flow: darksiders are like fishes out of water if their pet hang-ups like exotic possessions, sexiness or beauty, notable consumption, pleasure-filled escapades, starring roles, increasing net worth, or mundane sundries (including talk and back-talk in the making-it-up-as-you-go-along tradition) are not the topics of conversation. It is because of the darkside system that souls cannot live out their happy knowledge-pursuing natures and are forced to focus on the joyless materialist existence created by '
the happiness trap'.
The soul has the ability to access old and new knowledge in the causal world. This world is like a conscious library which helps process the ideas/ knowledge as soul tries to understand its way to truth. A competent all-round soul has many 'books' in its causal-world library of knowledge (the original storage medium or cloud). Just the mention of a topic and the appropriate book becomes available for download into language. A 'book' can also be called a channel. Soul can have several channels available at once but focus and concentration means only one channel operates at a point in time. This is the same idea behind the concept of multi-tasking. Souls have near-perfect audio-visual recall originating in the causal world. This is not related to short-term memory which can be short-circuited by the darkside. It is all accessible by the awareness or attention of the soul. The attention itself is multi-sensored much like a bar-code reader. The rays of attention enable the sizing up of circumstances, objects and ideas: roaming across them until their configuration and ramifications are understood. Soul has an unlimited attention-span, with full concentration and a pinpoint or expansive focus, as necessary. Soul can download all kinds of ideas and influences from the world of ideas. Many talents are accessed and downloaded for use in this world. These talents can be used physically without a pause between download and usage i.e. the talent flows. This is described by the word 'inspired'. The excellent talents and abilities of souls arouse the hatred, jealousy and envy of the darkside. So they have embarked on a program to possess and use souls' bodies to show that they can outshine souls, and be a better user of the body. Darkside law runs the world. Darkside substance is intelligent (not in soul's class though) even without a brain to use (their home-base is in the body). But because they have no brain to use and have no real data-processing ability, they are easily programmable. They have good short-term memories. They prey on darksiders by capturing them and wiping their memories and programming them. This kind of mind-control is part of the sex school: they completely disorient the victim then allow behavior along lines that they want. They can also pimp their victims to do what they want. They can even inflict multiple programs on their darkside victim resulting in multiple personalities. They try the same thing on soul people but they have to build up the dark side within before they can 'wash, cook and clean' it. This is mind-control. It cannot work on a soul who has access to the causal world. They cannot succeed where the soul knows how to cut his own dark side down. Mind-controlling the soul is impossible since darkside powers cannot affect soul substance. Cutting out the expression of the soul to control it reveals the ignorance of the darkside: soul deals in ideas which are beyond the ability of the darkside to intercept or manipulate since it cannot journey into that world. So....the darkside corrupts the soul's mental equipment with fluoride! And, they try to build the dark side within or torture the soul's body to get a victory.
The elites and the darkside society do not allow souls to have their attention free of
tension, or free of
a multiplicity of concerns and distractions. As if the process of making a living, paying taxes and
eking out a survival is not enough, they keep you in busy engagement with issues that they have deliberately created to affect you. The elites are busy creating
false-flag psyops for
manufacturing consent for their agenda.
The mainstream media uses fake news to enable this agenda. In fact, the media colludes with the other arms of the
Deep State to execute plots.
So you spend your life paying attention to what concerns them, and very little time is available to properly assay your real concerns and to do justice to them. You spend your life giving your time, labor and resources in seeking survival from a system that works to the greater benefit of its creators and their successors. In fact, to get an acceptable wage, you are required to attend University. There you parrot what they teach to succeed without being closer to understanding the world.
You emerge brainwashed! You are probably being
programmed to delete reality. If you research and come to see what is really happening,
they lock you into labels which make others look down or you or question your credibility. If you happen to unearth the factual reality hidden behind their facade of propaganda and express it online,
they censor you.
Censorship is a war on human awareness. Both censorship and fake news serve to pre-empt the ability of truth to come to your notice/attention.
The elites use psychotronic and other methods to destroy the mental viability of special targets, and of the general population. In addition, they lock the darkside's attention so securely to what's not good for soul, to darkside pursuits, to
their preferred system-offerings, and to their history of things that the soul finds it most difficult to transcend the programming and the propaganda, and so become free to see 'what is'. The system created by the elites uses the mainstream media and the darkside society to perpetuate and promote the status quo, while hiding the true nature and agendas of the elites. To talk of the conspiracy of the elites is to be branded a 'theorist'. All the facts of conspiracy you present receives a question mark! The rich and famous are held up as heroes and as examples that you should honor and copy. Of course, that bubble is bursting with recent revelations of
elite satanic worship,
pedophilia, child trafficking, sexual orgies, and elevated levels of corruption. It is through demonstration effects that the rich spread their culture of corruption to the masses....not that the darkside masses need any help in that direction. Soul has its work cut out for it: clearing the garbage that clogs up its attention and disables its abilities and access to truth.
The current systems of the elites and darkside society
suppress and compromise the attention of the soul but lift up and magnify the darkside's attention. This world is constructed to be about what is important to the darkside. The controllers won't say that they deliberately target the attention of the darkside but it is only by this doing that they can perpetrate and sustain a system based on materialism. There is serious
dumbing-down taking place. The know-how of living as a soul on earth is completely hidden while how to be a darkside and succeed, is ubiquitously propagated. The system destroys/victimises good/soul people and blames them in defence! The system gets and keeps its customers by catching, manipulating and building of the darkside's attention.
The system programs you by the know-how or training it gives you, or forces you to adopt, for living the roles you live in the stations of life you are in. Males and females are programmed. Businessmen and the military are programmed. Employers, employees and the unemployed are programmed. Scientists, teachers, God-seekers, journalists and writers are programmed. Everyone who takes the programming the world offers on what to do, and how to do it, is programmed. The really insidious programming is done by the occult hierarchy, by the darkside society, and by the direct link with satan.
The mainstream/social/entertainment media are the elites' tool for social engineering delivering trends like feminism, sexual deviance,
diversity and
porn. Religion delivers it's own kind of brain-numbing, will-stealing or sheep-creating propaganda. You are held in the system by necessity, force or coercion, if all else (temptation?) fails. Only the wealthy (because they rule) and the thinkers (because they can see through the system) know they have choices. Many thinkers are yet to arrive at the point at seeing deliberate darkside infestation of human bodies. This is the elites secret strategy for controlling the planet. Darksides are the programmable life-form which need the elites and what they offer the world and do not pose a threat to them. Darksides are of low intelligence and will not ever see the big picture or question their darkside superiors: the elites. The Occult Hierarchy is busy putting darkside possessions into bodies
and manipulating them. Of course, they prevent you from leaving the system too, as people who try to live off the grid come to realise! Everybody seems to be pulling, tying and manipulating the attention of the darkside: especially the elites, the women, the media and advertisers. You 'pull and tie' the attention of darksides within, and you get control of bodies that behave as you wish, and do your bidding. The darkside's attention pulls the attention of the soul along with it, like an unwilling dupe. The captive soul is forced to go along but will not wake up unless it's debacle is forcefully brought to it's attention. Some kind of enlightenment or it's kind of 'food' can change things. Deception is employed to make the soul feel that there is something for it in the things that the darkside attention runs to. That everybody else is doing it this way is often enough reason. The internet has brought some enlightenment and souls are waking up. Alternative news sites developed to bring things like true news and natural cures to soul people. The elites do not like souls and denied its' existence when they formulated their definition of what
a legal person is based on mercantile law. All the while fueling the darkside entity and manipulating it to serve their agenda. The darkside masses get what it wants (materialism), and the darkside elites get what they want (total control). The darkside masses love to latch onto causes to fight for. Elite social engineering gives them such causes (feminism, racism, etc). The elites implement 'divide and rule' successfully using things like politics, racism and other natural or created differences. The darkside fervently supports the causes it is programmed to engage in or be loyal to. It is kept busily engaged in distractions, while the soul remains unfree to roam and assay the truths of 'what is'. The darkside likes to play itself, and to enjoy or have fun. The system has this kind of food in abundance. The darkside uses the body for enjoyment, but few will discover that until the mechanism is understood. The dark side within loves the intoxication of drugs and
sex to the point of obsession/addiction. Good people also indulge in intoxicants because a sated darkside, reveling in it's intoxication, gives the soul a breather! Life has become a matter of buying and selling, earning and spending, having more and consuming, enjoying and having fun, preying (hunting and catching) and eating (consuming) etc etc. Life has become a celebration of the darkside nature propagated by, and overseen by, the elites and the darkside society. The elites manipulate the attention of the majority, who are darksiders. This blocks their souls from taking charge.The elites have created a
Surveillance State to spy on you, to get data on you for targeted advertising and for keeping track of you for their purposes!
Surveillance is done by private corporations in conjunction with Government as part of the anti-terrorism plot.
The darkside's attention automatically runs externally, into the world where everything is just an object to be used, consumed, acquired, played with or preyed upon. The darkside's attention is in it's substance, but when it tries to focus on itself, it goes into boredom, mind-reading or hooking up with other darksiders or satan. The soul has an attention that is located in it's consciousness ( not really focused inwardly) and goes externally when it needs to. Staying inwards is no problem for soul since it is complete. Soul is not fixated on materials or materialism. It has no designs on the earth beyond basic needs. In fact it like a minimum of responsibilities, engagements and commitments. It has no darkside desires and therefore no need for enjoyments, pleasures and fun in excess of that which arises as part of it's daily conduct of life. It is the owner of it's body and has nothing to prove. It has the bliss, the ever-fresh consciousness and the knowledge puzzle to solve. What the system does is make all external seeking the province of the darkside by giving darksides the success, and creating failure for the soul. When soul tries to go in the external world for its material needs, the darksiders in charge discriminate to deny it any success. So the darkside is given material success, social acceptance, and such engagements/preoccupations as it needs to stay in control of the body. If you don't have the 'mark of the beast', you cannot be a success. They want soul to stay in it's shell while the darkside becomes a rising star. That, soul can do. Patience is one of soul's strongest attributes.The elites program the dark side using the media and religion to attach to beliefs, and to act from them.. It can then pretend to be an upright citizen with rights, freedoms and social status. The darkside is given resources with which to enhance its possessions and social presence. This is darkside-rearing, and programming. The operating system of the darkside has free passage in this sin-and-let-sin world because darksiders are all dedicated to destroying goodness and good people; because it has the protection, the blessing and the backing of this darkside world; because the backing of wealth is accepted everywhere; because its assailant-type, beastly/predatory nature is the common modus operandi among peoples everywhere; and because all darksiders are hooked up to the same satanic force/database. The 'mark of the beast' is the only password accepted for entry into the world of material plenty. It is also the only password accepted by the darkside masses for free passageway throughout life. The elites and darkside society have created a complete system for the domination of earth by darkside possessions. You know that darkside culture prevails when darksiders tell you (soul) that you should 'grow up', 'wake up' or 'go down'. They want you to join in their party or dance, or their parade and not be a spoil-sport by projecting your own soul consciousness. So, they kick you down! Darksiders hate souls because by virtue of their knowledge, souls are always ahead of them. This occurs, too, when soul fights back against the darkside within and conquers it: You automatically go ahead of all darksiders! The darkside elites and the darkside society are themselves part of the colors and tribes with the 'pack' mentality and consciousness. They have the same likes and dislikes, so they work as a team. The leaders/elites add to this by
devising special operations to enhance the darkside operating system or to destroy soul people. Darkside likes and dislikes along with beliefs, intrinsic emotions/feelings/qualities (like darkside love, hate, anger, rage, jealousy, envy, greed, ambition, desire, preying, cunning, controlling others, daring, enjoying, intoxication etc) form the basis of the darkside's operating system or engine. Will-power and asserting that one is soul makes little difference. Self-control makes some difference.
Research fuels the awakening soul. One has to live the lifestyle of the soul. This, however, triggers an ongoing war within. To win the war in a very short time is the goal. To do this, the suggestions given in this blog re cutting down the darkside/bacteria combo by a direct assault on these substances, must be explored. Then, the darkside stops looking like a formidable foe. It is only when you lift up yourself (soul) away from the influence of your darkside that you can shed your intellectual and other prisons, and see that satan supported his favorites in their plot to control and govern the world, using their control of money-printing and the exploitation of earth's resources. This world has a satanic not a divine (God) system. When you fully become soul, you become an instrument of God. He then guides you into your fighting niche for the creation of a God-blessed system. Therein lies your real happiness, and that of the rest of humanity. You need to get to the position where you can help the fightback, instead of just seeking to escape from prospective hot-zones of war!